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{a couple hours later}
       You started getting ready for the dinner, you put on a dark purple dress that ended just above your knee. You curled your hair,doing some light makeup. You put on some black heels and walked out to the dinning room. Spencer had it all set up very fancy, he was wearing a dark purple button down that matched your dress almost perfectly. Paired with black slacks and his converse. He didn't hear you come in because he was reading a book. You stand there admiring how good he looked. "Hey pretty baby" he said his eyes still glued to the book, You walk over to him grabbing his book standing in front of him. His eyes trailing down your figure, "You like my dress" you say in a soft voice. "Of course pretty baby, you look absolutely stunning and you know how much I love purple" he said wrapping his hands around your waist pulling you flush to him. You lean in kissing him softly his hands run up your body grabbing your face before you can pull away. You run your hands through his hair pulling it gently. He groaned into your mouth. You pull away looking into his eyes. "You're so handsome" you whisper, he smiled and said "I'm all yours pretty baby"
        You hear a knock at the door, you walk over opening it to see Hotch and Rossi, Hotch had a bottle of wine in his hands and Rossi had some Chicken Alfredo he made. "Hi guys" you say grabbing the food from Rossi walking to the kitchen.  Both of them follow behind you, "Wow Y/n this is a nice house" Rossi says. You put the food down and turn around hugging them. You hear another knock at your door, You walk over and open it seeing Garcia,Derek,JJ and Emily. "Oooo Y/n looking stunning as always" Derek says hugging you. " you don't look too bad your self " you say laughing. "Derek you know she's Spencer's" Emily said pushing him out the way hugging you as well. "Em I've missed you"  you said, "How are you feeling" she said while rubbing your arms. " I'm feeling good" you say smiling, "That's good" JJ chimes in. Em and JJ walk to the dining room leaving a smiley Penelope. "Come here" she says pulling you into a hug. "Pen" you say pulling away. "You seen me yesterday"you laugh. "I know but I am so happy you're doing well" she says. As you close the door walking into the dining room sitting next to Spencer, He placed his hands on your thigh squeezing it lightly. He stood up "Before we eat Y/n and I have some news to tell you guys" he says putting his hand out for you to grab.You take his hand standing up, "Y/n and I are expecting" he said fastly, the room was filled with big smiles. "OMGGGG Congratulations" Penelope said getting up hugging you both. "Congratulations Y/n" Rossi said hugging you. Hotch raises his glass "To Y/n and Spencer" everyone toasts. "one more thing" Spencer said sipping his drink., he placed his drink down on the table fumbling with something in his pocket. "Y/n" he said getting in one knee "You're the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with, I know we've only been dating for 2 months but i've been in love with you since the day you walked into the bull pen. Will you marry me?" "Yes omgggg yes" you say with tears in your eyes. He kissed you passionately "I love you pretty baby" he whispered....

A/N: short ik i'm just not in da zone i apologize :( i'm at my bestfriends house but when I get back home i'll write longer chapters :) I love youuuu!

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