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Today was your discharge day you were so ready to get out of the hospital and go home. You and Spencer haven't told anyone you both decided to have a dinner at your house since it was really nice. After dinner you guys will give the good news. The doctor came in your room to hand you your discharge papers. You and Spencer gather your stuff, it was hard for you to walk but you managed. You walked to Spencer's car he grabbed the door for you. You climbed in and Spencer walked around to the driver side. He got in turning the car on before pulling out the parking lot. He put his hand on your thigh rubbing small circles along your thigh. "So have you thought of names yet?" you say resting your hand on his. "mmm I was thinking for a girl Diana Brooklynn, for a boy Tate Lee" he says. "I love it" you say smiling. You were so happy in that moment the fact that you are carrying Spencer Reid's child. You look over at him god he looked so good. You pulled up to your house. You both got out you grabbed your kings and unlocked the door. You house had black interior It was a 2 bedroom house with a big living room and kitchen. "Wow" Spencer said. "You've been in here before" you laughed. "only a couple times" he said. You walked to your bedroom putting your stuff in front of your bed walking to your walk-in and shower turning it on. Spencer was waiting patiently in the door way. "wanna join?" you say smirking. You pull your shirt over your head and pulled your sweatpants down. "Of course" he said taking his clothes off following you into your shower. You let the warm water run down your body and threw your hair. You feel Spencer's arms wrap around you spin putting him under the shower head watching the water fall down his toned chest. You look up slowly your eyes land on his lips you take in his presence taking a mental picture. You stood on your tippy toes giving him a soft kiss. He grabbed your face kissing you back with so much passion.
     You ran your fingers in his hair pulling it gently making him admit a groan. He pulled away from the kiss, kissing your jawline leaving faint hickeys down you neck. He knelt down kissing your stomach softly. "You're breath taking Y/n" he said coming back up meeting your face. He kissed your forehead, grabbing the shampoo putting small amount in his hand before massaging it in your hair. Your eyes rolled back, he moved you under the shower head rinsing it all out. You did the same he knelt down so you could reach. Once you were done he rinsed his hair out.  You both finished turning the shower off,  drying yourselves off. You walk to your closet grabbing the pair of grey sweatpants that were way too big for you. you handed them to Spencer. "These should fit you" you say walking back to get dressed. You got dressed in a one for Spencer's t-shirts you stole from him. "Hey isn't that mine" he said pulling you in by your waist. "You mean ours" you say smiling. You stole a quick kiss before walking to the bed getting under the covers. Spencer was just staring at you. "Come snuggle" you said in a baby voice. He ran over jumping on the other side of the bed, He kissed you on your forehead then kissing your stomach he said "Goodnight peanut" You were in pure bliss. You laid your head on his chest falling fast asleep.
               You woke up to an empty bed, You walked out to the kitchen seeing a note left on the counter that said "I went to get some clothes and stuff for dinner tonight" you smiled walking back to your room feeling sick, you run to the bathroom throwing up, you heard the door open and Spencer started calling your name. He walked into the bathroom "Are you okay?" he said walking over too you. You shake your head getting up to brush your teeth. Once you got done you turned around and Spencer picked you up and put you on the counter. "You're the most beautiful woman i've ever seen and i'm so happy you're gonna be the mother to my kids" he said. DID THIS MAN JUST SAID KIDS. You had to admit you loved him more than you've ever loved anyone else.  "I love you" you whispered. "I love you more" he said  giving you soft kisses.

A/n: Hi ikkk it's short :( i had a bad day. Anyways i hope you enjoy this <3

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