Chapter 26

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"Today they'll be going?" Matsuri asked
"It seems like it. The day has finally arrived" Shai said
"You sure about this though? I mean...there are better ways than doing it like this" Matsuri said. Shai looked at her and looked down a bit
" it's fine. It's better this way..." Shai said
"Woof!" Pucchi barked as he looked at Shai
"Come here" Shai said as she grabbed him and put him on her lap
"Haah....when will they get ba-"
"BITCHES!" Nitski exclaimed as she slammed her hand on the table
"Aaahhh! What the fuck!?" Matsuri exclaimed
"D-don't scare us like that..." Shai whimpered
"Haha! Sorry!" Nitski said and Pucchi pinned his ears down whining softly
"Calm down" Shai said petting him and held him
"Aren't your girlfriends around?" Nitski asked looking around
"Yeah they went on a shopping spree to see what they'll be bringing" Shai said
"I've already got my shit ready. Don't know what more do we need" Matsuri said
"Would you guys like to join me?" Nitski asked
"For what?" Matsuri asked
"Sex shop" Nitski said
"What the? Don't you already have enough toys?" Matsuri asked
"Well yeah but I need something for my girlfriend. Unfortunately I can't use anything intense on her precious body...for now. I want to start off gentle before fucking her-"
"Alright! Alright! I don't need the details of you fucking my friend" Matsuri said
"How did someone who fucked many bitches ended hooking up with an innocent and pure girl like that?" Shai asked
"How did a psychopath get a rich girlfriend?" Nitski asked
"Hmm alright" Shai said
"Also we're not interested" Matsuri said
"Aww come on. I was hoping one of you would say yes" Nitski said as she whined
"I don't want to know what kind of toys you'll fuck Cyndi with" Matsuri said
"Hm? Oh the fangirl is here" Nitski said waving at Nene who was with Hana
"Hey Nene! Hana!" Matsuri said as she waved at them
"Hey everyone" Nene said smiling warmly
"How's everyone?" Hana asked
"What have you two been up to lately?" Nitski asked
"Yeah we rarely see you two anymore" Matsuri said
"We've been busy" Hana said, wrapping her arms around Nene's waist from behind. Nene blushed deeply and flinched as Hana kissed her ear
"H-hey we're in p-public" Nene said
"Hm? And what? I want everyone to know who you belong to" Hana said and kissed her
"Mm!" Nene blushed deeply and kissed her back
"Lovebirds. Get a room" Matsuri said
"Don't act like you don't do that in public with your dominant Mommy" Nitski said and Matsuri kicked her
"Agh!" Nitski exclaimed
"Don't call her that..." Matsuri said with a flustered expression
"U-uhm so wh-what brings you two here?" Nene asked as she tried to calm herself down
"Our girlfriends went shopping for useless shit" Matsuri said
"We decided to stay here because I hate walking around and I didn't want to be alone. Luckily Himeko left her puppy behind to keep me company" Matsuri said
"It's nice to have Pucchi around. He is adorable" Nene said kneeling down getting Pucchi's attention who jumped from Shai's lap to greet Nene
"Oh no. I'm not talking about Pucchi. I'm talking about the submissive pup over there" Matsuri said
"E-eh!?" Shai exclaimed as she blushed deeply
"You're Himeko's cute little obedient puppy" Nitski said
"Q-quiet..." Shai said
"Are you guys ready for this trip?" Hana asked
"Hell yeah!" Matsuri said
"I'm excited. It'll be nice to hang out with everyone like the good old times. won't be like that right?" Nene asked petting Pucchi
"It will be. I'll let you guys have a great trip without worrying about them. If anything happens then I'll handle it but highly doubt she'd try to ruin it for us. She wouldn't do anything...especially once she sees us tag along" Shai said
"Wait, is the dog tagging along? Or will he be staying here?" Nitski asked
"Himeko will be leaving Pucchi at her mother's place" Shai said
"Aww it would be nice to bring him along" Nene said
"Reason why they're leaving him is because they'd like to have their fun. Having a pet will either ruin your fun or you end up traumatizing the poor fella. That's why I want it to be us alone" Matsuri said
"Same here. Hey Hana. Want to go to a sex shop?" Nitski asked
"Excuse me?" Hana asked
"Come on. It'll be fun and you can get something fun for your cute little girlfriend" Nitski said
"E-eh?" Nene asked getting flustered
"Surely you two already had your fun right?" Matsuri asked and the two women blushed
"Ahem! That's...none of your business to know. We're not like you Mizusawas who like to talk about sex" Hana said
"I don't do that!" Matsuri said and Nitski ruffled her hair
"Haha don't lie, Matsuri. You've definitely spoken about it before with us" Nitski said
"That's true. Now that I think about...why the hell do you guys like to talk about sex? Even Juhin talks about it" Shai said
"Because it's in our blood? Duh. How come you and your cousins are great at cooking?" Nitski asked
"You got a point" Shai said
"Come on, Hana! I need a friend to go with" Nitski pleaded
"Sorry but I'd prefer to go with my girlfriend to pick out what she'd like me to use on her" Hana said as she pulled Nene close to her body
"H-huh? What?" Nene asked blushing hard
"What? Don't you think it'd be fun going together and trying out new things?" Hana asked and kissed her cheek
"I-I uhm...g-guess" Nene said
"You guys are no fun" Nitski pouted
"Go with your girlfriend. She'll be glad to go with you" Hana said
"I want it to be a surprise. Besides...her so called sisters would fucking kill me" Nitski said
"Phila and Hinria?" Shai asked
"Yeah they still can't accept that I'm dating Cyndi. I don't get why. I'm a good person" Nitski said
"They're probably worried because how much you played around" Matsuri said
"I've changed alright? Now I only got eyes for my cute baby" Nitski said
"Woof woof!" Pucchi barked excitedly as he jumped and whined s bit
"Himeko-chan!" Shai said as she stood up
"Finally! You guys are-oh hey look who decided to join" Matsuri said
"We bumped into them while checking a few things out" Harumin said
"Hello everyone. So great to see you all" Maruta said
"It's been a long time" Shiraho said
"How is everyone?" Mitsuko asked
"Oh? Nene you're here?" Harumin asked
"Yeah. I know I haven't been in touch with you guys lately" Nene said
"That's because she's busy with me" Hana said hugging Nene
"You got a girlfriend?" Shiraho asked
"Surprisingly, yes. Meet Hana Nagemine" Nene said
"Pleasure to meet the rest of Nene's friends" Hana said
"It's a shame that the rest couldn't join. I was hoping that Shiraho would come along" Himeko said
"Hey...I'm here" Shai pouted
"I would've loved to join but I'm quite busy" Shiraho said
"Unfortunately someone needs to take care of the company" Mitsuko said
"Hey Maruta. Make sure she doesn't overwork herself okay?" Harumin said
"Of course. I'll take good care of her. As long as you take care of my adorable Matsuri" Maruta said smiling innocently but Harumin did not enjoy it one bit including Mitsuko
"...excuse me?" Mitsuko asked
"Well isn't this interesting? When did you two get so close?" Harumin asked as she kept a warm smile yet she let out a dark aura
"I-I mean when you went out to your business trips we uhm-"
"What exactly have you been doing with my girlfriend?" Mitsuko asked glaring at her
"Can't I have friends? We usually went out to eat and drink together along with my little gang. Relax. Nothing happened between us" Matsuri said
"Except that one time where we got drunk" Maruta said
"What!?" The Taniguchi sisters exclaimed
"N-nothing happened!" Matsuri said and got up her seat before hiding behind Nitski
"Mizusawa-san...come" Harumin ordered and Nitski pushed Matsuri forward
"Y-yes?" Matsuri whimpered and Harumin grabbed her before leaning in
"I hope this small body of yours is able to handle these next three weeks. I'm not going easy on you..." Harumin whispered
"I-I understand" Matsuri said
"Don't go so rough on her" Maruta said
" to explain" Mitsuko said as she growled a bit and Maruta patted her head softly
"Calm down" Maruta said
"Wow...scary" Hana said
"I-it's really surprising to see H-harumin-senpai getting mad" Nene said
"I'm still not used to it" Matsuri said
"And you get turned on by it" Nitski said and Matsuri kicked her
"Ahh!" Nitski exclaimed
"Shut up!" Matsuri said
"Stay" Harumin said as she grabbed Matsuri pulling her close
"I hope everyone enjoys their trip" Shiraho said
"Please stay safe" Maruta said
"And don't cause any problems for my sister..." Mitsuko said
"G-got it" Matsuri whimpered
Ring Ring
Shai pulled her phone out and saw a message
"Okay. It was nice seeing everyone but we should really finish up packing. It's still morning so we should have enough time. I'll call the others and let them know" Shai said
"We'll see you all later today" Himeko said holding Pucchi in her arms
"Bye bye everyone. See you later" Nitski said
"Let's get going" Harumin said
"Have fun everyone" Shiraho said
"We'll send pictures" Nene said
"Remember to be on time" Shai said
'These vacations will sure be fun'
Please stay out of trouble...
'I know...'

The day went by and the couple were done getting their things ready
"Haa...Yuzu" Mei said walking out of the room
"Hm? Yeah?" Yuzu asked
"What the hell did I say about leaving visible marks?" Mei asked as she fixed her clothes
"Hahaha sorry" Yuzu said
"I can't let my family see me like this..." Mei said as she did her best to cover up the love marks
"Everyone should know that you're mine. Hopefully that bitch gets it through her fucking head..." Yuzu said as her eyes darkened
"Come on. The driver is probably waiting for us" Mei said checking the time
"Do you think we'll be in different planes? Please tell me we're going on different rides..." Yuzu said as she grabbed the suitcases
"I'm...not sure about that" Mei said
"I don't want my fucking day to be ruined by the sight of that damn bitch" Yuzu said and Mei sighed before walking up to her
"You need to calm down, Yuzu. How will you enjoy these moments with me if you keep thinking about her instead?" Mei asked, wrapping her arms around her neck. Yuzu blushed a little and leaned in to kiss her. Mei kissed her back and Yuzu wrapped an arm around her waist
"Mm~" Mei moaned softly and Yuzu pulled away before hiding her face against her shoulder
"I love you, Mei" Yuzu said
"I love you too" Mei said, stroking her hair softly. Yuzu kissed her cheek and smiled
"I'm thrilled to spend time with you alone" Yuzu said
"Me too" Mei said
Knock Knock
"Miss Aihara, we better get going" A man said as he knocked on the door
"We're coming. Do we have everything?" Mei asked
"Yep. I doubled checked" Yuzu said
"Alright. Let's go" Mei said
"Okay. Bye Kumaguro. Please take care of the house for us" Yuzu said. The two girls stepped out and the man grabbed the bags for them
"Thank you" Yuzu said
"You're welcome" The man said as he walked away. Yuzu held hands with Mei and the two walked out of their home heading to the car
"After you" Yuzu said as she opened the door for her and Mei stepped inside. Yuzu got in and closed the door
"Haaa...I can't wait to go to the hotel and relax. I'm really tired..." Yuzu said
"Maybe if you hadn't done it all the time then you wouldn't be so tired..." Mei said and Yuzu rested against Mei's shoulder
"Because you look so cute covered up in my marks..." Yuzu said and Mei blushed deeply
"Keep your voice down when you're talking about stuff like that" Mei whispered
"Why? Embarrassed?" Yuzu whispered in her ear. Mei felt a shiver down her spine feeling her breath by her ear
"Y-yuzu...remember we're not a-alone" Mei said and the driver got in the car
"Hm? But haven't we done things that almost got ourselves caught?" Yuzu asked as she lowered her voice
"What do you mean?" Mei asked
"Oh don't tell me you don't remember?" Yuzu asked giggling softly and leaned in close to her ear
"You were always so naughty, Mei. Don't you remember me fucking you in the library? Or in the nurse's office? You wanted me to fuck you so badly even though there were people around" Yuzu whispered softly. Mei blushed extremely hard and hid her face against Yuzu's shoulder
"H-hey it's ticklish" Yuzu giggled softly and looked at Mei's body
Thinking about all that from the past....just turned me on. Fuck...
Yuzu's hand slowly slid towards Mei's thigh making her body tense up at her touch. Mei bit down on her bottom lip as Yuzu began to rub her thigh
"It's really cute seeing how flustered your face can get, Mei. But your lewd expressions is what turns me on the most" Yuzu whispered and slid her hand between her legs
"Ouch!" Yuzu cried in pain. After the car ride, Mei and Yuzu stepped out of the car
"Did you really have to hit me that hard?" Yuzu asked
"Control yourself..." Mei said and noticed her mother walking up to her
"My girls have finally arrived!" Alyssa said
"Hey mother" Mei said
"Hi Miss Nishihara" Yuzu said
"Oh no need to be formal with me. Call me mom too. We're family" Alyssa said
"U-uhm okay" Yuzu said
"Now let's head inside" Alyssa said and snapped her fingers which ordered the other men to grab their bags. They stepped in the airport and made their way to the plane once they turned in their tickets and went through security. On their way, Yuzu noticed a certain someone and immediately wrapped an arm around Mei's waist
"Relax. It'll be fine" Mei said
"Right..." Yuzu said and looked surprised seeing Riana
Huh? Why is she here too? Oh wait...
"Hey Yuzu and Mei" Riana said, waving at them. Isha who was beside Riana turned to look at them before grabbing Riana and walked away
"That's right. Stay away" Yuzu mumbled
"No need to get so worked up over her okay? We'll be sitting in the first class section. Away from them" Alyssa said
"What a relief..." Yuzu said, sighing deeply. Mei looked at Yuzu blushing a little and couldn't help but smile
Yuzu is cute when she's overprotective. She really is somewhat like a guard dog…

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