The Penthouse Balcony

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This is a "bonus scene" from my Episode story, Cold as Stone.

18+ Mature Content ahead!

Please proceed at your own risk.

I turned my back away from the sparkling city lights, fully aware of how quiet August had become

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I turned my back away from the sparkling city lights, fully aware of how quiet August had become. My chest tightened, and my toes curled into my flats seeing the look in his emerald green eyes. They have become fully dark with desire. I swallowed hard as he took a step closer to me, stopping myself from taking another step back. After all, we had a bet; one that I was dead set on winning.

"Do you understand how beautiful you are?" he paused, making sure to look directly into my eyes, "Not just your body, but your mind. You are something else."

I could hear the sincerity in his voice, and my cheeks flushed a deep shade of scarlet. "I was just saying how I feel...I don't think that warrants a beautiful mind."

His jaw ticked. "Why do you do that to yourself? Put yourself down?" Another step closer. "I know that you have confidence inside of you. I have seen it that attitude driven mouth of yours."

His eyes flicked to my lips, licking his own bottom lip slightly. My body filled with heat, and I clenched my jaw in attempt to stop myself. But I already knew that it was too late.

"You win." It came out in one forced breath.

"What?" Even taken aback, he was sexy as hell.

I closed the distance between us, slowly running my hand up his chest. I stopped to place it at the nape of his neck and easily noticed the impact that I was having on him. His breathing had become ragged, his eyes even darker than they just were.

"You win," I repeated back.

I brought his face down to meet mine, our lips a mere inches apart. I refused to kiss him. I had already lost, but I wanted to see if he would take control, just as he had done in the elevator a couple of hours ago.

To my surprise, he stood still, a smirk forming at the corner of his lips. "Well, what are you waiting for, Ms. Morris?" He narrowed his eyes at me, his thumb finding its way to my chin. He slowly angled my face so our lips were just brushing. "What are you going to do?"

With one last shaky breath, I smashed my lips onto his. They were just as soft as I had remembered them. He wasted no time in scooping me up into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed tightly onto his muscular biceps.

In a few short steps, we had made it to one of the cloth lined lounge chairs on his balcony. Lowering me down, I bit his lip playfully. He broke away almost instantly.

"Oh no, babe. We play by my rules here." He tugged at the hem of shirt, "Arms up."

I did as he said without hesitation. In one swift movement, my blouse had made it from my body onto the ground. He buried his head into my neck, leaving a trail of kisses down to my collarbone.

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