View From the Top

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It was the way her body silhouetted against the glow from the city lights shining through the window. The way the black silk robe hung from one of her bare shoulders. Her back was turned toward me, but I admired her just the same.

I took a deep breath as I sauntered over to her. Wrapping one arm around her waist, I removed the hair from her neck with my free hand. Her body pushed against mine as I placed a soft kiss on her neck, her head falling back onto my shoulder. As a moan fell from her lips, I felt my arousal grow. The towel that hung around my waist was barely enough to keep me intact.

I trailed my lips along the crevice of her neck, nipping lightly at her earlobe. Her breath hitched as her nails dug into my arm, and I grinned against her soft skin.

"You like it rough," I stated matter-of-factly.

She didn't even have to be facing me for me to know that her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "A little nip on the ear isn't rough," she bit back at me.

I pulled away from her, placing my hands on either side of her waist and spinning her around to face me. The glint in her eye and the smirk on her face made me suppress my own smile. She was a minx.

She took a step closer to me, closing the small amount of distance that was left between us. My muscles tensed as she ran her hands up my chest, her nails grazing my skin just enough to give me goosebumps. One hand found the nape of my neck, while the other cupped my cheek. Her thumb made small circles as her eyes blazed into mine like fire.

The scene from the other night in my office kept replaying in my head. The way she touched herself, and the way she came undone before my eyes drove me wild. I couldn't even explain to the cleaning crew what happened in there. All I told them was, "things got out of hand," which wasn't necessarily a lie...

My cock stood erect, pushing against her inner thigh. She smiled and bit her lip before they came crashing onto mine. The familiar taste of cherry lip balm devoured my senses, and I wrapped her hair around my fingers. I backed her up against the floor-to-ceiling windows of my penthouse, her back arching in reaction to the cool glass against her warm skin. With my free hand, I let my towel drop to the floor. I pushed my body even harder against her, my tongue licking her bottom lip. She groaned as our tongues began massaging one another in a sensual dance.

Her hand trailed down my chest once again before she gripped my cock in her hand. In slow sultry pumps, she worked my cock. I moaned into her mouth, letting her know just how crazy she was making me.

"Want to take this to your bed?" She broke away  from me, her hand still working me.

My chest tightened at her words. I would much rather fuck her on every surface of this penthouse before I brought her back to my bed. That only meant one thing to me, and that thing, as silly as it sounds, was commitment. So, I pushed aside the pang in my chest and brought my mind back to the present. " I'm content having my way with you right here."

I noticed the way her body deflated, if only a little bit.


"Fuck, you're beautiful," I reassured her. To calm her down? Sure. But it was the truth, regardless.

She broke away from me, her eyes darkening as she got down on her knees before me. That damn sexy silk robe fell even further down her shoulder, and with another stroke of her hand, her lips found the tip of my dick. I bucked my hips at the newfound feeling of her tongue dancing around my head.

I gazed down at her, her eyes already looking up at me. Leaning forward, I held my weight with my hand against the window as she took all of me into her mouth.

"Holy fu-," I couldn't even finish the words as my cock hit the back of her throat. Her hand pumped to the same motion as her mouth, going faster then slower, slower then faster.

I looked out onto the skyscrapers surrounding my building. I'm sure a few of these fuckers were enjoying the show, but can I really blame them? The view from the top is something else. And I just happen to have the sexiest women in this city on her knees, sucking my dick for the world to see.

Looking back down at her, I admired her handy work. She was a goddamn anomaly. Everything that any guy or any woman could ever ask for. And I had her.

Her head bobbed up and down, and I let out a loud groan as she pushed my entire length to the back of her throat once more. She gagged slightly, and I nearly lost it. Gripping her hair, I pulled her away from my dick and motioned for her to stand back up. The second she did, I tore the robe off her in one swift motion before spinning her around and pinning her against the window. Without wasting a second, I thrust my cock into her, her tits pushing against the glass. Her screams bounced off the walls, and I pulled back out and pounded right back into her.

"How does it feel to know that everyone is watching me fuck you right now?" My words were strained against her neck. "You're fully fucking exposed to the city, baby. Your tits are on full display."

Her breathing became jagged, the sound of our skin-to-skin contact echoing into the open air of the penthouse. Her moans became louder the deeper I got, and I felt myself getting close.

Without any warning, she used all of her strength to push herself off of the glass and away from me. Turning to face me, her hair drenched in sweat, she pointed one finger at the leather couch just a few feet away from us. "Sit," she demanded through clenched teeth.

Whatever you fucking say.

I sat my ass down on that couch in an instant, her body looming over me like a fucking enchantress. She brought both of her arms on either side of me, gripping the back of the couch, before slowly lowering herself back onto my cock. The wetness of her pussy consumed me.

She threw her head back at the new position, and I brought my teeth to her neck like a fucking animal. I bit her hard before  replacing the pain with a sharp kiss. Her body bounced up and down, my dick hitting every spot of that tight pussy of hers. Her fingers teased her hard nipples, and I watched in ecstasy. She is a true work of art.

I began moving my hips to match her rhythm, and I noticed the way her body began to spasm. She was going to cum any second.

"Cum all around my dick, baby," I begged her. I fucking begged. What type of man am I to beg?

Our bodies moved faster, working together to reach her peak. I gripped her hips before giving my own one last hard thrust before she fell against me, the juices from her pussy coating my dick as her screams reverberated around me. Our lips found one another again as I slowly moved around inside of her. My cock twitched, and I knew I was a goner.

"Your turn," she whispered before clenching her pussy tightly around my cock. That's all I needed before I exploded into her.

Our lips were swollen by the time we finally pulled apart. Our bodies glistened with sweat, our breathing trying to find a way to calm down. I glanced over to her just as she ran a hand through her messy brown hair. Loose strands fell across her tits, and I clenched my jaw.

This woman is going to be the end of me.

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