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There's Smutt!

              After the dinner everyone left tell you both congratulations again. You were cleaning up the kitchen when Spencer was  walking out  Hotch. You turn around seeing spencer leaning against the door fame with his sleeves rolled up and the top two buttons undone his hair was now messy, "You're absolutely gorgeous Angel" he said. You smile "you look extra handsome right now Dr.Reid" you say walking over to him. He pulled you in kissing your lips softly, he tasted like whiskey you kiss him once more. Your eyes fluttering open looking into his eyes. "I can't believe I'm gonna be the future Mrs.Reid" you smile, He cups your face pulling you in for yet another kiss your lips melted together he dragged his tongue across your bottom lip asking for entry, you let him in running your hands through his hair while his hands were moving along your body his touch like fire. He pulls away from the kiss you both were breathing each other's air his breath was intoxicating. "Pretty baby?" he says pants. "yes my love" you say looking up at him. "Do you want to take a trip tomorrow" he says searching your eyes, "sure where would we go" you say grabbing his hands walking the both of you to the shower. "Umm- I thought we could go see my mom, so we can tell her the news" he smiling. "I'd love that!" you say with a huge smile on your face. "Really?!?" he said picking you up, "Yes, I have to meet my mother in law" you say giving him a quick kiss.

He puts you down walking over to the shower turning it on adjusting the temperature as needed, "Unzip me?" you say turning your back to Spencer. He unzipped, your back now exposed he trailed his fingers down you back pulling the dress down. You were left in a white lace set, He put his hands around your waist pulling you closer to him. He started kissing your neck,you tilt your head sideways giving him better access. He stated sucking your skin biting it lightly. You moan throwing your head back, he hooked his fingers in the waist band of your panties pulling them down you step out of them kicking them to the side. He unclasped your bra, you turn around helping him take off his clothes running your fingers down his toned chest.

Once you both we undressed you walk into the shower letting the water run down your body it was the perfect temperature, Spencer snakes his arms around your waist his hands wonder your body. Massaging your breast taking your nipples between his fingers admitting a moan from you. Your hand goes to his neck holding it as his hand trails down to your core. He drags one finger down your slit before teasing your entrance. "Please spencer" you say pulling on his neck. "Tell me what you want pretty baby" he says kissing the marks he made previously. "I want you to fuck me with your fingers" you whine. "mmm" he groaned. He slide his fingers in and out of you curling them to his your sweet spot everytime. You tried to muffle your moans by biting your lip. "I want to hear how good i make you feel" he whispered as his pace quickened. You moan loudly as you feel the knot in your stomach forming. "Cum on my fingers pretty baby" he says kissing your jawline. His words send you over the edge your orgasm hitting you hard making your legs shake. "You can do it again" he insisted still pumping his fingers faster and faster. You knew you weren't gonna last long already felling the knot forming again. You were a moaning mess, "I" you say before Spencer cut you off. " I know Angel cum for me" your second orgasm hits you as you grip his neck. Your legs were weak so you sit on the little bench in your shower. You get done showering Spencer helped you cause you could barely stand.

           You get dressed in one of Spencer's tshirts in his go bag , slipping on some panties walking to the bed. Spencer came from the bathroom having a pair of black sweats on that hung low showing off his v line, he walked over to his side of the bed laying down. You crawl onto him kissing his lips before you start to leave love bites down his chest stopping at his v line. You palm his erection while kissing along his v line.You pulled down his pants freeing his hard member. You lick up his member before taking it all in you mouth slightly gagging. He grabs a fist full of your hair helping you bob your head up and down "Fuck" he moans giving you butterflies. You quicken your pace his tip hitting the back of your throat, you could tell he was close cause he started bucking his hips. After a couple mins "I'm gonna come pretty baby" he said before you feel a warm liquid in the back of your throat. You swallow his cum swiping your thumb across you bottom lip. You crawl back to your side as he pulls his sweat pants up. He leans over kissing you before laying on your chest as he starts talking the baby. "I hope you look like your mom when you get here, she the most beautiful girl in world." he whispers, you start to play with his hair it was so soft. "Goodnight handsome I love you" you say half asleep. "Goodnight Beautiful I love you" he says.

  A/N: Trash I know 🧍🏾‍♀️ anyways i hope you enjoy this! I love you if y'all need anything my dms are open!

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