Chapter 24

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One month later
"Huh?" Mei asked looking at the tickets
"We'll be going on a business trip for at least three weeks" Her grandfather said
"With who?" Mei asked
"With the family Cheung. He wanted to discuss some business with me to try and help him. I thought it would be nice to lend a helping hand" Her grandfather said
"Ch-cheung?" Mei asked and looked down. Her grandfather looked at her and sighed
"I understand you're not on good terms with her. So you're mother suggested to tag may bring your girlfriend if you'd like" Her grandfather said which made Mei's face lit up
"W-wait really?'ll let me bring Yuzu?" Mei asked looking shocked
"That's why I gave you two tickets. I heard what happened with Isha. I want you to feel safe and comfortable..." Her grandfather said and Mei's eyes widened
"Wait...h-how?" Mei asked
"Thank your mother. She...told me about the issue" Her grandfather said
"I-I see. Does this also mean that Yuzu can tag along in meetings too? I'm pretty sure we'll have small discussions with Mr. Cheung" Mei said
"Yes. She can come along. Besides it's not like it's her first time tagging along in meetings" Her grandfather said and Mei stood up from her seat bowing in
"Thank you very much grandfather" Mei said and looked at him with a soft smile. Her grandfather flinched a bit as he saw his granddaughter make an expression
"Ahem well that'll be all for now. Go ahead and tell the news to Okogi-san" Her grandfather said
"Have a great day, grandfather" Mei said as she walked out of the office. The old man rested in his chair and got a call
"Hello?" He asked answering the phone
"Did you do what I asked?" Alyssa asked and the old man trembled as he groaned softly
"Y-yes. I did what you told me..." He said
"Great. I'm glad. I'll let you be for now and take care of my dear Mei. I don't want her to get hurt..." Alyssa said
"I made sure to get some bodyguards for her just in case..." He said
"Good. If anything know I might end up going after you" Alyssa said
"Y-yes. I understand, ma'am" The old man said trembling slightly
"Thanks. Hopefully the plan doesn't change" Alyssa said as she stared at the ceiling
"Just don't cause problems for the family" The old man said
"You should say that to the family Cheung. I'm not causing problems. All I'm doing is protecting my dear girl since you can't do shit" Alyssa said
"Tch...well if that's all then I'll be hanging up. I've already set the reservations for the girls and yes. I made sure they'll be away from Isha" The old man said
"Thanks again old fart" Alyssa said
Alyssa put the phone down and heard the door knocking
"Come in" Alyssa said and a man stepped inside her place. Alyssa's lavender eyes met with the man's crystal blue eyes and greeted him with a smile
"Hello Shailung" Alyssa said
"It's been a while, Miss Nishihara" Shailung said
"No need to be formal. You may call me whatever. Now please have a seat" Alyssa said and Shailung took a seat across from her
"Would you like anything?" Alyssa asked
"No need. I don't plan to stay here for too long" Shailung said
"Oh right. Well I wanted to discuss about my little situation" Alyssa said
"What about it?" Shailung asked
"Mind asking why you're interfering with my plans?" Alyssa asked with a smile
"Ah...ehh I'm keeping that girl alive? I'm only following my beloved daughter's orders" Shailung said
"Well tell your daughter to stop killing my men. It's hard to hire good men for this job. She was supposed to be dead ever since she decided to come back" Alyssa said
"I understand daughter has other plans for her. Don't worry I've been looking after your daughter as well. No harm will come to her" Shailung said
"What does your little girl have in mind for Isha? Wouldn't it be best to kill her?" Alyssa asked
"Killing sure is fun but your fun ends quickly. Torturing and suffering is better..." Shailung said and Alyssa glared at him
"What do you have in mind?" Alyssa asked
"A little something that we might need your help with..." Shailung said

"A business trip! Three weeks?!" Yuzu exclaimed
"Yuzu" Mei said
"He's doing another business trip to try and break us apart!" Yuzu said as she growled
"Yuzu" Mei said
"Mei, you can't go! It's far and I won't be with you!" Yuzu whined and Mei sighed before pulling Yuzu into a kiss. Yuzu blushed deeply feeling her soft lips against hers
Mei's lips..
"Please calm down and listen to me..." Mei said and caressed her cheek softly. Yuzu looked at Mei and nodded
"Okay. I'll listen" Yuzu said
"Good girl" Mei said which made Yuzu's heart skip a beat
" that you've calmed down. What I wanted to say is that my grandfather said you could tag along" Mei said and Yuzu's eyes widened
"W-wait he said that? But like...I mean he usually does these trips to try and separate us" Yuzu said
"Well he bought a ticket for you too" Mei said as she held the two tickets
"But sure? I know I'm not the uhhh business kind of person. Sure I can behave very well around important occasions but won't I be a bother? Or do something wrong that'll embarrass you?" Yuzu asked and Mei pushed her down on the couch before getting on her lap
"No need to worry about it, Yuzu. It'll be okay. Besides...the reason why he agreed is uhm..." Mei paused as she looked slightly nervous
"What is it?" Yuzu asked
"'s because of this business trip uhm..." Mei paused again
"Mei? What?" Yuzu asked
"He said he has some business with the Cheung family" Mei said
"Cheung? Wait...b-but...then that means...oh hell no!" Yuzu said as she wrapped her arms around Mei's waist
"Yuzu calm down" Mei said
"What if she shows up? She definitely will be there right? She will tag along too because it's family business stuff" Yuzu said
"But you'll be with me. That's the reason why my grandfather agreed..." Mei said
"Tch...why even agree to do business with them? Doesn't he know what she did? Shouldn't be reject the stupid business shit?" Yuzu asked
"Well...he is aware since mother told him but he wouldn't let anything happen to me. He may not show it but he does care about me" Mei said
"...kinda hard to believe that after all he's tried to do to us because he still struggles to accept our relationship" Yuzu said and Mei kissed her softly. Yuzu kissed her back and rubbed her side softly. Mei opened her mouth and Yuzu slipped her tongue inside. She wrapped her tongue around hers and Yuzu slid her hand up her shirt until...
Knock Knock
The couple broke the kiss and Yuzu went to answer the door
"Who the fuck is ruining the moment!?" Yuzu exclaimed as she opened the door and flinched seeing the short woman
"Is that how you greet your guests?" Himeko asked sternly
"A-ah Momokino-san!" Yuzu said
"Meimei!" Himeko said as she pushed Yuzu aside
"Uh hello" Yuzu said and Shai stepped in smiling warmly
"Hey Yuzu" Shai said
"Hey Shai. What brings you guys here?" Yuzu asked
"Sorry for interrupting anything lovey dovey but Himeko wanted to check up on Mei. You know since...well because of all that" Shai said
"Yeah I understand" Yuzu said and trembled
"Mei! Don't get too close with Momokino-san!" Yuzu said
"What? We're best friends!" Himeko said as she hugged Mei closely
"Please don't be loud" Mei said and Shai touched Yuzu's shoulder
"Yuzu, there is something you need to know" Shai whispered
"Eh? What is it?" Yuzu asked
"Hey we'll be in the kitchen to put these drinks in the fridge if you don't mind" Shai said as she held the drinks
"Okay" Mei said and Shai grabbed Yuzu taking her to the kitchen
"Hey...what's with you whispering like that all the sudden?" Yuzu asked
"Recently Isha has been spending money and giving it to some gangsters. I somewhat know the gang because I've dealt with them before" Shai said
"H-huh? that bitch planning to do something to Mei?" Yuzu asked
"Most likely...and I guess you already know the business trip right?" Shai asked
"Wait how di-"
"Uhhh well at first I wasn't going to tell you until I got this new information from my father" Shai said
"How long did you knew about it?" Yuzu asked
"About a month. Anyways that's not important but...I have a feeling she will be using that opportunity during the business trip" Shai said
"Then Mei shouldn't go. She will only put herself in danger" Yuzu said
"But if we go along with her little plan then we might ruin her life along with her father's" Shai said
"And risk Mei's life? I don't want anything to happen to Mei" Yuzu said as she clenched her fists tightly and Shai touched her shoulder
"Trust me. Nothing will happen to her. That's why I need you to cooperate with me" Shai said
"What?" Yuzu asked
"What if Isha goes after you instead?" Shai said
"Eh?" Yuzu asked
"You could be the bait" Shai said
"Seriously?" Yuzu asked
"Well...I mean if you don't want Mei being the one getting hurt. Besides, I promise nothing bad will happen. You do realize we are family and my dear father has a good heart" Shai said
"He is in this too?" Yuzu asked
"Mhm" Shai said
"What exactly are you planning?" Yuzu asked
"Well...I heard there will be a dinner date or some shit like that. You know fancy people and their dinner stuff. Now...I am not quite sure what she will plan on doing. That bitch might change plans quickly and we might never know. I'm thinking she might cause a huge scene at the dinner place which will scare everyone. That's why she paid those gangsters for something like that or that's what I think..." Shai said
"Guess she's planning to get to Mei during that chance" Yuzu said
"Yes but...what if it was you?" Shai asked
"Hm? How will that work?" Yuzu asked
"Disguises" Shai said smiling softly
"Oh fuck..." Yuzu groaned
"It'll definitely work" Shai said
"Are you serious? Disguise myself as Mei?" Yuzu asked
"Yes. Think about it. Isha wants to go after Mei but if she gets you instead then Mei is safe" Shai said
"Well...I want Mei to be safe but I don't want her to worry about me once she finds out" Yuzu said
"Himeko will handle that problem. All you have to do is be the bait" Shai said
"Great...but...what if sudden changes happen? She is probably capable of anything..." Yuzu said
"Trust your cousin. You won't be alone. I promise" Shai said as she held her pinkie and Yuzu looked at it before looking at her. She held her pinkie and hooked it with hers
"Alright. I'm in" Yuzu said
I'll do whatever it takes to keep Mei safe. No one will lay a finger on her. I would rather get hurt then see her get hurt again...

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