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Alexander checked the time as he finished sweeping the shop. It was almost time for him to get ready for his and Thomas' date. He had eagerly been waiting all week for the day to arrive and he was more nervous than ever. "Alex- you seem very excited and nervous at the same time. What's up?" Angelica asked as he put the broom away. "Tonight is mine and Thomas' second, technically first, date. I'm ecstatic."

Angelica smiled. "Well isn't that something. I'm gonna let you go early Alex. I know you want to stay and clean up the shop, but you need to go home and get ready. By the way- if he hurts you in any way, shape, or form, let me know and I'll break his kneecaps-"

"No you won't. Not if I have something to say about it. But if he does, I'll snap his wrists," Eliza smiled. "And I'll punch him so hard in the chest that his rib cage caves in and collapses," Peggy joined in. "Okay one, Eliza, Angelica, that's assault and illegal. Two, Peggy, that's attempted murder and also illegal. I'm sure we'll be fine, but I'll let you know if anything does happen. Good or bad."

Alexander took off his apron and smiled. "Thanks for looking out for me though." He kissed each of their cheeks and grabbed his things. They smiled and hugged him. "Have fun- and be careful. You never know what type of STD people have-" Alex cut Peggy off. "Margarita Schuyler!" Alexander throws a napkin at her and she just laughs. "Okay well, I'll be on my way now. I've gotta call Thomas so I know what I should wear."

He waves goodbye to them and starts walking to the bus stop. He doesn't usually take the bus because he hates how crowded they are, but no one is gonna drive him so he pretty much has no other choice. He waits at the bus stop for about ten minutes before it arrives and he gets on. It takes about fifteen minutes to get to walking distance of his apartment complex. He jogs the whole way there and sits on his couch as soon as he get in. He hears his phone ding.



Hey! I'm picking you up at 6:30. Is that good?


Yeah that's fine! Hey- what should I wear?


I recommend something warm. And a coat. And gloves. What's your shoe size?


Weird question, but I wear a size 8 in men's.


Smol feet. Okay! See you at 6.




Alexander smiled to himself and got up. He walked to his room and began going through his closet.


Thomas waited outside of Alexander's apartment complex. He glanced at the box he had in the passenger's seat. He really hoped that Alex would like what he had planned. He fixed his tie in the rear view mirror and checked his teeth. He brought his coat with him since he knows how cold the rink is.

His car door opened and Alexander got in. "My God- give me heads up before you get in," Thomas chuckled. "Yeah yeah- were you checking your teeth?" he asked. "Well I- I want to give a good impression. I really hope you'll like what I have planned," Thomas said. He began driving.

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