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"Who's that? That Hagrids carrying?" Ginnys voice rung as the twins walked with Juniper, seeing Voldemort and his followers along with Hagrid, who had a much smaller figure in his arms

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"Who's that? That Hagrids carrying?" Ginnys voice rung as the twins walked with Juniper, seeing Voldemort and his followers along with Hagrid, who had a much smaller figure in his arms. George's arm was secure around Juniper, especially after seeing her own mothers look.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort yelled out as Juniper felt a chill run down her spin as her head sunk. George held her tightly, but Juniper had Ron and Hermione immediately.

"No! No!" Ginny cried out as she tried to run forward, sobs leaving her lips as Arthur held her back when Voldemort struck his wand toward the youngest Weasley. Juniper couldn't look in Hagrids direction, she couldn't bare to see Harry dead, her family, her real family. She could see her mother standing with Narcissa and Lucious, a grin on her face.

"Stupid girl." Voldemort said with a look of disgust across his face at the sight of Ginny, "Harry Potter is dead, from this day forward you put your faith in me."

"Draco!" Lucious scolded the boy and nodding his head toward the followers, Juniper met her cousins eye.

She gave a shake of her head, "You don't have to do this."

"Draco." Narcissa called for him in a much soft tone and with a knowing look across her face, nodding for the boy to come. Draco looked to Juniper again.

"Stay." she gave a whisper.

"I can't." Draco mumbled, squeezing her hand as he passed.

"Ah, well done, Draco." Voldemort gushed at the blonde boy as he brought him into an awkward like hug that Draco didn't return. Juniper watched in horror, terrified for what Voldemort would do to him. But to her surprise and luck, he let the boy stand with his parents.

"Juney." Bellatrix sang-sung as she pointed a finger toward the girl, "Come home to Mummy."

Juniper held her ground, she thought of Tonks, Remus, Theo, Sirius, Cedric, and now Harry. The group of rebels Juniper lead guarded her sternly. Neville slowly walked outwards, closer toward the group of evil.

"Well, I can say I hoped for better." Voldemort said as he looked over the limping boy while his followers all laughed loudly, "And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom." Neville stated as they all laughed again. Bellatrix laughed loudly as the rest of the followers did the same.

"Well, Neville, i'm sure we can find a place for you-" Voldemort began before Neville cut him off.

"I'd like to say something." he announced with an annoyed expression across his bloody features. Ron grabbed hold of Hermione, Juniper taking his lead by holding George hand and looking back at Blaise.

"Well, Neville, i'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." Voldemort said, it was obvious he was holding himself back from killing Neville right then and there.

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