Hogsmeade Dates

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After you and Cedric shared that last kiss in the Astronomy tower he walked you to your common room before returning to his own. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, you felt like a child on Christmas day. Cedric departed with a tender hug and one last sweet kiss before speaking a kind goodbye and turning on his heel to return to his common room. A giddy feeling took over as you crawled through the portrait hole to be met with the familiar scenery of the Gryffindor common room. Your eyes scanned the room to find it almost empty except one head of red hair. George Weasley. His eyes were trained on you and his expression was completely blank. 

"Where were you? We were all worried when you rushed out of dinner" He spoke in a low but subtly angry tone. His face remained blank, hints or worry and anger washed across his features.

"And of course Diggory had to go and look for you." He seemed bothered by Cedric but you couldn't figure out why, Cedric was a nice guy why would George dislike him?

"I was in the astronomy tower, I needed to clear my mind. Cedric found me up there and we talked until I felt better." you replied in a slightly confused tone. You purposefully left out the part where you and Cedric kissed, if he was so upset about you and Ced being friends and hanging out then how would he react to you guys kissing? 

"Is that all?" He questioned, it was almost like he knew something was going on. 

"Yes, so if you don't mind I am going to bed" you were already halfway up the girls dormitory stairs before he could reply.

You opened your dormitory door only to be met with all the lights on and Angelina sitting impatiently at the end of your bed. Once the door was closed behind you she started bombarding you with questions. You calmly sat next to her and briefly explained the whole night. Again leaving out the part of you and Ced kissing, for starters you didn't want her to tell Fred resulting in Fred telling George and you didn't know what was going on with you and Ced, sure you both said you wanted to be with each other but technically you aren't dating. Once she was done questioning you, you went to bed.

-Time Skip to the next day(Saturday)-

You were sat under a tree with a book in your hand and a bronze haired boys head in your lap, he had his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. Out of nowhere he spoke, without raising his head from your lap.

"Y/N, do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow? We can go to Hogsmeade." you could hear the excitement in his tone of voice as he spoke to you. You moved you book to your left after placing a bookmark in-between the pages and shifted your gaze down to meet his. His deep grey eyes were sparkling with anticipation and hope, it made the corners of your lips to twitch up into a warm smile.

"I would love to Ced." you replied trying and failing to mask your excitement but you knew you failed as soon as you saw a smirk rise to his lips.

"Meet me tomorrow in the courtyard at 9:00am, okay?" he seemed as eager as you to go on this date, it also seemed as though he had the entire day planned out in his mind already. 

"I can do that" you responded. He softly closed his eyes once more and you opened your book back up as you both sat in a very comfortable silence.


8:05am is what the clock on the wall of your dormitory read when you finally managed to drag yourself out of the comforting covers of your bed and into the chill of the bathroom. You instantly headed for the shower, once you closed and locked the door. Naturally you reached forward and blasted the hot water and waited for it to reach the right temperature, thoughts of Cedric swirled though your mind and distracted you from the now steaming water that streamed from the shower head. The heat now filling the room pulled you out of your thoughts and into the shower. 

I'll love you forever, Ced (Cedric Diggory X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now