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"Oh my merlin, sit still

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"Oh my merlin, sit still." Theo demanded Juniper, her figure moving relentlessly next to him, not being able to sit still. Fleur was finished up getting her egg, the stands cheering for her. Juniper was well aware it would either be Harry or Cedric to be the next to preform the task.

"I can't help it, Theodore." Juniper said as she smacked him upside the head, leg bouncing as she began popping her fingers, "Damn, my fingers can't be popped anymore."

Blaise held out his hand for her to start popping his fingers, which she had.

"You're boyfriends gonna do fine." Theo said as he shook Juniper slightly, "He's got great muscles."

"Strong looking legs." Blaise added in with a knowing look.

"Bet there's a nice set of abs under there too." Theo pointed out as Juniper flushed and nodded her head in agreement.

"Bet so." she said with a sigh, the pair of boys laughed at her words, "I hope my advice was okay, what if Charlie Weasley was lying to me because his mum hates me?"

"Who cared what bloodtraitors thing?" Blaise said as Juniper elbowed him with a huff, "I'm just saying."

"Well, stop just saying." she snapped at him, popping his finger rather hard as he yelped, "I would have been dead if Ginny hadn't caught me that time I fell off my broom."

"Oh, you mean the time you were trying to balance on your broom, twenty feet in the air, in the middle of a Quidditch game that caused Slytherin to loose?" Theo asked her as Blaise hit him from behind Juniper as the wild haired girl nodded her head toward him.

"Yes, that time." she agreed, "No one knew that spell but her, would you rather me be dead? Hum?"

"Course not, June." Blaise said as he put a hand around her. Dumbledore announced Cedrics name as Juniper let out a scream, Theo gave a apologetic look to the ones around them with a small sigh.

"Stay calm, smile, show a little leg, go on." Theo went on as Juniper slapped him, inhaling as she stood up, holding onto the railing on the bleachers in fear. Her leg was bouncing horribly as she saw him, waving toward Hufflepuff while Hagrid went to retrieve his dragon. Cedric scanned Slytherins stands, eyes focusing on Juniper when his eyes found her. He smiled beautifully with a wave. She waved back.

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