Moving On

136 3 14

TW: Mentions of death


Thomas was walking through the woods. The sound of leaves crunching under his feet and the birds in the trees were the only sounds around. He involuntarily shuddered. It was so quiet. Fall is such a beautiful season. Then he heard it. More footsteps. They weren't his. They didn't belong to Thomas. They were short steps. They were slightly hurried and short unlike Thomas' who's footsteps were calm, long strides. With a whoosh and swish of the wind, came short hurried breaths to match the footsteps. Thomas didn't dare look behind him. He knew who it was. He smiled softly to himself when he felt a warm hand in his. He turned his head slightly to see her. She smiled up at him. Martha. Where were they walking? Where were they headed?

They continued walking in silence. Thomas glanced at Martha once more and almost jumped back. She was slightly pale, the light from her eyes were gone, and blood was falling from her mouth. This is how he saw her last, before her funeral. "Don't be alarmed Tom. It's just me. Although, just me, frozen in the same look I had when I died in that hospital bed, two years ago in the fall," she smiled at him. "I know Martha, I know. I miss you so much," Thomas replied. "We had been together since college and got married right after graduation. Remember that?" Martha asks. "I think about it all the time," Thomas chuckles lightly.

"Thomas..." Martha trails off. They stop walking. Thomas stares ahead of them. Winter. Another person stands in winter with their back to them. Thomas' throat goes dry. "Thomas, look at me," Martha said, the tone of her voice firm. Thomas turns towards her. Martha lets go of his hand and moves hers to his face. "You know I loved you, right?" she asks. Thomas only nods. "I want you to be happy, Thomas. Don't feel guilty okay?" Martha asks. "Okay Martha," Thomas answers. Martha smiles softly at Thomas. "Go to him, Thomas. Go to him," Martha whispers. Thomas nods, tears brimming in his eyes.

He starts walking. Alone, this time. Right before he takes a step into winter from fall, he turns back to wave at her once more. But she's already gone. Thomas sighs, and walks into winter. He approaches the man, who seemingly comes to life in his presence. Thomas stands next to him. "Hello Thomas," the man says, a smile across his face. "Alexander," Thomas replies. "Let's walk, shall we?" Alexander asks. Thomas nods and takes his hand in his own. They start walking further into winter, never looking back.


Thomas sits up in a sweat. His alarm continuously rings in his ears. He turns it off and gets up, thinking over the dream he had. He stood in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection. He glanced down at his left hand. His silver wedding band glistened. He could feel the tears in his eyes, but held them back. He decided to take a shower and get ready for work. Yesterday was the first day in two years that he went without thinking about Martha at all.

As he got his stuff for work, he glanced at his bedside table. There was a picture of him and Martha on their wedding day. Next to it, sat the box their wedding rings came in. He picked up the small box and opened it. He smiled softly at the ring identical to his own except in gold. Gold was always her color. He smiled softly before picking up the ring. "I love you Martha," he whispered, softly kissing the ring. He placed it back in the box and looked at his own ring. He carefully twisted it off his finger. A tingly feeling was left in his hand at the ring's absence. He placed his ring in the box next to Martha's. He closed the box and smiled to himself. He grabbed his work stuff and left his apartment in a happy mood.

You choose (Idk this is random):

Alex's POV

Thomas' POV

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