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Juniper had been going to Hogwarts for six years now and still found her classes rather difficult to remember

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Juniper had been going to Hogwarts for six years now and still found her classes rather difficult to remember. She'd often times get distracted and follow Pansy or Blaise toward there classes before she would realize that she was going the completely different way. Juniper often times forgot she had been two years older then her cousin and his friends, her and Theo were the same age and somehow she'd still forgot.

Thankfully the Nott boy was quick to link their arms after breakfast so she wouldn't be late for potions. Snape had always been easy on Juniper along with the rest of the Slythrins, but if the pair wanted a good seat next to each other it was important to get there on time. Though, they both seemed to forget how crowded the hallways were with new first years who were just as equally confused. To say the least, there had only been two seat open which were across the class room from everyone else.

"Guess we don't get to be partners this year." Theo said with a sigh as they walked in.

"I wouldn't pair you two if it were a life or death situation, miss Lestrange please take yourself to the empty desk up front to keep you focused." Snapes voice rung loudly as he appeared behind the two, making his way toward the front of the classroom, his long cloak waving behind him.

"Probably smart, I can't even remember what we learn when i'm in the back." Juniper spoke to Theo as she squeezed his hand and walked toward the front of the class. A few students she passed avoided her eyes or looked at her in fear. Juniper couldn't blame them, she knew she said some things along with did plenty of acts that weren't what the average student would do, still didn't mean it hadn't hurt her feelings.

Snape had paired her with one of the Weasley twins, she noticed his flaming hair all the way from the back. As the girl sat, her body twitched slightly before she'd placed her books down onto the table. Juniper turned, grabbing hold of the boys face next to her to eye his nose, "George, correct?"

"Correct you are." he said, eyeing her hand as she pulled it away, "I'd wash your hand, Fred and I put clear moisturizer on in hopes of it turning our face purple to get out of class."

"When will it turn?" Juniper asked while eyeing her hand, not seeing any form of purple, only the shiny rings along with her black fingernail polished nails.

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