Chapter 10

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"Fuck the meeting!" Harumin exclaimed as she got up and started to get herself ready
"Hm?" Matsuri asked as she groaned as she rolled around. She sat up and rubbed her eyes
"Eh?" Matsuri asked and Harumin hurried to change her clothes
"I have to go meet up with my sister over at the company" Harumin said as she was putting her clothes on. Matsuri only stared at the goddess and smiled softly
She looks adorable
"Senpai, do you really have to go?" Matsuri asked
"I have to. Don't worry I'll just be there for a bit and head out" Harumin said
" sure? I don't want you to leave me or anything" Matsuri said and pouted
"I won't baby" Harumin said as she walked over to her. She cupped her cheek and planted a soft kiss on her forehead
"I'll be back soon okay?" Harumin asked
"Mmm...alright. You better come quick since I kinda agreed with Yuzu and Shai we'll hang out later" Matsuri said as she scratched her head
"As long as it's in the afternoon. I'll be back around 11 okay? You can eat without me and make sure to clean up the room please" Harumin said and got to the bathroom
"But I wanted mommy to feed me" Matsuri said
"You can feed yourself okay?" Harumin said and Matsuri let out a sigh
"Fine" Matsuri said and Harumin rushed out of the house leaving the girl alone. Matsuri sighed as she went to the kitchen to get some ramen
"It's going to be so boring without her" Matsuri said as she started to prepare her ramen. Suddenly her phone started ringing and she walked over to answer it
"Hello?" Matsuri asked
"Hey Matsuri!" Nitski said
"What do you want?" Matsuri asked
"What? Can't I talk with my favorite cousin?" Nitski asked
"Yeah yeah. Anyways how you've been lately with the whole girl thing?" Matsuri asked
"Ah right! Cyndi is a bit shy and I'm not sure what to give her. Usually my bitches enjoyed sex toys or just go out drinking" Nitski said
"Cyndi Lauper?" Matsuri asked
" know her?!" Nitski exclaimed
"Well duh. We both met with one another after finding out Phila and Hinria were dating. They're friends with Yuzu and Cyndi was introduced to us" Matsuri said
"How come you haven't told me?!" Nitski exclaimed
"Because I didn't know you were into her??? When did you met her?" Matsuri asked
"Uhh well our first meeting was at a mall. I was looking for something unt I bumped into her with some of her friends then from their we were hanging out. Last night I met her at the bar and hopefully I didn't do anything? I kinda don't remember much but you what I should give her?" Nitski asked
"Well I'm not sure either but why?" Matsuri asked
"Obviously to make it official that we're going out" Nitski said
"Look Nitski I know you enjoy to go out with girls and all but...Cyndi is quite a close friend and we get along easily. I don't want you hurting her or use her like you do with your exes or well sex bitches" Matsuri said as she spoke serious
"Since when were you so serious?" Nitski asked
"Cyndi is a sweet angel and very nice. I don't want you to hurt her. She deserves someone who will be by her side and love her. Not take advantage of her" Matsuri said
"Fine fine. I understand. Look I promise not to use her or do anything to her like I do with the other bitches. Listen I want to change and well...finally be in a good relationship and I really enjoyed spending time with Cyndi these past few days. Just please lend me a hand! I want her! She is so adorable and cute!" Nitski pleaded. Matsuri only thought for a moment until she sighed
"Fine fine. I'll help but better watch it. I don't want you to do anything that'll hurt her" Matsuri said
"Yep. I promise I won't hurt her. Now...what should I give her?"  Nitski asked
"Well Cyndi adores small animals like bunnies, hamsters, or mouses. She loves purple tulips and likes to draw. She is quite an artist. Oh and chocolates too especially the dark chocolate ones" Matsuri said
"Thanks! You're the best! Love you my dear cousin!" Nitski said
"Yeah yeah love you too" Matsuri said as she hanged up
Knock Knock
Matsuri lifted her head up as she looked at the door and walked towards it
Hm? Who could it be?
Matsuri opened the door and was surprised seeing Cyndi
"Eh? Cyndi? What are you doing here?" Matsuri asked
"Ah Matsuri uhh mind if I come in?" Cyndi asked
"Oh not at all. Please come in" Matsuri said as she opened the door for her and Cyndi walked inside
"Thanks" Cyndi said and Matsuri closed the door
"Anyways so what are you here for?" Matsuri asked
"Uhh it's just that uhm...well...I met someone last night and it was my first time going ove-"
"Let me guess...Nitski?" Matsuri asked
"Ah yes! you two are related?" Cyndi asked
"Unfortunately. She's my cousin" Matsuri said
"Wait how did you know I was going to mention her?" Cyndi asked
"Oh because we were talking on the phone and uhh well...she mentioned you" Matsuri said
"Eh?! She did?!" Cyndi exclaimed
"Woah calm down" Matsuri said
"Wh-what did she say about me though? W-was it good stuff?" Cyndi asked
"Well Nitski wants to impress you since you're the first girl she has fallen for" Matsuri said
Shit...does she know about Nitski's past relationships or the way she was? Or well still is...
"What really?!" Cyndi exclaimed
"Uhh well as in first uhm...I mean her first serious relationship?" Matsuri said
"Don't worry...I've heard from a certain girl about the way she uhm..she is heh" Cyndi said
"Eh? Wait so you know how much of a slut Nitski was in fucking other bitches?" Matsuri asked
"Yeah" Cyndi said
"Yeah my cousin is a bit of uhh...well you know. But hopefully she doesn't do anything to hurt you. I already warned her that if she hurt you then I'd kick her ass" Matsuri said
"Aww thanks Matsuri but it's alright. I know what I'm getting into and I just hope everything turns out alright" Cyndi said as her expression soften
"No worries. If she does anything stupid then you got me to beat her ass up!" Matsuri said
"A-ah no reason for that" Cyndi said and giggled softly
"Anyways need anything else?" Matsuri asked
"Ah right! Uhm so I need help on...well I want to know what Nitski likes so I can give her a gift!" Cyndi said as she blushed deeply
"Oh then let's sit down and chat. I can tell you everything" Matsuri said
Maybe it won't be so bad after all

"Oh you're finally here?" Mitsuko asked and Harumin panted softly as she tried to catch her breath
"Y-yeah I'm here on time" Harumin said as took a deep breath and sighed
"Okay. I think I'm good" Harumin said and Mitsuko fixed up her tie
"Father isn't pissed right?" Harumin asked
"Relax. Father is in a good mood all thanks to Kori" Mitsuko said
"He likes him a little too much don't you think?" Harumin asked
"As long as he isn't a grumpy old bastard then everything is all good" Mitsuko said as she finished fixing up her suit
"Thanks sis" Harumin said as she smiled softly
"Anyways let's go inside" Mitsuko said. She walked to the door and knocked
"Come inside" Hojo said and Mitsuko walked inside with Harumin
"Hey father" Mitsuko said
"Ah finally! My girls are here" Hojo said as he smiled
"Sorry for being a bit late" Harumin said as she bowed down
"It's alright. Come. We can't keep them waiting" Hojo said. They soon stepped out of the office to go to the presentation. Kori held the files for the presentation and glanced over at Harumin noticing something on her neck
Harumin noticed his eyes and looked over at him
"Hey Kori. Need something?" Harumin asked. Kori smiled nervously before getting close to her
"Uh well uh...hey ahem...Harumin you kinda have a mosquito bite" Kori whispered. Harumin seemed confused at first unt she realized what he was talking about
"W-wait is it noticable?" Harumin asked as she tried to cover up
"Well not really. I mean you could see it at a certain angle but I'm sure it's fine" Kori said
"Damnit...I told that brat to not leave any marks" Harumin sighed
Seems like I'll have a word with her after this meeting. This better be quick...
After about an hour in the meeting room, Harumin stepped out of the office with a couple of files
"Shit...didn't think it'd take that long" Harumin said
"I know right? It started to get a little hot in there..." Kori said as he loosened up his tie
"What will you be doing after this?" Harumin asked
"Probably just hang out with Sen and Vix. They have been planning to hang out a while ago. Been a while since I last saw them..." Kori said as he smiled
"I'll also be spending time with my friends. It'll be more of a triple date since we will be bringing our girlfriends" Harumin said
"That sounds like fun" Kori said
"Yep. It'll be nice for all of us to hang out. Anyways see ya Kori. I'll drop this off at the office" Harumin said
"Bye Harumin. Have fun with your friends" Kori said
"You too" Harumin said and stepped inside her office where she was putting everything away. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door and soon turned around seeing one of the coworkers
"Miss Taniguchi..." The man spoke as he cleared his throat
"Hm? Yes?" Harumin asked as she finished placing the files down
"I was wonderful if you'd like to go out sometime for a drink or a walk at the park you know. I mean you're so stunning and I just couldn't help myself but to-"
"No thanks. I'm quite busy today" Harumin said
"O-oh well not today. I was thinking maybe some other time when you're free" He said
"Not interested. Now mind stepping away from the door please? I have an urgent meeting with someone" Harumin said as she walked up to him
"With who? Boyfriend?" He asked
"That's none of your business. Please step aside" Harumin said but he was trembling slightly before stepping inside her room to shut the door but someone stopped him from closing it
"Get the hell out of here, bastard" Hojo spoke coldly which man the man tremble
"B-boss!" He said
"Get your things and leave" Hojo said
"H-huh? What?" He asked
"Don't make me repeat myself, asshole" Hojo said and the man gulped before running out of the office
"I think you went a bit too far?" Harumin asked
"He's going to try something again if I let him roam around in this building" Hojo said
"Well thanks for the help father. Now if you'll excuse me I must go" Harumin said as she walked out the office
"Huh? Where you going?" Hojo asked
"My girlfriend's waiting for me" Harumin said as she waved him goodbye
"Ah right right. Well take care" Hojo said
"Thanks" Harumin said as she went to the elevator to get to the exit
Ah my keys...
Harumin looked through her bag as she looked for the keys and got them as the doors opened. She walked out of the elevator only to meet up with a woman
"Oh hey...nice seeing you around" A woman spoke out
"Hm?" Harumin asked
"Eh? Do you not recognize me?" The woman asked
"No" Harumin said
"Oh well I'm Tonisha Vailina. Hopefully that rings a bell?" Tonisha asked and Harumin felt her blood boil
"Are you serious? Do you not know me?! Matsuri really forgot about me. Ah that silly girl..." Tonisha sighed and flinched as Harumin grabbed her by her collar shirt
"You were involved with that incident...right?" Harumin asked as she glared at her
"Oh that night? Seems like Matsuri told you about it eh?" Tonisha asked
"Don't tell me you're trying to get with Matsuri again..." Harumin said
"I'm here to apply for a job and start a new life hehe" Tonisha said
" better" Harumin said as she released her and walked away from her
"Ah and Taniguchi-san mind saying hi to Matsuri for me please?" Tonisha asked and Harumin only gave her a glare
"A-actually nevermind!" Tonisha said and fixed her outfit
"The nicest and sweetest people...are seriously the most scariest when pissed. Heh...I wonder how the other girls are doing. It'd be fun to reunite with them all" Tonisha said and soon got a call
"Oh hey Isha. Oh! You won't believe who I just bumped into today..." Tonisha giggled

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