Under the tree

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With you face still softly pressed into Cedric's chest he spoke again.

"So, now that you are my girlfriend I'm guessing you will accompany me to the ball."  His voice was calm, you could feel the vibrations of his voice in his chest. You pulled your face from the fabric covering his torso and looked up to his face, he wasn't looking at you though. His eyes were trained on the sun that was setting over the edge of the lake, the glowing yellow orb that slowly drifted behind the waters edge the light illuminating his features perfectly and giving them a tint of orange and pink. He kept his eyes trained on the setting sun as your mind was filled with a scramble of thoughts all surrounding him.

"I would be honored Ced, although I think Cho Chang might be a bit upset about that" you spoke, his face was still glowing with the colors of the sunset as it reflected in his eyes. his features went from relaxed to that of confusion. He didn't say anything just looked down into your E/C eyes noticing what the sunlight was doing to your own face, the colors illuminated it in the perfect way. Soft pinks, oranges and subtle yellows graced your features.

"When she delivered me the note that told me to meet you here she said something along the lines of 'Cedric is supposed to be taking me to the ball, he hasn't asked me but I just know he will, and I wanted to know what he wanted with you' or something like that before walking off." Your gaze shifted to the skyline watching the sun finally dip below the horizon and behind the waters of the lake. He didn't take his eyes off you as he thought about what you just said. 

"You don't need to worry about her, her mother works with my father at the Ministry so her family is quite close with mine, she has liked me ever since we were children. I never returned the feelings but I didn't deny them so I think she has hope for me liking her back." You felt calmer at his words, it seemed like you didn't need to worry anymore but she seemed very serious about it earlier so maybe you do need to worry. You pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind as Cedric unwrapped his arms from you waist and grabbed your hand  before sitting down, dragging you down with him. He laid back and watched the sky observing the stars, you looked through the shining sky but tilted your head to see his eyes locked on you already, a blush formed on your face as you stared lovingly into his deep grey eyes. you leaned over him and planted you lips delicately on his as he leaned up to meet you. You wrapped his hands around your waist once more as she sat up and pulled you onto his lap without taking his soft lips off yours. 


You and Cedric had  completely lost track of time and had to rush through the castle to make it back in time fore dinner. Your hands intertwined as you pulled each other through the corridors and into the Great Hall before departing each other to sit at your respective tables. You sat down next to George and across form Fred and Angelina. A smile never left your lips as you sat next to the ginger boy. As soon as you took your seat the two Gryffindor's across from you sent a puzzled look your way, you brushed it off and began to pack you plate with food before Angelina spoke up.

"Where have you been Y/N? You seem happier then usual" she inquired as you started to eat the food laid out on the plate in front of you. 

"With Cedric I presume" George muttered angrily before slightly moving away from you down the seat, you brushed off his behavior and began to think about how to best answer Angelina's question. 

"Me and Cedric stargazed and watched the sunset for a little bit" you decided best to leave out the part of the story where you were now his girlfriend but sent Angelina a glace that she seemed to pick up. 

"Is that all that happened?" Fred questioned you in a suggestive tone, he must have caught your glace as well.

"Yes Fred that is all that happened" you spoke as you ate and peaked in-between Angelina and Fred to see Ced looking at you before winking and turning his gaze back to his friends. George had to of seen it too as he scoffed and turned away from you. 


You and Angelina sat on your beds in your dorm just chatting, you had to tell her about you and Ced but didn't know how to break the news to her. 

"Hey so you know how me and Ced hung out? He asked e a certain question..." You trailed on.

"Yeah... where are you going with this?" she replied to you.

"Well when I got there he hugged me and we talked, then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" you shoved your head into your pillow not wanting yo see her reaction. 

"WHATT... Y/N YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT? DON'T LIE TO ME!!!!!" she screamed, you pushed your head deeper into your pillow to try and block out some of her screaming.

"yeah he did, but don't tell anyone. I don't know if Ced wants anyone to know yet. Also do not let Fred or George know." you said as seriously as possible knowing if one of the twins found out it would spread like wildfire. 

"Yeah yeah, whatever" she replied.

(1054 words)

Hey everybody, hope you like this chapter. I might try and update this book again later today. Y/N finally got with Cedric, I read some comments before saying how it was weird that they kissed even though they weren't dating but now they are. This chapter name doesn't really apply but I couldn't think of anything else... Thankyou all for reading this book and supporting it, again it is absolutely crazy to me that I have gotten this much support on this book that I made just for fun and to have something to do while on holidays.

I'll love you forever, Ced (Cedric Diggory X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now