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It was time

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It was time.

The signal Lupin and Tonks set up for under the tunnels for Blaise and Juniper not something they took lightly. The signal meant it was time, meant that what Juniper had said over the radio was to become real, right before her eyes. Blaise knew what he was to do, just as Juniper did herself. The war had started, Hogwarts was being destroyed.

George was there, he'd looked for Juniper, Tonks and Lupin only saying they'd sent the signal and if she were to come, she'd be here soon. And George knew June so well, he'd known she'd waited so long for this. No way would she say something that caused so much uprising and then just not show up, there'd been absolutely zero way.

And he was right.

"Oh my bloody hell." Fred gapped as he looked up with his twin.

Juniper lead a group of students through the air, flying on their brooms. Juniper was in the front, calling back to the many college students behind her. Angelina Johnson, Oliver Wood, they'd all followed her here, because her words didn't just travel to hogwarts. They were all over the wizard world, causing commotions that were bigger then her, bigger then Hogwarts.

And here they were, here she came, leading her own pack of followers to end it all.

"Bloody hell." George almost laughed as he looked up at her, grinning when Juniper caught his eye and began flying down toward him, "I don't know what to do, Freddie."

"I think she's got it covered, mate." Fred patted his back, backing up as Juniper flew down. Angelina took over, flying the college students deep into the war while their leader jumped off her broom.

"June, I don't-" George began, gapping at her as she pulled the cape off her head. It was green, letting her wild curls fly free. He wanted to say something, anything, but he couldn't, "Lupin told me something."

"He told me something too." Juniper said back, rushing to George as she grabbed his face and planted her lips onto his. Four entire years had he been wanted to do that, wanted to kiss her. Yet, here she was, doing the honors of kissing him. Maybe Lupins words weren't suppose to make sense to him, the whole showing rather then saying, even to this day he didn't understand them. But Juniper did, and perhaps that was his plan the entire time.

She pulled back with wide eyes, "I'm leading an entire army."

"So I saw." George laughed slightly, turning his head as the quidditch field caught fire, "What is your plan now?"

"Protect you, of course." Juniper smiled, holding his face and kissing him again, "But for now, you need to take shelter, and I need to go lead."

"I'll find you." he called, letting her hand go as she ran off, "Bloody hell."

"They've broken through!" Angelina gapped as Juniper showed up, standing before her group and looking out at the many death eaters swarming all of Hogwarts, "June!"

"What's your plan, Lestrange?" Oliver cut in from behind her.

Juniper was silent a moment, feeling the energy of the evil wizards coming their way, "We fight."

So they did.

There'd sent a string of curses, spells, bright lights. Non of them stopped, they fought as they promised they would. Junipers podcast words echoed in her own mind. Everything she said, the bloodshed, the fighting. It was here and she was the facing the movement she caused, it had been clear that the ones that promised and devoted themselves to her side were lacking faith in her as well.

Then it all changed.

Juniper stepped forward, a bright light coming from the end of her wand. Six death eaters were coming her way at once, freezing as the light from her wand attached itself to them. Junipers hand shook, body twitching, holding the wand a moment long before a loud yell left her lips, yanking her wand harshly.

All six of them laid dead before her.

"There she is!" Angelina shook her shoulders with a grin, "I was waiting for that."

"Yes, girl power, but we've gotta get inside, now." Olivier grabbed the pair, his classmates along with Angelinas already running into Hogwarts. Juniper was last to enter, looking around for anyone, anyone that was family.


The Weasley boy spun at her words, sighing in relief as he rubbed her head, "You mad woman, we've been looking all over."

Blaise pushed past him to hug Juniper tightly.

"Where's George?" Juniper looked around.

"Here, June." George called as he grabbed hold of her tightly. There was something different about the way he'd hugged her. It wasn't out of relief, he knew she'd make it through easily, this was different.

Sorrow, perhaps.

Juniper felt it as she pulled back with an alarming look, "Who was it?"

George didn't want to answer her, because of he said it, it would be so much more real. Fred rubbed her back slightly as his twin moved, making Juniper walk forward and pause at the sight. Someone had told her once that loosing people you love gets easier as time goes on, that death simply become part of life. She'd lose her lover, her cousin, her best friend...

And now her sister.

"No." Juniper whispered as she stared at Tonks and Remus' dead bodies. She fell down next to her, "No!"

Agony, pain, hollowness. It was impossible to ever describe her voice when she'd shouted the single word, though it would haunt all of hogwarts for as long as it was standing. Juniper laid her head onto Tonks body as she cried, holding her shoulders, "No, no, cmon, I know you can do it."

She began to shake her shoulders, trying to wake her it seemed. George went to lean down next to her before a figure stepped before him, a pleading look in their eye, begging to be the one. George backed up as Harry bent down and hugged Juniper as she sobbed for her cousin, her sister, and for the man who'd become the closest thing she'd ever had to a father figure.


kylie speaks

even though this book is
coming to a end, i am very
glad these two will be the
last painful deaths she will
have to experience. my baby,
still, so proud of her for leading
her revolution.
my heart is always like
<oliverwood3 mf has got the
most special place in my heart
for some reason.

 my heart is always like <oliverwood3 mf has got themost special place in my heartfor some reason

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