The Holiday Party

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I don't drink. I never liked the way it made me feel, the way it could just overpower man's rational thinking after one small sip. The way the warmth would run down your spine, yet would cloud your mobility.

I don't drink. Yet, here I am. Surrounded by hundreds of employees, my employees, with a three hundred dollar glass of scotch in my hand.

What were they talking about again? Expenses? Fuck if I knew. This was a holiday party, my one chance to get away from anything work related. I looked to my right, to the lengthy blonde that was attached at my hip. I wasn't exactly sure why I had asked her to come here. I had no intentions to sleep with her. Hell, I had no intentions to even know her name.

My eyes kept roaming the room for any sign of life, for any sign of her. After the way we had left things, I still couldn't bring myself to get her off of my damn mind. She consumed me. Fuck...She said that she loved me. And I ran. I fucking ran like the coward that I am. I told her what I told no one other than my damn therapist, and I fucking ran.

I took another sip of my Highland Park 40 Year, savoring the taste on my tongue. I wasn't sure when I would ever pick up another bottle, but the thought of her showing up tonight with someone new had my nerves going bat-shit crazy.

"August, don't you agree?" One of the men standing across from me said my name. I pulled my head up from the dark cloud it was stuck in and offered my fakest smile.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I hated myself for being so spaced out, but I admired myself for keeping my composure.

He began to speak again, but as if on cue...She walked through those frosted glass doors like a goddess, and my eyes shot right over to her in an instant.

Her light brown hair cascaded in perfectly curled waves across her shoulders, drawing my eyes to her chest. The thin straps on her burgundy colored gown were straining to hold on as her breasts pulled tight on the glimmering fabric. My eyes trailed down her perfect body, admiring the way the fabric hugged her curves. The dress billowed out on the floor behind her, and a long slit ran up to her mid thigh. I had to stop my mouth from falling open. Perfection. She was absolute perfection, and I let her get away.

Immediately, I let my mind wander to all of the times my lips grazed her skin...the way she would moan lightly before begging me for more. The way my fingers would trace a path from her breasts to her inner thigh, and the way the goosebumps would form directly after. I reveled at the thought of her arching her back when I would slowly slip a finger inside of her, or just how wet she would be for me without me even trying.

One of the men coughed, and I snapped my head back over. Placing my glass down on the bar, I nodded toward them. "Excuse me," I pardoned myself before linking arms with my trophy blonde before walking over to the girl I craved for every single minute of every single day.

But that's when he came into the picture. That dark haired prick that had taken her to lunch months ago. The one who looked like he was going to punch me square in the face the first time he had seen me. He was dressed in a charcoal grey, slightly a little too wrinkled, suit. In my opinion, a little too large for his body. I clenched my jaw as I stopped in front of the both of them.

"Ms. Morris," I didn't acknowledge him. Call me childish, but he was nonexistent to me at this moment.

"Mr. Stone," my name left her dark cherry colored lips in such a curt way, I almost felt like she had stabbed me in the heart. "Lovely to see you and your..."

I watched as her eyes did a once-over of the woman hanging on my arm. Her blue eyes narrowed just a bit, and her lips pursed before she looked back over to me. She didn't say anything. She didn't need to. I knew what she was thinking.

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