Twenty Seven

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Tw: degrading and face fucking

A/N: okay so... we're skipping 2 months after Cat committed suicide I want everyone to take into consideration that Y/n at one point was in love with Cat even though they went through relationship problems she still had love for Cat. Thank you guys for everything <3

It's been two months, It's been hard on you because you had love for Cat at one point in time. Spencer has been by your side helping you get back to your old self, your happy self it's been hard but you've been putting on a fake smile for the kids because you knew that they needed you,and you needed them. Hotch let you take some time off and tomorrow was your first day back. "Hey Angel" Spence said. "hey babe" you whispered, "i just put Tate and the twins down" he said wrapping his arms around you. You were in the kitchen packing the kids lunch for tomorrow, they were going to a sitters while y'all were at work. "thank you babe, for everything" you say turning around to face him. Tears in your eyes, " that's what i'm here for you pretty baby" he said wiping your eyes "i know these past two months i haven't been myself and it's been hard at one point i loved her and i just want to thank you for staying, i love you so much pretty boy" you say smiling through the tears. He smiles at you, his smile could melt anyone's heart you wonder how you got so lucky. "i know how hard it is to lose someone you loved and i know all you needed was time, love and support" he says. You lean in and give him a quick kiss, "come one pretty baby let's go to bed" he whispered. He puts out his hand for you to take, you take his hand and walk to the bedroom.

You both decided to take a shower together, you turn the shower on and you both started to undress. Spencer helped you, taking off your shirt and kissing your neck and shoulders. You tilted your head, he took your bra off and made his way to taking everything else off. You both got in the shower, as you let the warm water run down your body you felt Spencer's arms wrap around you. He started once again kissing your neck, his hands wondering your body till his hands stopped at your core. " hey Spence can we try something new" you say panting. "like what pretty baby?" he whispers sliding one finger in and you let out a breathily moan. You could feel him smile against your skin, he added another finger quicken his pace. " like a little degrading, i know we've done it before but i really liked it so can we do it again" you hardly spit out. "Anything for you pretty baby" He kept pump his fingers in and out of you. You started feeling the knot form in your lower stomach, "you like that you little slut?"he spits out. You were so close to your edge until he stopped. He spun you around and kissed you on the lips. " why'd you stop" you said in a pouty tone. "because i want you to cum around my dick tonight not my fingers" he said in a cold tone. "but first, get on your knees" You obey and you get on your knees.

" so here's what we're gonna do, I'm gonna fuck that little sluty mouth of yours and you're gonna take all of me, understand?" he growls,You nodded your head. "words slut" he says. "yes sir" you choke out, He pumps his dick before shoving it into your mouth his tip instantly hits the back of your throat. He thrust into your mouth fucking your face, he wraps his hands in your hair before bobbing your head for you. you could feel your arousal dripping down your legs. Spencer was moaning you could feel him close to his edge. before he stops and pulls his dick out of your mouth. "get up here slut " he says in a stern manner. You get off your knees and wipe your eyes. "bend over" he says, you turn around and bend over. Without any warning he shoves his dick into your wet core, you let out a loud moan as Spencer starts fucking you faster and faster with each thrust. The knot in your stomach quickly came back. "S-s-spence i'm gonna" you could barley get out before Spencer ran over you and said "cum around my cock like the dirty little slut you are" right when those words came out of his mouth your orgasm hits you like a train. You let out a loud moan as Spencer kept fucking you through your orgasm, you could tell his was close. After a couple of sloppy thrust he came inside of you. You both were panting but your finished your shower got out and You changed into some loose silk pjs and walk out of the bathroom and laid down in bed. Spencer just slid one some sweats and joined you, he wrapped his arms around you "was that too much?" he whispered in your ear. "No spence that was perfect" you responded. "good i love you pretty baby" he said kissing you, " i love you too, goodnight" you whispered before drifting to sleep.

A/N: hiiiii omg it's been so long :( i'm so sorry i haven't had the slightest motivation but thanks to play friends motivation i'm back and better than ever <3 thank you guys for all the love you've given this story we're at 23.4k reads WHATTT OMG I LOVE YALL SM

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