It's been a while and I'm sorry. But I hope y'all enjoy this. Thank you for waiting patiently 💙💙💙 hope it's worth it. *********************
Hell was an interesting place. It ran like a capitalist kingdom with Laurent as the figurehead of the realm. Don't get things wrong, his say was absolute and he knew all. No one knew the extent of his powers but the old council of demons that had the displeasure of knowing him knew not to test his patience and they knew no one was a match for the God. Laurent played no games when it came to his kingdom. Hell might be beautiful but the cries of the dead and the screams of the tortured were their lullabies at night. People spoke of their king in hushed whispers. Fully believing in the saying, If you speak of the Devil, he shall appear.
They were pleased to know that his temper had cooled by at least a fourth of what it was, attributing this feature to the rumored human boy that their King was so fond of. They wanted to kiss the boy's feet in appreciation at the fact that they didn't have to think every day was their last.
Melissa, however, never seemed to understand the social cues surrounding the ancient man much to the disdain of her adoptive father.
So imagine his feelings when he's called into an emergency gathering with all of the other senior council members only to see his daughter at the feet of their King looking every bit of small and tortured as she was. He wanted to run to her but he knew better than to help her. He spent years lecturing the stupid child on how to be a subject but she never heeded his warnings. Now she must pay the price for her incompetence. Her hands shaking in the air in front of her with each of her fingers curled in different directions. Her hair was matted with blood and more seemed to be pouring from the various cuts littering her arms and legs. Her skin looked almost stained with red but what shocked the men more was her muffled cries and screams. Laurent has managed to silence her permanently by sealing her lips together. A feature that looked more frightening than anything else on her abused body. Men struggled to keep their stomaches from dry heaving; instead, using their years of being in Laurents presence to straighten their bodies and look away from the poor child.
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Laurent was seated on his throne with his love in his lap. He put Larry in a sleep trance as to not expose him to the horrors he had- and was going to- commit. Laurent needed the boy near for it was the only thing keeping him from slaughtering the girl before his feet. Plus Larry was still healing needing some of Laurents energy and warmth the speed up the process.
Laurent leaned his head back letting his eyes close as he drew in a deep breath through his nose. The smell of fear, pain, and respect giving him a surge of power.
The room stilled when he opened his eyes, looking down on the man still looking at his daughter in shock.
"I am greatly displeased," his voice boomed in the grand room while he rubbed Larry's back with his large palm. He was too calm for the men's liking. "I was having such a wonderful time with my betroth when a wee little hiccup happened," He paused looking at the rest of the council.
"Do you wish to know about the event?" He asked, his head tilting to the side dangerously.
The silence was agreed upon unanimously.
"Well, I shall tell you," Laurent continued, grinning slightly when Larry stirred in his lap only to snuggle closer to his body heat. A feature that seemed to drain the blood from the council's bodies. "You see, I was in perfect bliss but then a PEST forgot her place. It seems that I shall remind you of all of your statuses... A demonstration if you will."
The ancient council dropped to their knees their heads touching the ground. "My lord! Calm your anger." They pleaded.
"," Laurent repeated slowly. He looked down at the young succubus seeing that she had past out from the pain. Extending his hand he shot electricity through her body, effectively jolting her awake and filling the room with more of his muffled screams. Tears flowed down her cheeks, leaving a clear path through the blood that covered them. He so loved how he convulsed on the floor, flopping around and twitching like a fish. He wanted so desperately to chop her into pieces slowly to watch her blood flood the steps of the throne room but he remembered how her father has been loyal for years and how he never really rewarded him for his actions.
Sighing deeply, Laurent lazily raised a hand, allowing the men to stand.
He looked at her father, his eyes still showing displeasure at the motion he's about to wave. "I am not entirely unruly. My mind is clear. I've decided to spare her but her senses will forever be mine. She will no longer have the ability to speak, touch, see or feel. I will leave her hearing so she can hear the screams of those around her. She will no longer be able to live within the kingdom walls. That is the extent of my mercy." He nodded.
The council was shocked at this but none dared to complain. This was the most lenient the God has ever been. They bowed deeply each expressing their gratitude.
Larry began to stir more so Laurent stood and walked out of the room, quietly dismissing the men. He held Larry as if he was the most precious jewel in Hell, nuzzling the boy's forehead and placing small kisses there. He moved gracefully through the halls to his office. He knew that he should have laid Larry down on a more comfortable bed but he was selfish. He wanted him close and within eyesight at all times. People were bold in his home nowadays and he didn't want to take too many chances with his love.
"Laurent?" Larry's sleepy voice called in his ear.
Laurent smoothed the boy's hair before answering, "Yes, my love?"
Larry looked around confused before sitting up in Laurent's arms, "I fell asleep?... How..?"
Laurent chose not to answer and opened the door to his office. Larry's eyes widened in child's Iike wonder as he took in the view. Seeing as Larry was fascinated, he moved past his desk to approach the floor to ceiling windows that gave the most perfect view of the kingdom, shifting Larry to sit on his hip so that he would be able to see better he watched as the boy's eyes filled with wonderment.
Larry gasped in awe of the sight. It looked almost as if they were in a cave. But the golden lights the buildings gave off made the city below them seem as though the very streets were made of gold. In the far distance, he could make out to be a giant wall with two equally giant but beautiful doors that were slightly ajar.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Laurent asked, breaking the silence.
Larry nodded then looked at Laurent. "I'm surprised."
'I thought hell would be more terrifying,' He thought
Laurent laughed patting Larry's butt, "Yes I figured. Beyond those gates is where you humans get the idea of hell from. That is
why it's important that you stay with me, understood?"
"Understood," Larry answered seriously. He did not want to know what was behind the gates.
"Good. When you're better I'll show you around our empire."
"Our..?" Larry looked at him in shock.
"Of course. This will all soon be ours, little prince." Laurent smiled and kissed the boy's lips. Larry was beyond baffled but he noticed that it wasn't because of Laurent's actions but because he didn't know anything about how empires worked.