cole x fem!reader - hostage situation

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"Let's get this party started."

Aboard the Destiny's Bounty stood a crew of mismatched villains, all released from prison. At the front stood a new villain, by the name of Arsona. Yeah, you guessed it. She liked fire and was a known arsonist.
I stood with the ninja, flexing my fists anxiously. Apparently Arsona had a thing against Cole's dad, and as a result really wanted to destroy the ninja. Are we surprised, though?
So, naturally, Arsona kidnapped Cole to draw the ninja out in the open so she could destroy them once and for all, and then go after Cole's dad. In my mind?
Big mistake. Nobody fucked with my boyfriend, dangerous criminal or not.

"You know, I think I love fire so much because I swear I'm so cold-hearted," Arsona exclaimed with glee from where the Bounty hovered above the canyon, anchored into the rocks below. On those same rocks stood me, Lloyd, Kai, Zane, Jay and Nya. Master Wu and Misako were watching on from a safe distance, hiding in their stolen noodle truck that was substituting as a headquarters.
Next to me, Nya opened her mouth to speak, but Arsona held up her hand as Fugidove grinned from behind her. "Ah ah! There's no negotiation, I'm not here for debating. You know who I want," she snarled, unnatural orange eyes glinting. I could feel my nails digging harshly into my palms, and I grew stressed as I couldn't spot the familiar black head of hair. Where was he?
"Do you need some...motivation?"

Arsona's tone was dripping with malice as she curled one finger to the people standing beside her. My heart skipped a beat as Cole, my Cole was shoved roughly to the front of the crowd. His arms were bare and bruised, his black ninja gi torn to bits. His face was dark, with black circles under his eyes.
And to think I'd only been without him for a week.
"Just look at Cole's face," Arsona whined, cupping her face in her hands and making puppy eyes. Cole's dark eyes glared back at her, just as hardy as ever. I felt my heart swell with triumph and love for the boy. They may have broken his body, but not his spirit.
"Now ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient," Arsona growled. She'd gone from all cutesy and lovey-dovey to aggressive and pure evil straight away. I felt a shiver run down my spine. Words could not explain how much I despised that woman. "I'll throw him overboard and let him drown in the dust! You either hand over his father or he'll be ripped apart!"

I opened my mouth...and then closed it again as Cole's gaze swung to us, turning panicked as soon as Arsona couldn't see his expression. Maybe he still held out hope, maybe his spirit hadn't been broken. But that didn't mean he wasn't scared. I could feel my heart breaking in my chest, and my feet carrying me forward, and-
"Now, let's all just be smart! Although for you that must be hard. You'll get his dad, no one has to come to any harm!" I shouted, words driven only by my determination to get Cole back safe and sound. At the mention of giving Lou to Arsona, Cole began to struggle against his bindings.
"No!" he cried, just as Lloyd took his place beside me, hood muffling his voice but not the anger and volume of it.
"Don't try to intimidate! Your bark's so much worse than your bite," he yelled, green eyes ablaze with fury. Not in all my months of knowing the ninja had I seen Lloyd as angry as he was then.

"You do so remind me of your father, Green Ninja," Arsona called down to the gathering of ninja, whose hands were alight with their respective powers, each just as determined to get their brother back. "Maybe you truly are just as bad as he is."
Lloyd practically hissed, springing off his feet and catching the chain of the anchor just below the railing. Instantly, the rest of the ninja followed, scrambling up onto the deck. I squeaked in surprise and stumbled after them, hoisting myself up the entire length of the chain. I should've taken Cole up on his offer to teach me Ninjitzu.
"Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out right now," Lloyd deadpanned in response, and before I knew it, the ninja were flying into battle.

Well, okay, not literally flying. Villains they'd faced a million times before charged at them from all sides, and the ninja were a force to be reckoned with. A little Spinjitzu there, a blast of ice from Zane, maybe a tad bit of a punch from Kai, and villains were being knocked unconscious left, right, and centre.
So you can imagine my surprise when it was Fugidove who leaped on me, cawing his ridiculous impersonation of a dove. Squealing, I drew back my arm and slapped him right across the face. From across the deck I heard the familiar scratchy voice I'd come to know and love (albeit it cracked a lot). "Alright, Y/n!"
Egged on, I sloppily struck Fugidove in the stomach with a kick, putting as much power into it as I could. Sure, maybe I didn't have any specific fighting style, but I was getting the job done.
As he staggered backwards across the deck, I suddenly found myself once again surrounded by the ninja. Damn, these guys moved quick.

"Peace or war, it's up to you." Lloyd suggested, face suddenly slack of all anger. Instead, it almost seemed as if he was...pleading.

"Give him up and do it now!" Nya shouted, a lot more standoffish than Lloyd. Heh. Could you blame her, really?
"If you don't, it's going down!" cried Jay, voice cracking with emotion. I spread my legs apart in a fighting stance. By the look on Arsona's face, she was getting exactly what she wanted. A fight.

"Your time is running out, so you should really watch your mouths," she responded, grin growing wider and wider by the second. I could feel the ninja tense around me, when suddenly an idea formed in my mind. Seconds before they leapt into battle, I sprung down from the upper deck, landing not so gracefully in front of Arsona.
"Okay, look, this is not a conversation, it's a do-or-die situation. If you don't give me back Cole, I'll serve you right here with no hesitation. That way your whole crew can have a demonstration," I sneered, confidence building with the absolutely stunned look on Arsona's face. The ninja behind me were incredulous with confusion, but I could slowly see a look of understanding cross Lloyd's face.
"Release him now, and we can go our separate ways."
"That's your big speech, huh? You got an empty ultimatum?"

Arsona's sneer was bigger than my own. Either she'd seen entirely through my plan, or she was falling right into it. It was too early to tell. Just as she opened her mouth, an angry but equally terrified shriek emitted from behind Cole. There stood Lloyd, with Arsona's right-hand (though I forget his name, it was definitely something like VJ) pressed harshly against him. Lloyd's signature green ninja sword was pressed to his neck.
"All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him," Lloyd called. Arsona's face distorted with stress and horror as she stood, frozen in shock. Yeah. Two could play at the 'capture someone you love' game. "Matter of fact-" Lloyd started, pressing the sword harder against VJ's neck. "-one wrong move, and I'll debilitate him. If he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him. All it takes is one wrong look and I'll-"

"Okay! Okay!" cried Arsona, dropping to her knees. "Please, take Cole. Just let go of VJ."
Immediately, I darted across the deck, untying the rope that held Cole's limbs tightly together. I barely got time to step back before I was buried in his chest, his arms holding me close. I almost couldn't breathe, but as soon as I hugged him back he relaxed, breathing hard into my ear.
"I almost thought you weren't coming for me," he whispered in my ear. Hearing his voice so close made me melt with relief (and my knees jelly, but we'll ignore that). He was alive, and he was okay, and he was holding me.
"Pound for pound, we're prepared to stand our ground," I whispered back.
Cole pulled away, and for a split second I thought Arsona had gone back on our deal and he was leaving me again.  But those thoughts disappeared as, for the first time ever, Cole held my face in his hands and dipped his own down to kiss me.

I felt a whole new level of happy as the initial shock died down. Still surrounded by villains and by the other ninja who interrupted us to welcome Cole back in their own way, I felt completely lost. But in a good way.
Because the absolute love of my life just managed to make me faint into his arms with only a kiss.

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