jay x masc!reader - closeted flirting

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Training with the ninja was hard.

Atop the deck of the Bounty was a built-in training course, with planks, dummies, spinny obstacle course thingies, punching bags, treadmills, and of course room to spar each other too. I was only here because my parents had left me abandoned on the side of the road in Jamanakai village, and the ninja's Master Wu saw something in me.
Yeah, I don't get it either. I just know that I get free food (Zane is an awesome cook!), a comfortable bed in my own room, and I get to watch a bunch of cool fights.
I just never figured they'd want me in on those fights.

"Come on, Y/n! You've been spectating for weeks," Kai insisted, draping an arm over my shoulders and guiding me out onto the deck where Jay was sparring Cole while Zane timed it. Lloyd and Nya were experimenting with their powers on each other. That's gonna be a mess that they can clean up, I thought, flashing back to when Kai burned down the mast and Wu made him fix it all by himself. Poor guy.

"No, absolutely not." I refused, ducking under Kai's arm and out of his grasp. Exasperated, he turned to his team members. "Guys! A little help?"
Jay turned his attention to me, and I felt my heart skip a few beats. The blue ninja pulled down his hood, revealing his messy auburn hair and staring at me with those striking blue eyes that matched his gi.
He's not gay.
I winced as Nya's harsh words from the week before came racing through my mind. Nya had been my closest friend on this ship (if they would even consider me a friend), up until I told her I thought Jay was cute. I knew she had a thing for him, but I thought his crush on her died down ages ago when she couldn't pick between him and Cole and he eventually ended up losing feelings.
That didn't mean she had to stop talking to me, or shut me down as fast as she did.

Heart hurting, I simply watched as Jay, Cole and Zane walked over. I could feel Nya's burning gaze switching between us and her sparring partner, who didn't relent for even a second. I silently thanked Lloyd.
"Why won't you join us?" Kai pressed, and I groaned, folding my arms.
"Because I don't want to?"
"You've got the body for it," Jay commented amicably. I felt the blood rush to my face, and I hoped it wasn't too obvious.
"Yes," Zane continued. I should've worn a long-sleeved shirt today, because he was staring at my arms. "You're certainly not unfit. You'd do fine if you chose to learn Ninjitzu, I predict."
"Then you 'predict' wrong."
Cole's dark eyes suddenly lit up.

"Y/n, didn't you say you used to be in a dancing group? Sort of like my dad?"
Groan. Why did I ever tell Cole that?
"Yes, but I quit because of my parents," I huffed. "I don't dance anymore."
Jay clapped his hands together, ignoring what I'd just said. I could feel myself giving in to the peer pressure before the boy even started speaking.
"Ninjitzu is just like dancing! Nya and I had loads of experience when we were in this unfinished game last year-" Jay cut himself off before he could continue rambling. "Ahem. And Cole's dad is a professional dancer! What if you ran the training course like a dance?"

I looked at him, bewildered. Would that work? My only apprehension about the course was getting knocked out, or the ninja deciding to spar me at the end. If I even made it through this torturous course, I wouldn't then have the energy or the willpower to fight these guys - who have had years more training than me.
"We'll turn it into a competition." Jay announced. At that, Lloyd ceased his incessant onslaught of green balls and crept his way over to the group. To my dismay, Nya followed.
"Me, Cole, and Lloyd vs Kai, Nya and Y/n! Zane can judge."
Another groan. Kai was fine, but Nya was going to be difficult to work with.

Zane disappeared onto the upper deck, waving his hand down. Jay was about to explain the rules when Zane launched into his own rendition.
"Quickest team to complete the training course wins. One from each team will take the course at a time, and then spar at the end."
Nya stepped forward and opened her mouth to say something, but Zane didn't notice.
"First two are Jay and Y/n! I will begin the timer in thirty seconds."

[ like a love song ] - ninja x readerWhere stories live. Discover now