The Gas Station

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///Todoroki's POV///


The bell by the door rang once I had stepped inside. The gas station was bigger than I had expected. It almost looked like a mini grocery store.

I was one of the only people here except for the cashier and a few people in the store. I thought that I might've drawn a little attention with the suit, but luckily everyone was too focused in their own lives.

"Now where is the soba..." I mumbled to myself.


Someone else walked in. I only stared for a moment, but he seemed to be about my age, shorter than me, with spikey blonde hair... doesn't matter, I just need to find the soba.

I walked around the store, but to my surprise I found no soba, but I did find some instant noodles. I'm not the spicy food type so I just grabbed the regular kind. Next to me in the isle however was the same spikey haired blonde. When my hands reached the pack of noodles he scoffed.

"Excuse me?" I asked him. He looked to face me and paused for a moment. I could tell he was staring at the scar on my face, but then he just continued to speak.

"Sorry I just think it's dumb how your picking out the regular kind." He replied. Why did it matter to him what noodles I got..?

"And that's dumb why..?" I asked again.

"Because you're obviously too weak to handle the spicy ones." He replied.

"No, the regular ones are just better." I argued with him.

"What even is a guy in a fucking suit doing in a gas station?" The blonde asked.

"To get noodles." I answered honestly.

"Well if you're going to get the regular instant noodles at least get the good kind." He said as he handed me a different brand.

"Do they taste different?" I asked him.

"Have you never had- yes they taste different princey." He gave off a smirk at the last word.

"Princey?" I questioned him.

"Oh sorry does that offend you, your majesty." He replied.

"I don't get it..." I said. What was he talking about? Was it a joke?

"I- ugh whatever, just buy your dumb noodles." He returned to looking at the shelves instead of me. Eh, it doesn't matter I just need those noodles...


"Everyone get down!"



///Bakugou's POV///

Shit! The guy who shouted was some random dude dressed in all black. He had a mask covering his face so my guess was he was here to rob the gas station. After he shouted no one moved, there were only 4 other people in here other than me, princey, and the cashier. If he was being cautious of cameras he was probably here to rob the place.

"I said, GET DOWN!" He shouted a second time, this time bringing out the gun he brought. When he said it everyone did go to the floor. Even if he had a gun I think I could take him, but I wasn't going to be stupid about it and end up getting killed. Still when I got down I got in a squatting position, to get ready to move when I need to.

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