Chapter 16

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"Morning everyone" Yuzu said as she smiled at the couple
"Hey Yuzu. Ah Aihara-san is here too" Phila said
"No meetings?" Hinria asked
"No. I believe my grandfather is done with his stupid hook-ups" Mei said as she held Yuzu
"Good because so many chicks were after Yuzu the day you weren't here" Phila said and Yuzu tensed up
"H-hey uhm...M-mei why don't we head to class?" Yuzu asked as she felt nervous and Mei held Yuzu closely
"Yes...let's get going so I can see which one of those sluts decided to mess with what's mine" Mei said as she released a strong aura. Yuzu only trembled as she felt scared and walked away
"See ya later guys" Yuzu whimpered
"Good luck. Hehehe poor Yuzu" Phila giggled softly
"Was there any need to mention that?" Hinria asked
"It's just fun to mess with Aihara-san" Phila said
"Morning guys" Sasha said as she approached them. The couple looked at Sasha and at the other girl beside her
"Hey who's that?" Hinria asked
"Guys meet-"
"Riana Shanti. A pleasure to meet you both" Riana said as she smiled
"Nice to meet you too. I'm Phila Virgil and this is Hinria Qin" Phila said
"Her girlfriend" Hinria said as she hugged her which made Phila blush
"Y-yes" Phila said
"Awww well isn't that cute" Riana said
"Riana, why the hell did you transfer here?" Sasha asked
"Because I changed careers and decided to transfer here. I don't want to make new friends so why not spend time with you and meet your friends" Riana said as she hugged her
"If you say so..." Sasha said
I'll have to keep an eye on her...
"We better get going. We have class in like five minutes" Hinria said
"Let's go Sasha!" Riana said
"Eh? You have the same class as me?" Sasha asked
"Well only the first class. Now let's go" Riana said and grabbed her hand before taking her
"Bye girls!" Sasha said as she got dragged away. The two girls made their way to their first class and spotted the blonde with her lover
"M-mei, I think that's enough" Yuzu said as she was a flustered mess and Mei kissed her cheek
"I just hate when they look at you..." Mei said
"Hey lovebirds!" Sasha said and the two girls glanced at the others
"Hey Sasha. Oh? Who's that?" Yuzu asked
"I'm Riana. I just transferred here today so this is my first day" Riana said and Mei's eyes widened before trembling slightly
...shit...if she's here then that means...I-isha
"Pleasure to meet you, Riana. I'm Yuzuko Okogi but you may call me Yuzu for short" Yuzu said
"Didn't know Mei's types were blondies" Riana giggled
"Eh? Wait you two know each other?" Yuzu asked
"We went to the same middle school together but after moving away we drifted apart. Hey Mei. How you've been all these years?" Riana asked as she wore her innocent smile
"I've been doing well" Mei said as she remained calm
"That's good to know. Are you still friends with curls?" Riana asked
"You mean Himeko? Yes. She just goes to a different college" Mei said
"Maybe we should spend some time together like the good old times" Riana said
"...sure" Mei said and Yuzu looked down at her as she felt her grip
"Let's get to class" Yuzu said
"Yuzu's right. We have to get to class" Sasha said
"Hm? Does Mei have this class as well?" Riana asked
"Yep! Sadly this is the only class we have together" Yuzu said and Mei stepped in the classroom taking Yuzu with her. Riana watched them leave and giggled a bit
"Hey Riana. How come you never told me that you knew Aihara-san?" Sasha asked
"Because you never asked?" Riana said
"Well by the look in Aihara-san's face. Something tells me that she doesn't like you" Sasha said
"What? Of course she loves me. I mean she hasn't changed since middle school. Still the strict cold Mei" Riana said
"Is she the reason why you transferred here?" Sasha asked
"Eh? What? No. Like I said I transferred because changed careers and you know I missed you too as well" Riana said
"Yeah okay. Anyway let's get seated" Sasha said and Riana followed her to the seats
"Hey Yuzu. Mind if I seat here?" Riana asked
"Not at all" Yuzu said and Riana sat next to her. She noticed a dark aura as Mei kept glaring at her
"Psst Sasha. Is Mei always this scary?" Riana whispered as she leaned against Sasha's ear
"This is normal" Sasha said
"Ah okay" Riana said
Damn...she's gotten even scary

After class, the students packed their things as they left the room
"Ugh...that stupid project" Sasha groaned
"Agreed. Projects suck" Riana said
"Well off to my next class" Yuzu said and Mei pulled her into a kiss. Yuzu blushed deeply and kissed her back softly
She's never been this affectionate...
Mei pulled away and kissed her neck
"Mm!" Yuzu shivered a bit
"I'll see you soon okay..." Mei said and Yuzu leaned in kissing her ear
"Love you" Yuzu giggled
"I-I love you too" Mei said as she smiled a little. Riana looked at Mei and seemed stunned by her expression
Woah...never seen such face from Mei before. Man...I can already picture Isha's expression when she finds out Mei's cute expressions
"Well this is where we part ways now. You know how to get to your class right?" Sasha asked
"Meh I'll find my way around this place so don't worry about me" Riana said
"Alright. Also don't get yourself into trouble" Sasha said
"What? Me? Get in trouble? I changed, Sasha. I'm not the type to get into trouble no more" Riana said as she smiled innocently
"Uh huh. Yeah I'll believe that if you can go the entire day without causing any problems" Sasha said
"Easy" Riana said
"Well bye now. I better hurry" Sasha said before she left. Riana looked at her schedule and walked towards her next class where she bumped into Yuzu
"Eh?" Riana asked
"Oh it seems we have the same English class" Yuzu said as she smiled softly
"Yep" Riana said
What a great coincidence...
Meanwhile Mei felt a shiver down her spine as she felt something wrong
"I hope that bitch is away from Yuzu..." Mei mumbled as she released a dark aura
"Hey Aihara...uhm...your dark energy is scaring everyone" Hinria said and Mei snapped out of her throughts seeing the empty seats around her
" bad" Mei said as she sighed
"Seems like you're in a bad mood. Is it because of the new transfer student?" Hinria asked
"...we went to the same middle school together" Mei said
"Ah I see. Were you two friends?" Hinria asked
"Mmm...we once were I suppose. If she saw me as a friend...but...let's just say things got a bit bad between us" Mei said
"And you're worried because she might do something to you again?" Hinria asked
"Yes...that's what I'm afraid of" Mei said
"Well you have Yuzu and you know how protective she is. She'd notice if something is wrong with you..." Hinria said
"Mm...I know but I don't think I'm ready to tell her yet" Mei said
"She'll understand and gladly wait for you to talk about it. So don't worry too much about it and that Riana chick...uhhh I kinda sensed a bad vibe from her when I saw her" Hinria said
"So I wasn't the only one?" Mei asked
"Nope. Not sure what Sasha thinks of her since they're supposedly friends" Hinria said
"I just don't want to have any problems with her...not again" Mei said as she looked down
She was the reason...why all that happened. Ugh don't think about it...
After class, Mei walked down the hall to look for Yuzu and trembled as she spotted the blonde with another girl. Mei froze in place as she saw Riana holding onto Yuzu's arm and noticed Yuzu's smile. Her heart throbbed as she clenched onto her bag tightly
"Hey Meimei. Why so nervous?" Himeko asked
"H-huh? Nervous?" Mei asked
"You look like you have something in mind" Himeko said
"I-it's nothing" Mei said
"Are you sure? Is this about Isha because I mean you two have gotten close" Himeko said
"No. Not at all. I'm probably just...t-tired from all the work" Mei said as she rubbed her head
"You shouldn't overwork yourself, Mei. It's unhealthy" Himeko said
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine" Mei said
"Well just keep in mind that you have me and if you ever need any help just come ask me" Himeko said as she smiled
"Thanks Himeko" Mei said
'I want to see her...'
By the time class ended, the young girl rushed her way out of the classroom
"Eh? Meimei?" Himeko asked as she watched her friend quickly leave the classroom. Mei looked around outside of her classroom and walked down the hallway
'Didn't she say that she would wait for me...?'
Mei stopped by a classroom and found the person she was looking for
"Isha?" Mei asked and noticed another girl beside her
"Ah hey Mei. Heh sorry that I wasn't waiting for you. I was talking to my friend" Isha said
"Oh it's okay. Don't worry..." Mei said
"Hm? She's a friend of yours?" The girl asked
"Mhm. Mei meet Riana. Riana meet Mei" Isha said as she introduced her friend
"I'm Riana Shanti. Pleasure to meet you Aihara-san" Riana said as she bowed down and smiled softly
"Pleasure to meet you too..." Mei said as she trembled slightly
"Anyways Mei sorry but I made plans with Riana today" Isha said
"H-huh? But you said after school we'd-"
"I know what I said but understand that it's just one time. We can hang out later" Isha said as she smiled
"Come on Isha. Let's go" Riana said as she tugged on her shoulder
"Hey you're going to rip my arm off if you keep doing that" Isha said as she walked away. As they walked away, Riana glanced at Mei giving her a playful smirk which pissed off Mei
"What the hell is her problem?" Mei asked to herself
"Meimei! Ah found you! You left your textbook behind" Himeko said panting heavily
"Oh...thanks. I didn't realize" Mei said as she held the book
"You left in a rush. Were you wanting to see someone?" Himeko asked
" Now let's get going" Mei said as she walked to her next class along with Himeko
End Of Flashback
"Meiii!" Yuzu said as she wrapped her arms around Mei
"H-huh?" Mei asked
"What were you thinking about? You seemed to have spaced out for a moment when I called you" Yuzu said
"O-oh sorry..." Mei said as she looked down a bit. Yuzu looked at her before wrapping an arm around her waist
"You have a break now right?" Yuzu whispered against her ear making Mei blush deeply
"H-hey don't do th-that to my ear" Mei said as she tried to cover both her ears
"Let's go back to the car..." Yuzu said and took Mei away
"Y-yuzu?" Mei asked. Yuzu remained silent as she walked away with Mei towards the parking lot outside of the university
"H-hey why are we-" Yuzu took Mei inside the car where they sat in the backseats
"Something's wrong right?" Yuzu asked and Mei trembled a bit
"Wh-what? Nothing is wrong..." Mei said as she looked to the side
"Liar" Yuzu said and kissed her neck softly
"Y-yuzu..." Mei mumbled and gasped softly as Yuzu pinned her down gently
"Tell me what's happening..." Yuzu said as her emerald eyes locked with Mei's lavender eyes. Mei trembled slightly before wrapping her arms around Yuzu
"Me and Riana didn't end in good terms. We weren't really close friends in middle school...and...we just didn't get along. I'm just afraid she's planning to do something again which...will involve you as well and I don't want that. Seeing you with her like that...brought up memories from the past that I tried to forget" Mei said and Yuzu wrapped her arms around her. She embraced her closely that Mei couldn't help but wrap her legs around her waist as well
"Don't think about her. Forget her and the past. Focus on what's happening right now and our future together. I promised you that I'll always love you and make you happy. I love you, Mei. Don't you ever forget that. If you ever feel upset or have any negative thoughts then look at the ring. You know sometimes I have my own doubts when I feel like I may not be enough for you. So I stare at the ring which reminds me of our love..." Yuzu said and Mei kissed her softly
"Don't say you're not enough for me. You are enough and you mean so much to me. I love you with all my heart and...right now I want to stay this close to you forever and never let go..." Mei whispered softly
"Same here, Mei. I love you baby" Yuzu said and kissed her forehead. Mei blushed and pulled her into a kiss. Yuzu kissed her back softly and soon their small kiss turned into a heated passionate kiss. The two girls began to let out soft moans and panted heavily as they broke the kiss
"We have time for a round or two~" Yuzu whispered softly
"Mmm~ G-go ahead~" Mei whispered

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