Chapter 2

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"Pfft! I can just imagine Yuzu-chan's expression" Matsuri said as she laughed softly
"Hm? You're going to drink?" Lina asked
"Hell yeah bitch!" Matsuri said
"But won't your mother kill you?" Lina asked
"You'll reek of alcohol" Furto said
"Oh relax. Mei-san will let us stay at her place" Matsuri said
"I doubt Aihara-san letting you and the others stay at her apartment" Lina said
"But Yuzu would obviously let me stay. I'm her little sis after all" Matsuri said
"What about Harumin?" Asher asked
"Is she still in her trip?" Sakira asked
"Unfortunately yes. She hasn't told me when she was coming back..." Matsuri said as she sighed
"Awww the baby misses her mommy" Lina said
"Hey!" Matsuri said as she growled
"Haha! Just joking" Lina said. The door opened and a woman stepped inside smiling warmly
"Morning" Udagawa said as he smiled at her
"Morning" Maruta said
"Oh hey Maruta! Have you heard anything from the Taniguchis?" Matsuri asked
"Sorry Matsuri. Micchan hasn't called yet" Maruta said as she walked up to the counter
"Meh who cares. Ah! Hey Maruta. Would it be alright if I crashed at your place tonight?" Matsuri asked
"Hm? What for?" Maruta asked
"Matsuri wants to get drunk tonight because she finally got into college" Lina said
"And she doesn't want to get caught by her mother" Asher said
"Hmm? I'm not sure. Harumi wouldn't like that especially you getting drunk. You're still young" Maruta said
"And just because your mother was drunk back in her high school days doesn't mean you should do it too" Lina said
"That would set a bad example for Inori" Asher said
"Oh relax. Inori is doing fine. Thanks to me he is a little sweet cinnamon roll" Matsuri said
"How is he still innocent?" Furto asked
"Oh well I have to cover his precious ears whenever Nitski and Juhin are around. Mother says that he doesn't want him to turn out like me" Matsuri said
"Because you're a crazy bitch" Lina said
"Shut up idiot. Anyways...Maruta can I crash at your place?" Matsuri asked
"Mm...well I guess so but you're not drinking alone right?" Maruta asked
"Ah no worries. We will drink at Yuzu's place" Matsuri said as she smiled
"Uhm...are you sure Mei gave you permission to do so?" Maruta asked
"Oh relax. Yuzu can deal with Mei. We will invite the other lesbian bitches" Matsuri said
"Oh? You're inviting them all?" Maruta asked
"Well duh. We should invite Shai since she is so fucking hilarious when drunk" Matsuri said
"Oh just want to see chaos happen" Lina said
"I don't think that's a good idea..." Sakira said
"You're just going to cause trouble" Furto said
"That's why I have Maruta who will take care of me" Matsuri said
"Are you really going to take care of her?" Lina asked as she looked at the woman with glasses
"Sure. Why not?" Maruta said as she smed
"Maruta, you are such an angel! I love you" Matsuri said and jumped as the bell from the door rung and a beautiful dark auburn haired woman stepped inside. She removed her sunglasses to reveal her beautiful hazel eyes
"O-oh shit! It's Harumin!" Lina and Asher said
"Maruta, you traitor!" Matsuri whined
"Hehe sorry Matsuri" Maruta giggled softly
"You aren't going to drink" Harumin said as she put her sunglasses in a case then inside her purse they went
"When did you get here? Why the hell didn't you call me?" Matsuri asked
"I wanted to surprise you but after hearing your plan from Yuzucchi. I decided to come over to see you immediately. I bumped into Maruta and told her to spy on you. Thanks Maruta" Harumin said
"No problem Harumi" Maruta said
"I take it back. Maruta, you are not an angel" Matsuri said
"And now let's discuss your little plan for tonight..." Harumin said as she walked up to her
"I-I was joking okay? I'm not going to get drunk" Matsuri said as she trembled
"Aww poor Matsuri" Sakira said
"Kick her ass Harumin" Lina said
"Why the fuck are you rooting for her?" Matsuri asked
"Because it's fun to see you two fight" Asher said
"You guys suck" Matsuri said and gasped as Harumin grabbed her
"Sorry Udagawa-san for causing problems" Harumin said as she had a tight grip on Matsuri
"Oh it's nothing. You are welcomed to do anything" Udagawa said
"Eh?! You're on her side?" Matsuri asked and gasped as Harumin dragged her away to the employee room
"Waah! Save me from the demon please!" Matsuri whined
"Shut up brat" Harumin said before stepping inside and closed the door. Matsuri got pinned against the wall and blushed deeply
"I-if you wanted sex then you could've just waited until I was on break" Matsuri said as she smirked
"Baka" Harumin said as she flicked her forehead
"Ouchie" Matsuri whimpered
"You aren't going to drink" Harumin said
"Can I at least have one shot? You can stay by my side and take care of me" Matsuri said
"No" Harumin said and leaned in kissing her softly. Matsuri blushed and kissed her back softly before grabbing her boobs
"Quit it. I only came to see you" Harumin said as she broke the kiss
"Eh? You're not staying?" Matsuri asked
"I'm a little busy but I will be free this afternoon. I still have a few things to do and I have to speak with my father" Harumin said
"Mm I understand" Matsuri said
"It'll be great news for him once he knows you're going to college" Harumin said as she smiled
"Oh no! Don't tell him!" Matsuri said
"Hm? Why not?" Harumin asked
"That bastard can go to hell! I'm not ready for another family dinner" Matsuri said as she trembled
"It wasn't all that bad" Harumin said
"How did your mother end up with a devil like him? Now I know where your sister got those traits from..." Matsuri said
"Oh relax. At least my mother likes you. She'd be proud of you" Harumin said
"Yeah she is sweet like you. Ugh...but I don't think I'm ready. I'm a bit nervous" Matsuri said
"Hm? Why?" Harumin asked
"Well because my friends don't go to that college. I'll be lonely" Matsuri said as she whimpered
"It'll be okay. Now I'm back and we can see each other often in the afternoon" Harumin said
"Are you sure? Because you have a business to take care of along with your sister and all that shit" Matsuri said. Harumin cupped her cheek and pulled her into a kiss. Matsuri blushed and Harumin gave her a warm smile
"I'll make time for you okay?" Harumin said
"Okay babe. I love you so much...I've missed you too" Matsuri said as she hugged her she hurrying her face against her chest
"Aww that's sweet to hear but...why the hell did you confess to Maruta?" Harumin asked as she smiled warmly. Matsuri flinched as she trembled
"W-wait confess?" Matsuri asked
"You know damn well those three words are suppose to be for me...and no one else" Harumin said
"Ahh! Don't l-look at me like that!" Matsuri exclaimed. Meanwhile her group of friends only heard everything from the other side
"Is she dead?" Lina asked
"Probably" Asher said
"Don't be mean" Sakira said
"That's what she gets for thinking of crazy ideas" Furto said

"Mgh..." Shai whimpered softly as she rested on her seat
"What's wrong?" Diane asked as she looked at her
"I just want class to end so I can hold my baby..." Shai whimpered
"'ve gotten quite clingy lately" Diane said
"Because I want to spend time with her" Shai said and played with her pencil
"Hey just thirty more minutes then you'll see her again" Diane said as she started to write down some notes
"Ugh...I don't want to wait that long" Shai said and looked at her bag before pulling it out
I'll send her a message...
After the class was over, Shai immediately packed her things and ran out of her class
"Shai! Wait up!" Diane said and groaned. Shai only walked pass the other students until she bumped into a girl
"Ah! S-sorry about that" Shai said as she helped the girl up
"Oh it's quite alright. Hm? Wait you're Shai Higashi?" The girl asked as she blushed
"Uh yeah? Anyways sorry abo-"
"Can I get your number please?" The girl asked as she held her hand
"Uh sorry but I better get going and please don't get too close...i-it's uncomfortable" Shai said as she pulled her hand away
"Then we should get to know each other more..." The girl said as she leaned in slightly close
"Pl-please don't get too close. Look you're nice and all but I'm not interested" Shai said as she smiled nervously while trembling
"Oh come on~ We can get along easily~" The girl said as she pressed her boobs against her. Shai only groaned a bit as she trembled
Ugh...I hate th-
Shai's thought were interupted as she saw a certain tornado haired girl walking by the halls
"Himeko-chan!" Shai said as she pushed the girl aside and rushed towards her. The girl only stood frozen still while Diane couldn't help but laugh
"Guess you got rejected" Diane giggled
"Huh? Is she actually dating that short tornado girl?" The girl asked as she seemed surprised
"You mean Momokino-san? Yep. They've been dating since high school. She is quite lucky to have Shai. Oh! And if I were you, I would be careful with your comments about Himeko. Shai may seem sweet and nice but uh...she can be a beast " Diane said
"Ugh I'm not even going to waste my time with someone like her" The girl said as she left
"Himeko-chan!" Shai whimpered
"Shai, we're in public" Himeko said as she grabbed her shoulders. Shai blushed deeply as she held her closely
"I-I want to kiss you..." Shai said. Himeko blushed as she looked away
"N-not now. Not with everyone watching..." Himeko said
"Aww please~" Shai whispered softly as she held her around her waist
"Just one okay?" Himeko said. Shai grabbed her cheeks before pulling her into a kiss. Himeko blushed deeply before kissing her back softly. She pulled away blushing hard and looked away
"A-alright. Enough..." Himeko said
"Aww come on Himeko-chan~ Just a little bit more~" Shai whispered but Himeko smacked her head
"Ouch" Shai said as she rubbed her head softly. Himeko blushed and leaned in kissing her cheek
"We can do more back at our place. Just try and control yourself in usually enjoy doing these things in public" Himeko said
"Because I love to show my love for you to everyone" Shai said as she smiled warmly. Himeko blushed deeply and held her hand
"I-I love you too but...keep it down a bit" Himeko said
"Heh I'll try princess" Shai said as she kissed her cheek and hugged her
"We have to head to our other class" Himeko said
"Agh! Why the hell did we have to get different classes and different lunches this year?! I thought we were doing this together..." Shai whimpered
"Calm down. You literally see me everyday. We live together" Himeko said
"I know but...I just miss you so much. These classes are boring..." Shai said and cuddled against her neck. Himeko blushed while everyone stared
"Yay! Go Shaimeko!" Diane cheered loudly which only made Himeko get even more embarrassed before hiding against Shai's chest
"Y-you're such an i-idiot..." Himeko studdered while trembling
"Awww don't be embarrassed Himeko. It's okay" Shai said as she held her closely while playing with her curls
"Everyone is staring..." Himeko mumbled
"Oh? You're worried about that? Leave that to me" Shai said before glaring at the students
"Hey you pieces of shits! Quit staring before I kick your fucking asses! Keep walking or I'll kill you!" Shai growled. The students flinched and kept walking pass the couple
"There we go. They're not staring n-ow!" Shai whimpered as Himeko kicked her shin
"What was that about?" Shai whimpered
"I told you not to threatened people" Himeko said
"I-I know but don't worry. It's not like I'll actually kill them...depends" Shai said as she mumbled the last part and gasped as Himeko pulled her into a kiss
"Control yourself" Himeko said. Shai blushed deeply before nodding
"Y-yes princess" Shai said
'Control myself! My damn ass! I get to do the fuck I want'
Shut up please...

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