lloyd x masc!reader - a new ally?

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"Okay, okay," I laughed, shaking my head. I had worked with the green ninja before when he was stuck on an island in a far off realm, but clearly he hadn't relayed a description of me to his teammates, as the other five were in a fighting stance with their weapons at the ready. I raised my hands defensively, stepping backwards onto a rock to raise myself a little.
Did these guys even know I was a god?

"I see what's happening here," I started, a grin slowly crawling across my face. I saw Lloyd facepalm, but his green eyes on me showed me he was intrigued. I flashed him a wink, if only to see that cute pink colour dust his cheeks again, before turning to the whole team. "You're face-to-face with greatness; and it's strange. You don't even know how you feel!" I chuckled, gesturing to Lloyd, who proceeded to glow an even brighter pink. Mortals were cute when they had a crush.
"It's adorable! Well, it's nice to know that humans never change," I grinned, and a look of confusion crossed the faces of the ninja, to the point where they lowered their weapons and exchanged looks. Yeah. That's what I thought.

I held my hand out and summoned a long, marble white staff with a sapphire embedded in the very top of it. With it, I reached down to poke Lloyd's hands, which were very conveniently covering his face. "Open your eyes, let's begin! Yes, it's really me, it's Y/n, breathe it in." My boasting and bragging never really got me anywhere with the major gods. Apparently not with some of the ninja, either.
The blue, black and white ninjas were looking on in a mixture of curiosity and excitement. The green ninja was blushing way too hard for having just been poked with a stick, and the grey and red ninjas still looked skeptical. Well, that's fine. I'd break them down. I only wanted in because I thought Lloyd was cute, anyway.
"I know it's a lot; the hair-" I paused to dramatically run a hand through my h/c hair. "-the bod! Cause you guys are staring at a minor god!"

The grey ninja - who I'd come to know as Nya - spluttered in indignation. "A god? Yeah, right. And pigs can fly," she snorted, shaking her head disbelievingly.
"They can, actually," I replied, hopping up and folding my legs to sit cross-legged...in mid-air. "Just not here on earth. That would fry your little pea brains."
"Pea brains? Well I-" Kai, the red ninja, began, before I started off again.
"Well, what can I say except you're welcome for the tides, the sun, the sky," I sang, leaning back in my floating position, arms triangulated behind my head. The looks on the faces of the ninja was a mixture of shock, curiosity, and indignation. Heh, cute. I'd never seen mortals so expressive. 
"You're welcome?" Zane asked, looking at me peculiarly. As a hunk-o-junk piece of technology, I could guess he wasn't processing my presence particularly well. I shrugged. "Hey, it's okay! You're welcome! I'm just an ordinary godly guy."
"You say that like we see gods every day," Cole commented. Lloyd seemed to have regained his composure, because he stepped in. "Gods aren't that common. I should know; I'm descended from one."
"Ah, yes." I nodded solemnly. "The First Spinjitsu Master. A shame what happened to him, really." I burst out into a grin, meeting Lloyd's bright green eyes. Looking back on it, I could already feel myself falling for him. But in the moment? I was just amused by his mortal friends. "We minor gods are all pieces of your grandfather's magic, you know. He was the only major god to exist. With all of us combined, we could likely rival your power, Lloyd."

Lloyd's face hardened suddenly, as if this is what he'd wanted to talk about. "Yes, well, does that mean you're aware of that Vinyl guy trying to 'summon the ancients' to destroy me?"
I felt my own smile begin to slip away at that. "Aye, I have. I'm afraid that by the ancients, he means me and my siblings. I'm sad to say that a few of us have already agreed to his plans. If the rest of us do too...there may be no hope for you."
"But you won't, right?"
I turned to look at the hopeful gazes of the ninja, whose incredulity at my existence seemed to have vanished. Sheesh, they followed this green boy blindly. "I don't know. What's in it for me if we don't?"
"Not getting thrashed by us?" Kai suggested, punching his palm with his fist for dramatic effect. My smile reappeared. Apart from Lloyd, Kai was probably my favourite.
"So? Will you help us?" asked Jay. 
I leaned back even further, pretending to think, although my mind was all but made up.
"When the nights got cold, who stole you fire from down below? You're looking at him, yo!"

"So...is that a yes?" Lloyd asked, confused.
"Yes," I replied, smile growing wider. "I've been helping you since your grandfather died, hot stuff. Why would I stop now?"
The ninja burst into a chorus of laughter and teasing at my words and Lloyd's beetroot red face, and I felt my smile only grow. Yeah, maybe this would get me in trouble with the minor gods that decided to join Vinyl's cause. But at least I got a cute boyfriend out of it.

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