Chapter 3

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Alexandra POV

The next morning I woke up to someone shaking my arm. I rolled over and looked up to see my Dad smiling at me. Still tired I tried rolling over again to go back to sleep. I heard my Dad chuckle behind me.

"Come on. Get up. We are going to the shop today" My Dad said behind me. I shot straight up in my bed.

"We as in all of us? Like I get to come?" I said questioning him.

"Yes, you get to come but you better hurry we are leaving soon," My Dad said smiling, he then walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

I quickly threw the covers off my body and ran over to my dresser. Since I knew I was going to the shop I picked out some old jeans and a t-shirt that already had stains on it from the last time I went to the shop.

After I was ready I ran down the stairs to see my Mom in the kitchen making cereal for herself. I walked into the kitchen and stood next to the counter she was standing at.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask excitedly

"You can have toast or cereal. Your dad is in a hurry" she said smiling.

"I'll have toast" I reply as I take a seat at the kitchen table.

She puts the toast and turns around to face me.

"I am excited," I say to her.

"Why?" she questions.

"I get to help at the shop" I respond.

She looks at me, "Do you have your backpack?".

"No, am I going to need it?" I ask. The toaster dings and the toast pops out of the top. Mom turns around and starts to put jelly on it.

"You may need it if Aunt Mia isn't busy. Go grab it just in case, while I finish this" she says with her back to me.

I hop off the stool and grab my backpack from my room. Thankfully I never unpacked it after I got home yesterday. I run back downstairs to see my mom walking towards me with my toast on a plate. We walk outside and head towards the cars.


I rode in my Dad's car to the shop. It was silent but comfortable silence. My Dad and I's relationship was the silent type. We loved each other of course but we didn't really express it with words.

"Where were you last night?" I ask him.

"At home?" he says.

"No," I say.

"At the race?" he says trying to convince me nothing happened last night.

"No, in between that, I saw everyone was at home before you were" I explain.

"Oh, I was running some errands," he says nonchalantly.

"Were you doing them with Brian?" I ask

"You don't miss anything do you?" he says smiling.

"I try not too" I respond as my Dad chuckles, " So what really happened?".

"We got into a little trouble. Nothing I couldn't handle though" he responds.

"Okay then," I say as we continue to drive to the shop.


We had been at the garage for a few hours and I was bored out of my mind. I was spinning in a circle on a rolling stool I found in an attempt to entertain myself. Aunt Mia and Dad were talking about some paperwork, Uncle Jesse was welding something, and Mom was looking at an engine. I had no clue where Uncle Leon and Uncle Vince were they were here a few hours ago but they must've left.

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