Wedding Night

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The sound of the music dances off of the banquet's walls, a reminder that everyone in attendance is here to see us.

Us. Evelyn and I.

Our bodies move in sync, swaying our hips back and forth to the music. Her head rests on my chest, and I rub my hands up from the small of her back to her neck, the feeling of her wedding dress under my fingertips all too surreal to me.

She's my wife now. This spitfire of a my wife.

She looks up at me, a genuine smile on her face, her deep blue eyes shining against the dimly lit lights on the dance floor. She tightens her arms around me, pulling me into her and breathing in the scent of my cologne.

I know I've told her a million times, but saying 'I love you' isn't enough for me. I'd walk the edge of the earth for her. I'd sacrifice everything I have to make her happy. To see her smile. She's the love of my life, brought to me by some of the most unlikely scenarios. Through everything we've gone through, she's the one who makes me whole.

I take a look around the venue, both mine and her families mingling, drinking, and dancing. Her dad nods his head at me, a tear in his eye. He really loves his daughter, and I don't blame him. She's a bright light in an increasingly dull world.

Placing my thumb and forefinger underneath her chin, I bring her face up to mine and place a soft kiss against her warm lips. She tastes so sweet.

Her arms wrap around my neck as she gives me a deep, passionate kiss. If there weren't so many people around, I would be losing my control.

She breaks away from me, and I'm already wishing I could pull her back in for more.

"Are we crazy?" She asks as we continue our slow dance.

"Depends on how others look at us."

She's silent for a split second, the corner of her mouth curling into a smile. "I think they'd think we're crazy. The boss and the cliché."

A laugh to myself, her words harboring truth to them. "Cliché or not, I'm crazy in love with you."

"Now you're just being corny." She boops the tip of my nose with her finger.

I lean in, kissing her flushed cheek. "Maybe a little bit, but I'm ready to take on the future."

"Are we going to stick to the cliché and move to the Suburbs of New Jersey?"

"And have three kids, two dogs, and a white picket fence?"

Our dancing has stopped, turning into playful banter on the dance floor. "Aww, you'd compromise your cat-loving persona for me?"

I narrow my eyes at her jokingly, "Shut up."

She laughs, and my heart skips a beat. I love her laugh so much. Tucking a strand of fallen hair behind her ear, I place my palm on her cheek.

"But really, Evelyn. Even if we stay here, move away, have no kids or five...I'm perfect with whatever we decide." I mean it. So damn much. I'd do anything for her. Anything.

Her eyes darken mischievously, and I raise my eyebrow in confusion. What exactly just came to her mind?

"You know what I'm really looking forward to?" She flirtatiously runs her finger down my chest before her hand slips under my tuxedo jacket.

I knew where this was going, but I decide to play along, "What's that?"

She leans in close to me, her breath hot against my ear. "Consummating our marriage."

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