The mornings in Hell were strangely beautiful. There was no sun but the heat of the fire made the city glow from within, illuminating the streets and buildings in a soft glow until the people awoke to begin their day. The cave gave off the feeling as the Forbidden City, everything radiated power and elegance that seemed rooted deep within the buildings. Just standing in the window of the castle and glancing over the buildings to the large doors would make anyone feel as if they were powerful.
The couple spent most of the mornings cuddled under satin sheets. Larry's head pressed into Laurent's neck as Laurent whispered sweet nothings in his ear as if every word was apart of a sacred ritual. His private worship always ending with the words that made Larry's face blush bright, "You've bewitched me completely..."
Laurent's chest puffed up in pride as he spent the next few days showing Larry his new home. The look of appreciation on Larry's face as he took in the history of their new homemade pain of taking care of it worth it. Laurent boasted about the wars he's caused and the struggles he's seen, each fact making Larry scrunch his nose as he realized that Laurent was like a giant kid back in the day, causing trouble just because he was curious and bored with his immortal wife.
"So you started the world wars?" Larry looked up at him with a raised eyebrow as Laurent answered with a cocky smile.
"Well technically no. I watched as you humans started it..." His smile grew playful as they strolled threw a park, the tree branches overcasting the walkway looking beautifully endless. "It's just that immortality can be boring so when there's a war-"
"You go out to play, so to speak." Larry finished.
Laurents deep chuckle sent lightning through Larry, "yes. That's a good way to put it."
His eyes softened with love as Larry shyly greeted the people who seemed to have taken in their new sire with open arms. They all stood in awe at the young deer-like human, willingly bowing low in respect for taming and bringing light to their King. Many claiming their own devote worship when they saw their King smile down at the boy with content and admiration, something many have never seen him do in their lifetimes.
The last of the three-day tour ended and they made their way back to the castle where Laurent changed into a three-piece all-black suit with a silk tie that matched his silk black shirt. Larry watched from the bed, trying his best to keep his thoughts clear as Laurent adjusted his vest and placed his rings on his fingers. When Laurent placed some of his hair into a ponytail, Larry caught a flash of a chain around his neck and let out a strangled whimper making Laurent flashed him a smirk through the mirror showcasing a canine nipping at his bottom lip.
"Naughty human," his deep voice was drowning in amusement as his red eyes took in Larry on his bed sitting pretty in his personal white button-down. The shirt was puffy due to it being oversized on the boy even with it tucked into a pair of black slacks he had made tailored to fit perfectly showing off his long legs and, of course, hug Larry's ass with perfection. Laurent could feel his eyes become brighter at the three buttons Larry has left undone showing the world the gorgeous mark he had left on Larry's neck with his initials. Laurents roaming eyes made Larry feel like a teenager in heat.
Laurent walked to him laying him back gently before caging him in with his body. He sighed cupping Larry's face brushing his thumb over the lushness of his lips, humming when a pink tongue brushed against the pad of his finger. "You're a minx."
Larry smiled tugging on the devil's collar to pull him closer, "Your minx," He laughed.
His laugh growing louder at the playful growl that worked it's way up Laurent's chest. He squealed when the man threw him over his shoulder as if he weighed nothing.
"Let's go before I end up late to this meeting,"
"You can be late,"
"It is not courteous," Laurent reasoned, walking down the steps trying hard to ignore the flashes of their coupling going through Larry's mind.
"Courteous? But you're the devil." Larry said, his smile heard in his voice; giggling when Laurent laid a firm smack to his ass in retaliation.
Now sitting in Laurent's lap in the back of a Rolls Royce SUV while they passed from the Underworld into his hometown, Larry contemplated what he saw as he twirled the ring on Laurent's finger. "You said that you prefer a certain time period. Is that why the city looked like a mix between different eras?" He spoke softly looking up at the man who's red eyes were watching him back.
"Yes," Laurent breathed brushing his thumb over Larry's cheek, "Each person as an era important to them or one they like. People are more loyal when you're nice to them. I make it so that they are able to live comfortably."
Larry's eyes closed as he listened to Laurent's accent seep into his words. "You're so nice..." he sighed burrowing deeper into the demon's chest, smiling at the deep sound of his chuckle.
"Nice... now that's something I haven't heard to describe to me. You truly are special, wild one."
The car pulled in front of the building and Larry watched with lazy eyes. The human world now paled to the beautiful of Hell. He figured that these few days had made him see who really cared for him and how his own home seemed dim. His mind even adopted the cave as his home something that shocked him but also bloomed warmth in this stomach.
Energy surged through Laurent at the knowledge of his feelings, he was immensely pleased with his baby's thoughts, "I am your home now. I've told you this. Just like you are mine."
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The building was a normal government building, giving the so-called meeting an ominous air. The inside was busy but quite apart from the clicking of shoes. A group of men was waiting for them to welcome Laurent with deep bows of respect, their faces unchanging but Larry could see the sweat forming on their foreheads and necks. "Laurent," he called, speaking softly as they were escorted down the hall and to the elevator, "What are we doing?"
Laurent took his hand kissing the back of it, "don't worry, darling. It'll be quick."
Larry nodded moving closer to his betrothed for comfort. He relaxed by watching the elevator numbers go down. His mind running curious as Laurent pushed visions of love into his head. The elevator finally opened and the group stepped forward only to have Laurent shove Larry behind him and getting into a battle stance.
He was confused at first trying his best to peer over Laurent as the group formed a fort to block his view. He was beginning to think it was just a precaution until he caught sight of a dress and bony fingers that moved closer to him and finally the face made his body freeze up completely.
His mother. Along with his father eyeing Laurent's threatening form with unease.
She looked him in the eyes with a sinister snarl, her red lipstick-stained lips curled over her teeth, "You little bitch."