Late Night Phone Calls

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As soon as I get into my apartment, I put my work bag down and throw myself onto my soft couch. Adams is a whole headache and a half. I love the guy, but I wish Washington would make me head of my department so we don't have to do the work Adams doesn't. If only Abigail didn't switch departments, she could sort her lazy-ass husband out. I groan when I feel the familiar feeling of my cat, Monticello (Cello for short), climbing on my back. He curls himself up on the small of my back, purring softly. It's kind of relaxing, in a way.

I close my eyes for only second when I hear the notifications on my phone ding. I grunt and sit up. For starters, it's 10 to 11 at night and all of my friends and family go to bed and 9. So who the hell is notifying me? I unlock my phone to see that I had one new message. I'm slightly apprehensive, but open it anyways.


*One New Message from: Unknown*


Hi! It's Alexander, from earlier at the coffee shop?


I feel my heart leap in my chest. He got my note! I smile happily and quickly text back.



Hello! I'm glad you got my note, gorgeous.


I didn't see it until I was locking up at 9. Sorry!


No you're fine! I just got off of work.


Oh, well then this is okay? I'm kind of a night owl...


Yes, this is okay. Not like I can really sleep anyways.




Sorry about having to leave so quickly! My boss is kind of an asshole.


It's okay! You could always make up for it on our next date...


What did you have in mind~?


You tell me, stranger.


It's gonna be a surprise. When are you free?


Saturday the shop closes at six rather nine. Is that good?


Perfect. It's a date!


Awesome! Hey, uh, can we talk over the phone? I'm better at communicating when talking directly...


Sure! Kind of the same for me. Give me a moment.




I quickly add him as a contact. I shoot him a text letting him know he can call whenever ready. Soon enough, this pops up on my screen:

Voice call from 'Cute Waiter'

I answer and put the phone up to my ear. Everything is just silent. "Yeah no- SHUT UP JOHN I'M ON THE PHONE!" I hear Alexander yell. It was slightly muffled. "YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG TO MOVE IN WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" I hear him yell again. I chuckle softly before saying, "Hello?" There's some-what of a muffled gasp. "Hey, uh, sorry about that! My roommate John was being annoying..." he says after a moment. "Who ya on the phone with?" I hear someone ask in the background. "You know who I'm on the phone with, asshole!" Alex hisses back. "Oh- HEY HOT GUY FROM THE COFFEE SHOP THAT ALEX TOTALLY HAS A CRUSH ON!" I heard his roommate yell. There's faint shuffling and then the sudden sound of glass shattering. "AHH! PINK MAN- YOU'RE BOYFRIEND IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" I laugh at this.

"Please ignore him. His girlfriend, Peggy, her house is being renovated so he can't move in with her yet. She's my co-worker and Eliza's, sister," Alex says. "It's fine lamb," I reply nonchalantly. He giggles quietly. "So- what do you wanna talk about?" he asks. "Hm... let's play a game," I suggest, laying on my back across my couch. "Okay! What game is it?" he asks quickly. "20 questions. It's a better way for us to get to know each other," I reply. "That's fine. I can go first. Hm... What's your favorite animal?" he asks.

"Birds. I had a bird once, I named him Dick. What's your favorite food?"

"I don't really have a favorite food, but I really love vanilla ice cream. Favorite book?"

"Any book I pick up, really. And I too like vanilla ice cream! Any guilty pleasures?"

"I am in love with Christmas music. Even if it isn't Christmas. What's a quote you live by?"

"Love that. Quoting, 'I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.'"

"That was third US president, Daveed Diggs!"

"Yep! The man was genius. Setting aside the not-so great things he did."

"That's awesome!"

"It's my favorite quote."

"How old are you, when's your birthday?"

"Hey it's my turn! April 13th, I'm 25. What's something that you want?"

"W- what?"

"What's something you want?"

He makes sort of a squeaking sound. Then he mumbles something. "What'd you say?" I ask. "Um..." he hesitates. "I'm not telling you!" he says after a moment. "What?! What's wrong with telling me something you want? What's so embarrass- oh..." realization dawned on me. "Okay, one, I didn't mean it like... that. Two, I meant something like an object or wish or something!" I say. "O- oh..." he replies. I chuckle before whispering lowly, "So quick to assume... makes me wonder..." He makes a weird sound that's halfway between a gasp and a choke. "I'm just teasing you," I say quickly. "Asshole!" he responds playfully. I laugh and we continue our game.


"... It's just the concept! Like, why would Zeus give Pandora that jar telling her not to open it in the first place! He could've just not given it to her."

In case you're confused- we're in a rant about Greek Mythology. I glance at my clock. Three in the morning. "I think it was his way as to show how mortals can't resist their temptation. Or, from the several versions of the stories I've heard, he was just being sexist and making it seem as women are the downfall of humankind. And anyways- who are we to oppose what the Greeks believed in?" I counter argue. "It's just so unnecessary! Like, all of it could have been avoided!" Alex sighs. I laugh at this. "I guess they were... missing the logical points." I say. "Yeah. Hey uh- it's three in the morning and you probably have work in the morning, so I'm gonna let you go to sleep," Alex says after a moment of silence. "Oh- okay. I really like talking to you. You're fun to argue with," I reply. "That's a first. Anyways- I hope you have good night Thomas!" he says happily. "You too Alexander. Good night," I respond before hanging up.

I get ready for bed and climb in. I close my eyes.

You choose:


Time-skip a couple days

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