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You wake up to the annoying sound of your alarm. You sit up and turn it off, stretching and wiping your eyes, you get up and start to walk to your bathroom. Taking a shower, once you get out you wrap a towel around yourself walking to your closet.
You decided to wear a white blouse with a black fitted skirt, leaving the two top buttons undone showing a little bit of your cleavage. You look at the clock and it's 6:30am, you have to be at the office at 7. You quickly grab a pair of black satin heels and an apple for breakfast.
Showing up at the office 5 mins early you walk in, going straight to the elevator clicking the floor number before the elevator doors get stopped by a hand. The doors open all the way and you see Spencer. He's wearing a purple button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his perfectly toned fore arms. He also had on a black tie and black slacks.
God he looked so sexy.
"Hey y/n" he said "Hi spence" you said back "I like your skirt" you blushed saying "thanks purple definitely is your color" he smiles then elevator doors closed taking the both of you up to the floor. You both walk out and you go to open the door "No let me" he said quickly holding the door letting you walk through. "Thank you" you say smiling
You walk straight to your desk and sit down looking through the big stack of files on your desk,


  "We got a case round table in 5 mins" You hear Hotch say. You get up from your desk accidentally dropping you pen without thinking you bend down and pick up the pen. As soon as you turn around you see Spencer sitting at his desk that's right behind yours. He smirks as he gets up making his way to the round table. Your face turns red as you follow behind him, once you both get to the room you sit next to each other like always.
"Okay 3 victims have been found in upstate New York, in a town called Hamilton in the last 10 days, in a sort of public place. 1st on a dead in street, 2nd in a desolate alley, and the 3rd in a field." Garcia said. "looking at the way the bodies have been placed ,it looks like the unsub is devolving" you say looking at the crime scene photos. "The 2 females were raped but the male was not, the unsub also knew where to stab the victims without killing them" Spencer added. " okay guys wheels up in 30" Hotch replies.
Everyone stands up closing their files and walking out, you walk out to your car grabbing your go bag then you start making you way to the jet. You're normally the first person on the jet so you could get the best seat but as soon as you boarded the jet Spencer was there.
"Hey y/n, looks like I beat you today" he said laughing. You smile sitting down in front of him.

A/N: idk how to feel about this but just a warning the first couple of chapters are gonna be kinda boring cause i have to introduce everything:)

My Best Friend  Spencer Reid x readerWhere stories live. Discover now