Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

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It's been a long time 😬
Sorry for the wait. I hope you guys enjoy. Btw if you guys ever have any questions please let me know! 💙🖤
Walking with a vengeance that could only come from a God, Laurent barked orders at his men. His native language making his already tenor voice deeper. It was beautiful to the ears, a stark contrast to the darkness of this order.

Larry walked briskly behind him with a finger hooked into the back of Laurent's belt loop to not get lost.

They had flashed back him quickly, Laurent still in his suit but long gone was his vest and tie. The first 3 buttons were slowly exposing more and more chest and now Larry had a clear view of the diamond-encrusted chocker that sat gracefully around the Devil's neck.

Larry was led to the back of the castle where the hallways got increasingly darker. The clicking of Laurent's and his men's shoes rang ominously to him and making him picture Laurent and his men on a battlefield. How scary would it be to see this giant man and his loyal followers marching in unison towards you? He understood why Laurent spoke with pride of the fear he saw on his opponent's faces during those times.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts noticing that they were in front of a wall. Laurent turned to his right, nodding to his second in command. The man released a cloud of black smoke that penetrated the floor, opening the ground up into what seemed to be an endless drop. Laurent spoke a few more low words before his men jumped into the abyss one by one.

Larry watched in silent shock as they all seemed to be swallowed up while Laurent watched him from over his shoulder with wine-colored eyes. The corner of his mouth lifted showing too many teeth,

"Don't be scared, wild one."

He turned to pick Larry up signaling for him to wrap his legs around him, "I'll carry you."

"W-we're going down there?" Larry questioned, his eyes never leaving the hole. He shivered when echos of laugher came from the bottom, all sounding mocking and hallowed.

Laurent only has a gentle smile before stepping closer to the darkness. Larry's fingers found purchase in his jacket, scrunching the material.

Laurent cooed at the sight, "Do not worry, I won't jump down. I'll go easy."

Larry gave a quick nod of approval, his hair bouncing along with these actions.

Laurent stepped forward over the darkened hole floating in midair just long enough to give Larry a chance to see how much control he had over his safety. His sadistic side secretly enjoying the look of distress and the tightening of Larry's hands and legs on and around his body. A small smile graced his face when he began to slowly descend. Gracefully landing on the concrete floor stained with what seemed like years of blood that's been scrubbed but never fully removed.

Larry could see dark swirls filling the space around them. He assumed it was the dark energy left behind by the dead or dying, something he was only able to guess due to the sounds of screaming and pleading filling his head. He closed his eyes tightly to try and block them out but with his ear ringing the voices only heightened in frequency. They all pleaded for mercy, prayed to the gods and some even wished for a quick death.

Then suddenly it all went away. All that was left was an eerie silence. He opened his eyes slowly to see Laurent staring at him. His red eyes reflected his face showing the high level of anxiety and fatigue he felt.

"Smart kitten," Laurent whispered answering an unspoken thought. He paused to run a large hand down Larry's back, subtly pushing him deeper into his body. "It was indeed dark energy. There has been a lot of deaths here, a lot of bad memories for several people. Eventually, it would all start to fester and it would consume anything and anyone. With you being so human..." he trailed off, his eyes scanning Larry's face with awe. His hand gently pushed away Larry's hair showing his more clearly, " pure. It would, of course, try to latch onto you. Mmm... If I saw such a pretty thing like you down here, I would latch onto you too. Light always attracts dark."

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