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TW: Face fucking and Praise Kink!

After laying for a moment he walked over to your side of the bed helping you up, you could barely stand on your own. You held on to Spencer tightly, he helped you walk to his bathroom taking you to the toilet. You peed, he went to his bathtub turning it on with his hand in the water waiting for it to be the perfect temperature and adding epsom salt. He walked over to you helping you up and in the tub. "Will you join me?" you asked him scooting up giving him room. He got in, you scooted back laying back on his chest. You both stay like that for a while.
You tilt your head backwards looking up at him, he looks down at you kissing your nose gently before kissing your forehead. Then looking in your eyes, "Can we stay like this forever?" you whisper. "I wish pretty baby" he says before stealing a kiss from you. You both get out not too long after. "There's a t-shirt and a pair of my boxers on the bed i'll let you get changed" he said walking out. You walk to his bed pulling the shirt over your head, his sent filling your nostrils. You put his boxers on a walk out to the living room seeing Spencer on the couch with the tv on. "I was thinking we could watch a movie, you're more then welcome to stay the night but I understand if you don't want to." he says. "I'll stay" you say with a smile running over to the couch. You sit down laying your head in Spencer's lap as he puts a fluffy blanket over you. "What do you want to watch pretty girl" he says clicking through all the movies. "Oooh let's watch dirty dancing, it's a classic have you seen it?" you ask him. " I haven't actually" he responds. You look at him with disbelief, "How have you not- we're watching it no if ands or buts" you say taking the remote out of his hands and putting on the movie He laughs at you. While watching the movie Spencer ran his fingers through your hair every so often gazing at you , then you ofc would tell him he should be paying attention to the movie. When the movie was over you could barley keep your eyes open, Spencer took notice to this scooping you up and carrying you to his bed, laying you down gently. Then walking over and laying next to you, you snuggle close to him. His body heat raided off of him keeping you warm, your head was on his chest. You could heart his heart beat it was soothing, then you fell asleep.
You wake up to Spencer playing with your hair. "Good morning my Sweet Angel" he said in a raspy voice. His voice instantly making you wet. "Good morning Doctor" you saying knowing it will turn him on. You move your hand 'accidentally' touching his dick. You felt him twitch, before you feel his hand drawing circles on your ass. Moving his hand further and further down before meeting with your wet core. "Angel I've barley touched you" he whispered. "Just the thought of you makes me wet, Doctor" you whisper in his ear while climbing on his lap. You start grinding your hips against is already hard dick. "Y/n" he moaned out. You start kissing along his jawline, down his neck leaving love bites along his pale skin. You kiss his perfectly toned chest softly reaching the waist band of his sweat pants. Pulling the strings undone before pulling his sweat pants and this boxers down. His dick hitting his chest, you didn't get a good look at it last night but god he was huge. You take your thumb and swirl the pre cum around, then taking him all in his tip hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag. "God pretty girl" he groans. You start to speed up your pace bobbing your head up and down. He bucks his hips grabbing a hand full of your hair before taking control. "I'm gonna fuck this pretty little face of yours, tell me if it's to much okay?" he tells you, you nod as he begins starting out slow before quickly speeding up. "Take my dick like I know you can" he moans " You got this pretty girl, you so gorgeous right now" he says. Tears coming out the side of your eyes, spit dripping down your chin you could feel him nearing his end. The grip he had on your hair tightened. "I'm gon- nna cum Angel"he stutters. You feel the warm liquid in the back of your throat he lets go of you hair pulling him self out, you swallow his cum. "You did so good for me Angel, such a good girl and you know what good girls get...... rewards" he says with a grin on his face. He lays you down spreading your legs open taking off his boxers you had on. You quickly feel his fingers slide in you and his teeth nipping at your clit. You moaned. His pace quickening pumping in and out of you faster and faster, you knew you weren't gonna last long. "Spence- I - I'm cuming" you screamed. Still pumping his fingers in and out of you letting you ride out your high. "You look so pretty with my fingers in this tight little pussy" he says. He pulls his fingers out crawling up to kiss you. You but his bottom lip when pulling away. Admitting a groan from him.

A/N: Hiii guys i'm sorry if there's spelling mistakes i'm tired I went to work at 2 this morning and i'm really tired i hope you liked this chapter!

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