Sit With Me

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"I- I um really like the peppermint hot chocolate and the croissants with chocolate drizzle are heavenly," I reply with a laugh. The man smiles at me and the butterflies in my stomach start reproducing. "I'll take that then, sugar," he said after a moment. I almost squeak as a blush creeps up my face. I nod and head towards the kitchen.

I sigh as I approach my best friend Eliza. "Lizzie, oh wow, you will not believe what just happened!" I gushed. "Let me guess: there's a cute guy out there and he started flirting with you?" Eliza asked, not looking up from the cookies she was decorating. "How'd you know?" I ask. "Alexander, It's my job to know. And also, I saw the whole ordeal go down," Eliza replied, adding the finishing touches to the cookies. I reach out to grab one and she swats my hand away. "No touching! Sabes cómo me gusta admirar mi trabajo (You know how I like to admire my work.)," Eliza said. I grin knowing that she only learned Spanish so we could talk in private in front of our nosy friends.

"Alright, alright. He wants my usual," I say. "Fine. Here, take these over to that lovely lady in red," Eliza said, handing me a plate of beignets. "You're relationship is so weird. Are you dating or not? Or was it just a one-night stand?" I ask, grabbing the plate. "I'll have you know, she asked me out. We're going to that fancy restaurant I told you about," Eliza bragged. "You ever gonna tell me the 'mystery' girl's name?" I ask. "It's Maria. Now go! I gotta start on the croissants," she said. I laughed as she shoved me out of the kitchen.

"Here you go ma'am, curtsy of Eliza," I say, sitting the plate of beignets down in front of the woman. "My favorite! Tell her I said thank you," she replied happily. "I actually have a question. You see that guy over there? The one in the pink jacket?" I ask. "Yeah... what about him?" She asked. "Do you know him? 'Liza told me you work at Washington Core and I couldn't help but notice that his keys has a chain, the symbol of Core," I say in one breath. "Yes, I do know him. Word of advice, if you don't want to piss him off, call the color of his jacket magenta. His name is Thomas, Thomas Jefferson," she replied smoothly. I grinned when she told me his name. Thomas. "Thank you- and um, those are on the house," I say, before turning away and sprinting to the kitchen.

I see Eliza lacing the croissant in a layer of butter. "I don't know how you do it Lizzie. How are you so good at baking?" I ask. "Hard work and passion. What'd she say?" She asks, starting on the hot chocolate. "She said thank you. And his name is Thomas," I say, slightly melting at his name again. "So you're stalking him now?" Eliza asks jokingly. "What's the secret ingredient in the tea?" I ask, ignoring her question. "Just watch the magic happen, mi amigo" she says.

She stirs the pot of hot chocolate, pours it into a mug, and then grabs some peppermint. She drops two into the water and I watch as the peppermint mixes into the chocolate as a white and red swirl. The smell is amazing. She then grabs peppermint bark and sits it on a cutting board. "Now this part is important, because if you have any pent up rage or anger, you can take it out on the bark," she says. She grabs a meat mallet before saying, "Never use this for actual meat. Only for peppermint bark," she says. She then starts beating the peppermint bark and I jump back with the amount of force she's using. After a couple of seconds, the peppermint bark is left in bits and pieces. She sighs in relief and sprinkles the bark into the chocolate. "Finishing touches," she says, grabbing cinnamon, adding that, whipped cream and chocolate shavings. She sprinkles some in and says, "Et voila! There you have it. My special peppermint hot chocolate," she says.

She slides that over with the croissant. "Take that to him. On the house," Eliza said. "So we're giving stuff away for free now?" I ask. "YOU BETTER NOT BE!" I hear Eliza's sister, Angelica, yell from the other side of the kitchen. I quickly grab the items and leave the kitchen.

"H- here you go sir," I say, placing the hot chocolate and croissant in front of him. "Thanks darlin'," he replies, his southern accent more prominent. I blush before saying, "Do you need anything else?" "Well there is one thing..." he says quietly. I nod, allowing him to go on. "Would you like to sit with me? When you're shift is over? I'd like to get to know you Mr...?" He asks. "Hamilton. Alexander Hamilton," I say, a little too quickly  "Hamilton," he says with a nod. "And I uh..."

Your choice:

Accept his offer

Turn him down

Say nothing

Peppermint - |Jamilton|Where stories live. Discover now