The Badges

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A few weeks had passed since the champion selection, Harry Potter the 14 year old boy who's name rose from the Goblet of Fire that one eventful night. The first task was nearing and you couldn't help but worry for the boy you fell in love with. The champions had no idea what the first task could be, they weren't given any clues as to what they would have to face in just a few days. Every chance you got you and Cedric would spend in the library trying to find out what he would have to overcome.

You now were sitting on a bench in the castles courtyard, Cedric laying down taking up majority of the space. His friends surrounded you and on each one of them you saw a badge. 'Support Cedric'. Even the 4th year Slytherin's were wearing these badges, then from a distance the 4th Triwizard champion approached. Slowly each badge changed from the Hufflepuff colors into a murky green and the message transformed into 'Potter Stinks'

"Cedric, can I have a word?" The raven haired boy questioned. Cedric shot up from his seat and slowly made his way to his feet. He quietly muttered a quick 'yeah' and they were off. 

"Read the badge Potter" one Hufflepuff boy shouted in the boys direction.

"You stink Potter" another joined.

"Cheater" a girl added.

"Shut it will you?" You yelled annoyed by the childish behavior of these 16 and 17 year old's.

They all shut their mouths and turned to talk to one another. Looking in the direction of the raven and bronze haired boys and noticing the confused look that spread across the older ones face. What is Harry telling him? You pondered silently.

Then Harry and Cedric parted ways and Ced walked back in your direction, the confused look that was on his face moments ago was replaced with a wide grin that made your stomach do backflips. He sat back down on the bench and turned to you.

"I know what the task is. Now you need to help me make it through" he spoke calmly like he didn't want to attract attention form the people behind you. 

"What is the task, Ced?" you asked and you could hear the confusion in your voice.

"Dragons!" Cedric replied firmly.

"Dragons?" You said shocked, you tried not to alert the groups of people the surrounded you. Cedric nodded confirming that he wasn't joking.

"What are you thinking of doing?" you asked, he needed a plan and a good one.

"I'm top of the year in transfiguration so surely I can do something to distract it, right?" thinking about it for a second you softly nodded approving of his plan. It was far from complete but you needed a start.

"We should go to the library, we will be able to find something now that we know what you are up against" you spoke quietly but still loud enough for him to hear.

At the same moment a commotion from across the courtyard caught your attention. Draco Malfoy your second cousin was on the floor but as a ferret, in front of him stood Professor Moody waving his wand up and down and moving the ferret along with it.

You stood with Ced trying to get a better view of the situation laughing hysterically at the sight before you.

Once he was turned back to the platinum blonde brat you grabbed Cedric's hand and ran as fast as you could into the library, you need as much time as possible.


You and Cedric were still sitting in the library trying to work out an answer to the task that was in a matter of days. 

"What if I just wing it, I could probably think of something on the spot" he spoke softly into the book he was reading almost like he didn't want you to hear it.

"No. Absolutely not, this is dangerous enough as is" you exclaimed loudly, probably too loud for a library,  you couldn't let him go into this competition with nothing.

"Our best shot is if you transfigure something like a rock into something that will distract the dragon"  his eyes lit up at this.

"Omg Y/N your a genius" he exclaimed standing and grabbing all the books spread across the table to put them away. Did he actually have a plan? Before you could register anything else you felt a pair of warm, soft lips press against your cheek lightly. Cedric's figure slowly left the library, but you were stunned. He kissed you.

You snap out of the daze you were stuck in as you realize that it's probably close to dinner time.

(765 words) 

Sorry this chapter is short compared to the others, I've been busy all day but I'll try and update this story again later in the day. Thankyou all for reading this book <3!!

I'll love you forever, Ced (Cedric Diggory X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now