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8:32 pm

Two hours and thirty-two minutes from when I was originally supposed to end my day and go home to a glass of wine. But not today. He had me working late.

As I finally packed up my things, I slipped my heels back on that had been hidden under my desk, and headed out the door. The hallway was dimly lit, letting me know that Alex had gone home at a normal time in the night. Stopping just outside of his office door, I straightened out my skirt before knocking lightly and stepping into the lion's den.

"I'm heading out, Mr. Stone."

He rolled a pen in between his fingers before placing it down on his polished wooden desk. Leaning back in his chair, his eyes darkened, and he cocked an eyebrow before answering me, "Leaving so soon?"

Maybe it was the look in his eyes, or maybe it was the raspiness of his voice...but whatever it was made my body heat up and my pussy tighten. Our eyes stayed on one another's for a long minute before I dropped my purse to the floor and locked the frosted glass door behind me.

I had a sudden wave of confidence surge through me, and he must have noticed because his muscles tensed up under that tight, dark grey, collared shirt, and his fingernails dug into the arms of his leather desk chair.

I began walking toward him, undoing the buttons of my silk blouse one by one as my heels clacked against the marble floors. His chest was rising and falling in sporadic breaths, completely chipping away at his usual composed exterior, by the time I made my way to him. He remained seated as I let the fabric fall delicately from my chest onto the ground. His eyes roamed down my body, his tongue wetting his bottom lip. He didn't speak as I unzipped my skirt and took another step toward him.

"Mind helping me with this?" I asked, grabbing his hands and placing them on either side of my hips.

He slowly began pulling on the fabric, enjoying the way that my body shimmied as the skirt made its way down my thighs. His hands began traveling up my sides once the fabric pooled at my feet, but I shoved him back into his chair. As much as my goosebumps had given me away, I was in charge tonight.

"No. Not yet," I scolded him.

He was so used to being in control that I knew this was absolutely killing him inside. Yet, feeling as if I had all of the power made my confidence grow even more. Turning my back to him, I unclasped my bra and let that drop to the floor with the other pieces of my work attire.

"Fuck, Evelyn," he groaned, "You're killing me."

I smirked before plopping my ass down on his desk, my bare breasts now facing him, my nipples already hard. All I had left on was my black lace thong. I spread my legs, trailing my fingertips along the inside of my thighs. His pupils dilated, captivated by the sight of me so easily assessable for the taking.

But he wasn't going to get me just yet.

My hands began roaming my own body, my forefinger and thumb pinching my nipples as they made their dance over my breasts. I arched my back at the feeling, the thought of him eying me up like a wolf does his prey turning me on even more. With a free hand, I led my fingers to my panties, slowly rubbing myself through the thin fabric.

"Take the panties off, Evelyn," he demanded through clenched teeth.

"Now now, Mr. Stone. Be patient," I hummed, rubbing myself faster.

He adjusted himself in his chair, his hand gripping at his cock which was now fully erect through his suit bottoms. I grinned before both of my hands slipped my thong over my thighs and around my ankles. I now laid completely naked before him, nothing but my black Louboutins on, and I only had one thing in mind.

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