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"Let me out of here!" Junipers voice was scratchy and barely there within each yell, she lost count of how many times she'd shouted the same four words in the past three days

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"Let me out of here!" Junipers voice was scratchy and barely there within each yell, she lost count of how many times she'd shouted the same four words in the past three days. The Shrieking Shack never scared Juniper until she was here, until she was locked inside. Her fingers bleed horribly at the amount of scratching she did on the wall, going over the previous scratches that had already been there, "Please!"

It was winter, the snow pouring down outside only making the inside colder. She couldn't understand why she was kept here, why she was punished for reacting the way she had. Her boyfriend was dead, she was the talk of the school, her memories were whipped of the last four months, nothing felt right to her. All Juniper wanted was to be with her friends, to feel safe and content. She hadn't felt that way sense she was found in the woods, always feeling like something was lurking.

Junipers head was constantly throbbing, flashes of memories that were too blurry to see, raced her mind. Juniper cried as she hit the walls harder, her fist bruised from how much she'd done so. She was alone, cold, scared. Juniper wondered of her family, had Ginny written them like she said? Was her aunt and uncle okay? Tonks and Sirius?

"Juniper! Are you in there?" a muffled yell was heard from the outside, a loud banging hitting the walls. Juniper waited till they said another word so she could find the voice, know where they were and who it was, "Juniper!"

"Neville?" Juniper asked in more of a whisper, his voice being the last she'd expect to come.

"Where are you?" he yelled from the other side, hitting the door again. Juniper hurried over to it quickly, nearly triping in the process.

"Neville! Neville, get me out of here, please!" Juniper begged from the other side with a cry, "Neville!"

"Hang on! Just back up!" he spoke from the other side of the door. Juniper hurried back from the door, backing up against the wall. She heard a muffled whisper before the door flew off the shack, making Juniper gasp. Her eyes flickered to the door and found Neville with his wand drawn, looking at the door, "I did it."

"What are you doing here?" Juniper asked with wide eyes his way, almost alarmed by him actually speaking to her.

"We came to rescue you." Neville said with a nod of his head, Ginny and Luna Lovegood, a girl Juniper hadn't spoke to aside from once due to their three year age gap, "All of us."

Ginny rushed into the shack and hugged Juniper quickly, the wild haired girl hugging her back tightly, soaking up the warmth the Weasley girl gave her.

"How sad." Luna said as she looked around the shack, "There is potential for it to be lovely, don't you agree, Neville?"

Neville looked around the shack as well, only feeling a sense of fright, "Sure, Luna."

Neville hurried to wrap the blanket around Juniper, her eyes watching his every move with shocked features, "The prefects bathroom is clear right now, we'll let you warm up then we have to head to hogsmeade."

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