Washington D.C.

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Evelyn's POV

I could barely contain myself as we stepped out of the elevator and made our way to his hotel room. I was craving him. Every aspect of him. I was craving the way he said my name. I was craving the way his fingers felt against my skin, and the way his warm lips ran down my neck. I was craving every single part of him, and my need for him tonight was stronger than ever.

We took slow, steady strides to his door. His fingers fumbled through his pocket for the key card, but I couldn't wait any longer.

Gripping the collar of his tuxedo, I pulled his lips onto mine. My fingers did their dance over the buttons of his undershirt, one by one. His breath hitched before a groan found it's way up his throat. I could hear the key card lightly fall to the floor as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my body flush to his own.

There was so much I wanted to tell him, so much I needed to get out, and as I found myself deepening our kiss, he pulled back, if only just a bit.

"Evelyn..." His voice was raspy and filled with passion.

I sighed as his lips left mine, his words just brushing against them.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He paused, "After what you just told me, I-"

"I want you. Do you want me?" I answered back with no hesitation. I wasn't letting his sorrow for telling him my best kept secret cloud the want I know he had for me.

His eyes burned into my own, searching for anything that could possibly tell him otherwise. But he had to know by now, that I would give up just about anything to be near him...to touch him...to hold him...

His facial features softened, my ears perking up for the words that would leave his mouth next. "More than anything."

I felt my heart leap at his statement. He could be saying this to any other woman in the world, but he was saying it to me.

I bent down, quickly picking up the key card and tapping it against the reader of the door. With a low beep, the door unlocked, and I pushed him inside.

My hands stayed on his chest, directing him to the king size bed in the middle of the room. The lights from the city outside illuminated his face, and more so...the need in his emerald eyes.

His knees bucked as he hit the edge of the bed. I didn't need to say anything as he let me push him slowly back down across the sateen bed sheets. He leaned back on his elbows, his eyes watching me intently as my fingers danced over my hips.

I took a step closer to him, turning on my heel before parting my hair over my left shoulder. I looked back at him through hooded eyes. "Mind if you help me with this?"

He grinned briefly before sitting up, running his fingers delicately up my back before settling on the zipper to my dress. In one swift and torturous movement, the champagne colored fabric pooled to the floor. His hands rested on either side of my hips as he found his balance to stand up. Brushing his lips against my neck, I let my head fall back against his shoulder. His breathing was heavy and sporadic, yet the hotness of his breath was only making my body burn with desire for him.

"You are stunning," he whispered just below my ear.

My breath caught in my throat as my body covered with goosebumps. There was something about the way he said it, something about the way his voice vibrated against my skin that had my entire body both aflame and shivering all at once.

I turned to face him again. His eyes were blazing, staring into my own with need. I licked my bottom lip, watching intently as he followed my every movement. He lowered his face closer to my own, our lips inches apart. The primal need in me wanted to take over, but I wasn't letting it cloud my vision.

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