Chapter 22

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"I'd like two drinks please" Isha said
"Yes ma'am" The waitress said but jumped as Prisma grabbed her arm
"Hey beautiful. Mind giving me a bottle of vodka please?" Prisma asked and winked at her. The waitress blushed deeply before nodding
"R-right away" The waitress said before leaving
"Quit flirting with the waitress" Tonisha said
"Aww are you jealous baby?" Prisma asked
"What the? Are you two dating?" Isha asked
"No" Tonisha said
"She's my date for tonight" Prisma said
"You should've told me if you had a date" Isha said
"It's not like that. Besides she followed me here when I told her not to" Tonisha said
"Can't you leave?" Isha asked glaring at Prisma
"Hm? Why? Is this meeting important?" Prisma asked
"It's because it's none of your business" Isha said
"Listen I'm only here because after Tonisha is done meeting with you we'll be going to a hotel to fuck" Prisma said smiling warmly and Tonisha punched her arm
"Shut up..." Tonisha said
"Whatever. Anyways, do you know where that idiot is?" Isha asked
"You're talking about Riana? No" Tonisha said
"She was supposed to be here by now" Isha said and checked her phone. The waitress returned with the drinks along with the bottle
"Ah thank you beautiful" Prisma said
"Y-you're welcome" The waitress said smiling warmly and Prisma pulled the waitress closer towards her
"After I leave I'd like to have your number so we can chat" Prisma whispered softly against her ear
"S-sure" The waitress said before leaving
"You and your flirtatious moves" Tonisha said as she took her glass and started to drink
"Admit it. You're jealous" Prisma giggled
"No I'm not" Tonisha said and soon another woman rushed in towards the table
"S-sorry for being a bit late" Riana said breathing slightly heavy
"It's about time you showed up. What the hell were you doing?" Isha asked
"I-I was with a friend. Uhm...and who is this?" Riana asked as she sat down
"Prisma Ray. Pleasure to meet you" Prisma said
"I'm Riana Shanti" Riana said
"Enough with introductions" Isha said
"Let's hurry up and get this over with. I really don't want to stay here forever" Tonisha said
"Eager to have fun with me?" Prisma asked as she giggled
"Quit it" Tonisha said
"How the hell are you harsh to me but when it comes to your dear Matsuri you're all like 'Oh Matsuri~ How you've been?~'" Prisma said
"Will you lovebirds shut up? Anyways Riana it's been a couple of days since you transferred to their university. Have you been doing what I've told you?" Isha asked and Riana tensed up
"Well see it was quite difficult at first. Or still is since Mei seems like...she's somewhat changed" Riana said
"Hm? What do you mean?" Isha asked
"She doesn't seem so scared anymore whenever I threaten her and sticks to Yuzu most of the time. And her lover well...she truly loves her. I told you it'll be hard to split them up" Riana said
"Are you even trying?" Isha asked
"I did what I could. They have friends with them and I'm trying not to act so suspicious. Although Mei is already suspecting something since she knows you're around...." Riana said
"You useless bitch. You said you'd get them to split up by the end of the week and you haven't done anything to get those two to distance themselves" Isha said
"I told you it's difficult because of how in love they are. Why is it hard for you to understand?" Riana asked
"Oh really? Then how come I see you spending time with some other chick instead of going after the target?" Isha asked
"What?" Riana asked
"You keep spending time with that other bitch and living with her" Isha said glaring at her
"She's an old friend of mine and someone who is close to those two" Riana said
"It seems to me you're only sabotaging my plans and leaving those bitches alone" Isha said
"Huh? I'm not" Riana said
"Tch guess I have to do it myself like always..." Isha said
"Why keep chasing after her? She left you" Riana said
"Don't start..." Isha said
"Are you still in love with her even after she left?" Riana asked
"Shut up" Isha said
"Can't you just leave her alone already? Is it necessary to hurt her?" Riana asked
"Since when were you on her side?" Isha asked
"I'm not but what I'm saying it's stupid for you to continue doing this. You are only going to get yourself in trouble if you keep up with your plan. What do you plan on doing once you have Mei?" Riana asked
"I'll teach her a lesson that she'll never forget..." Isha said and Riana grabbed Isha
"Why cling to someone who doesn't love you when I'm right here!?" Riana exclaimed. The place went quiet as some looked over at the table
"We already discussed this before, right? I told you to quit it with those stupid lingering feelings towards me" Isha said
"...I've always been in love with you yet you never gave me a chance. Why is she so special to you?" Riana asked
"Lower your voice and mind your own business" Isha said
"I could just fucking tell everyone that little plan of yours..." Riana said
"Do it and I'll make sure you fucking suffer the consequences" Isha said and Riana stood up from her seat
"Why do I even try to convince you? You know I think I'm done with this bullshit. Go ahead and do what you like..." Riana said
"You can't leave" Isha said
"I can and will. Go and find yourself another toy who you can play with and order around. You always knew about my feelings yet you never tried to give me a chance to give you happiness. I don't get what that Aihara has that I don't. She will never love you and you will never get her back..." Riana said before walking away
"Ugh...that fucking idiot. I swear she's annoying..." Isha said
"Wow...this is interesting" Prisma giggled softly
"Isha, you have some issues" Tonisha said
"What? You too?" Isha asked
"It's time to move on from whatever the fuck happened between you and her. I've already decided to leave Matsuri alone and never get in her way again. Instead of stressing yourself about this ex of yours then give Riana a chance to at least see how it goes. You can break up later if it doesn't work out and be friends. Not that hard" Tonisha said
"Mei is supposed to be mine alright? I won't let that bitch live a happy life while I am here suffering. My stupid father is having his own problems and blames me for it. He blames everything on me after mother ditched him...and she ditched me as well" Isha said
"Your personal problems have nothing to do with Mei though" Tonisha said
"You wouldn't understand..." Isha said
"You're the one not understanding. Riana is trying to stop you from getting into more trouble before you end up in jail" Tonisha said
"Why the hell am I getting lectured? I only came here for drinks and to discuss my next move" Isha said
"Without Riana spying on them then it's over" Tonisha said
"Not yet. I'll do it myself and handle it. If she is truly in love with her then using her lover as bait will be easy to lure her in to me" Isha said
"You will regret it..." Tonisha said
"My only regret is letting that bitch go easily. I should've remained by her side and kept an eye on her..." Isha said. Prisma smiled mischievously as she held something underneath the table
My my…I'm glad I came alone
After the small meeting was over, Prisma left with Tonisha
"Wow...didn't think she was that annoying. Is she still attached to her ex?" Prisma asked
"I told you she was annoying as hell and complaining about her ex. I don't know how I'm still friends with her..maybe because I feel bad for her" Tonisha said
"And that chick Riana....she likes her?" Prisma asked
"Mhm. Unfortunately Isha never gave her a chance or ever thought about giving her a chance. I highly doubt she ever will" Tonisha said and Prisma caught someone in the corner of her eye
Ah right...
"Well...I can't wait anymore" Prisma said as she grabbed Tonisha by her arm dragging her towards an alley
"Idiot what are you even doing?" Tonisha asked. The two women got into the alley and Prisma pressed her lips againsts Tonisha's
"Mm!?" Tonisha exclaimed and tried to push her away but Prisma held her in place. Prisma held out a small recorder before tossing it aside which was caught by someone hidden in the darkness
"Thank you very much" Shai whispered as she held the recorder before walking away leaving the two women. She stepped out from the other side of the alley finding the woman on the ground bleeding from the small beating
"'s y-you..." Riana groaned softly
"Oh's been so long. Do you know how excited I was for our reunion? I really missed you so much" Shai laughed softly
"I-I'm will l-leave you alone forever. I-I even quit bothering your c-cousin a while ago..." Riana said as she trembled with tears rolling down her cheeks. Shai giggled softly before kneeling down and grabbed Riana by her chin lifting her head up
"Tossed aside by the one you love eh? Hehehehe...must suck but maybe we can change that. That is if you cooperate with me..." Shai said
"Wh-what are you saying?" Riana asked
"Well...I can't just kill you since you can be a bit of a useful tool for me. So let's make a deal since I'm in such a good mood today. I won't say what you're agreeing to...I only want to know if you're in or not" Shai said
"Wh-what is it?" Riana asked
"If you help me then I will let you have a chance to live and be with your precious Isha. Meaning you'll have her for yourself..." Shai said
"H-huh? You...y-you're really going to help me?" Riana asked
"If you agree with my deal which I won't reveal until the right moment. Keep in mind that you won't be able to back out and you'll have to go along with my plan" Shai said. Riana looked at Shai before nodding
"O-okay. I'll do anything for you..." Riana said
"Hehehe then we have a deal..." Shai said smiling

The weekend arrived and the two young women decided to visit their mother
"Ah, it's my girls!" Ume said as Yuzu and Mei stood by her front door
"Hey mom. It's been a while" Yuzu said and hugged her
"It sure has been. You girls should've visited me sooner for later" Ume said
"Well we've been busy and so has Mei been handling with the company" Yuzu said
"Hello mother. Sorry for not being able to visit" Mei said
"No need to apologize. I understand that you two are working hard. So how are my babies doing?" Ume asked and hugged Mei
"We're doing just fine" Yuzu said
"You haven't been overworking yourself right Mei?" Ume asked
"Don't worry so much about me, mother. I'm doing well" Mei said
"Good because I can go and scold that bastard for all the work he is giving you. Has he stopped his stupid marriage arrangements?" Ume asked
"Yes, I've told him that I had enough and he listened" Mei said and Yuzu wrapped an arm around Mei
"It was so annoying of him to do that" Yuzu said
"If he does anything like that again you may call me and I'll immediately go to him to give him a piece of my mind" Ume said
"Thanks mom. You're the best" Yuzu said smiling warmly
"You two arrived just in time. I've finished preparing everything" Ume said and both of them stepped inside
"Ooh it smells amazing" Yuzu said as the place was filled with a delicious aroma. The family sat down to eat and Ume went to the fridge
"Would any of you like a drink?" Ume asked holding a can of beer
"Yes please" Yuzu said
"No beer please" Mei said
Now I know where Yuzu's drinking habits come from...
"Enjoy" Ume said handing their drinks and began to eat
"Mother's cooking is always the best" Mei said
"I know right? What's your secret?" Yuzu asked
"Love of course" Ume giggled softly
"My dishes never taste as great as yours. Maybe it is a mother thing" Yuzu said
"Talking about mothers. Do you two plan on having a child?" Ume asked and the two women froze in place
"U-Uhm uhh..." Yuzu glanced over at Mei who only looked away
"W-we are still studying and all that you know? It's not possible to take care of a kid while we both do our things" Yuzu said
"What about me? I'm always available to take care of my beloved grandchild" Ume said
"Maybe in the future we might want a family. We need time to see where we're at and if we could then we might" Yuzu said smiling slightly nervous
"Hehe okay" Ume said. Suddenly Mei's phone went off as it started to ring
"Ah sorry. I'll turn it off" Mei said as she went to get her phone and hanged up. Soon her eyes caught a message from the same number and noticed it was an image. She opened it and her heart dropped seeing a picture of herself with Yuzu in the front door of Ume's house
...i-it's her again. She's...stalking me...
"Mei?" Yuzu asked noticing something was off but Mei blocked the number and silenced her phone
"I-it was no one just a random number" Mei said as she remained a calm expression
Relax's fine
Knock Knock
Mei's body tensed up as her heart started racing
"Hm? Who could it be?" Ume asked as she looked at the door and stood up. Mei's mind started to get filled with random thoughts and she struggled to remain still
"Mei, are you really okay?" Yuzu asked as she reached out and held her hand. The warmth from her hand made Mei snap back to reality and looked at Yuzu
"M-mhm" Mei nodded. Ume answered the door and sighed deeply
"Alyssa..." Ume said
"Ume! So great to see you again" Alyssa said and hugged her
"H-hey! Don't hold me!" Ume exclaimed and Alyssa looked up as her eyes met up with her daughter's
"Mother?" Mei asked. Alyssa smiled warmly before letting go of Ume and went towards her daughter to hug her
"Oh Mei, it's been a while. Sorry that mommy hasn't been able to see you but now that I'm done with my work. I am always available. Oh hey Yuzu" Alyssa said as she looked beside her
"H-hey Ms. Nishihara" Yuzu said
"What are you doing here? did you know I was here?" Mei asked
"Mmm well I had a small talk with Ume and decided to visit you and your girlfriend. Oh and..." Alyssa paused before leaning in towards her ear
"Mommy is here to deal with that pest..." Alyssa whispered softly and Mei's eyes widened
"You mean?" Mei asked and Alyssa nodded before patting her head
"We will discuss this later, okay? Now...Ume~ What did you cook for me?~" Alyssa asked
"I thought you weren't coming" Ume said
"What? And miss an opportunity to see my beautiful daughters" Alyssa said
"Okay. Let me serve you" Ume said as she walked away to the kitchen. Mei felt a soft embrace as Yuzu hugged her that calmed her down
"Hey Mei. Let's talk later okay?" Yuzu whispered softly
"Okay" Mei said

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