The First Task

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The day had come, Cedric continuously told you that he had a plan that could guarantee him a win. You woke up extremely early, you could barley sleep last night. Your mind was filled with thoughts that scared you. What if Ced gets hurt? What if his plan doesn't work? Why did the ministry hold this competition?  You had doubts swirling through your mind for weeks on end but couldn't get rid of them, did you doubt Cedric's skills? No, of course not, you knew he could do it. Still yo couldn't get rid of these questions.

You turned your head to your left and stared at your alarm clock resting on your bedside table. It read 5:47am. You groaned silently but knew trying to go to sleep was pointless at the moment because of the constant worry filling your mind. You stepped out of bed, your bare feet meeting the cold stone floors of the Gryffindor dormitories, sending shivers down your spine. Departing the warmth and comfort of your bed, you shuffled your way to the bathroom located at the end of your dormitory. You walked inside the shared bathroom and softly closed the door behind you trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake up the sleeping figure of Angelina Johnson (you and Angelina are the only girls in this dorm). Looking into the mirror your lack of sleep was visible, purple bags sat under your eyes, your H/C hair was messy and knotted, your skin was pale and drained of its color. After seeing the condition you were currently in you decided its best to have a long, hot shower. You quickly turned on the water as you stripped yourself of your pajamas, you discarded them onto the floor and stepped into the water that was rapidly heating. Once adjusting the temperature so it was perfect you stepped into the shower and let the warm water bounce off your soft S/C skin. Steam filled the previously cold bathroom air as you just stood under the shower's water enjoying the warmth. Grabbing your shampoo you poured some into your hand before applying to your messy H/C hair. Then slowly rinsing it out of your foamy hair, you leaned down and took hold of the conditioner and repeated the process till your hair was soft and clean. Glancing towards the clock mounted on the wall to check the time, 6:13am, despite spending over 20 minutes under the heated water you still had plenty of time to kill. Reaching out to the towel rack to grab a fluffy F/C(favorite color) towel and began drying your body. 

With just a towel wrapped around your figure you stepped out of the bathroom into your dormitory to grab your uniform before getting changed. On the top of your trunk sat a perfect and new uniform that you quickly snatched before running back into the comfort of the still steamy and warm bathroom.


Time had passed painfully slowly from that morning, but at last Angelina woke from her sleepy state and began getting ready while you just waited quietly for her to finish so you could finally leave. 

You and Angelina walked down to breakfast together. You both sat at the Gryffindor table and began serving yourselves while students filed through the Great Hall's tall doors. You saw a certain Hufflepuff boy walk through said doors and he instantly captured your full attention. You continued to stare into his stormy grey eyes from a distance and he stared into you E/C ones. 


As you walked into the arena the was built specifically for this task with Angelina your nerves continued to multiply. You knew that the twins saved you a seat so it wouldn't hurt to pay a visit to the  champions tent, right?

"Hey Angelina, I'll will be right back I just need to check up on something. Make sure you save me a seat with a good view okay?" you said to the dark haired girl as you ran in the direction of the tent that held the 4 champions without hearing a reply. 

You knew that you would raise questions by waltzing through the front of the tent so you maneuvered your way to a part in the fabric located at the back. After opening the gap you scanned the area for that bronze haired Hufflepuff, you saw him sitting down in his 'quarters' and thinking. You made your way towards him. He must have noticed someone walking in his direction as he looked up and his soft eyes met your once more. His face relaxed and he smiled, flashing you his perfect, white teeth.

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked as he picked you up and spun you around in his toned arms. He chuckled as he set you down on your feet before trapping you in a warm and soft hug.

"Do you really think I would have let you compete without giving you some encouraging words first?" you replied softly as he chuckled again, it truly was like music to your ears. A blush crept onto your cheeks. 

"Plus I wanted to give you this" you added as you stared into his captivating eyes. He replied to your comment with a confused look. You stood on your toes trying to reach the face of the 6'1 male. You lightly pressed your lips to his cheek before standing back on flat feet with a giddy smile. He had a prominent red painted across his face and down his neck. 

"For good luck" you said softly.

"Now I'm bound to win, with you as my good luck charm" now you blushed as you looked down to embarrassed to meet his eyes. He tilted your chin up before teachers and headmasters filed into the tent.

"I better get going if I want to get a good seat to see you win" He smiled at you once more before you left the same way you came in.

You ran back to your seat so you could make it back in time and luckily you spotted your 3 favorite Gryffindor's sat together near the front of the arena. You took your seat on the end of the bench next to Angelina. You waited for the task to begin when the sound of a cannon firing brought your attention of a bronze haired boy wearing a canary yellow jersey making his way into the arena. Cedric. He ran through piles of rocks as the crowds screams encouraged the boy. On the other edge of the arena sat a green dragon that was protecting a array of eggs but one stood out, it was shining and gold standing out amongst the others. Cedric ran his way towards the dragon making you more and more nervous by the second. He was hidden behind a large rock while he took out his wand and transfigured a rock of similar size into a barking golden retriever. As soon as the dragons attention was turned onto the dog and not him he made a run toward the golden egg. He had the egg in his grasp but then the green, scaled beast opened it's jaws.

"LOOK OUT CED!" you screamed as loud as you could even though he wouldn't be able to hear you over the crowd. Just as you thought the dragon spat flurries of fire at the innocent boy. He ducked but that didn't mean that the flames missed him. He ran out of the arena clutching one side of his face and the egg under his arm. You stood and ran in the direction that he ran to knowing you would miss the rest of the task, but you didn't care Cedric was more important right now. 

Once you got to the medical tent you knew you shouldn't barge in on them but you couldn't help it, the boy that you fell head over heels for was almost burnt to death he was your best friend and you couldn't sit by and not see him. You ran through the doors despite protests from professors and sat down by the cot that Cedric was laying on grasping his hand in yours as Madam Pomfrey tended to the boys burns. She applied a thick gel to them and said to him that by the time she is finished nobody will be able to tell he was burned, this comment made you happy knowing that Ced was alright. You didn't want to speak you just like being in his presence knowing that he will be okay. He squeezed your hand and you squeezed his back smiling to yourself.

"You did great Ced, you really are a worthy champion." you said as you returned to a comfortable silence.

(1456 words)

Hello, I'm back everybody sorry for not updating for 2 days. This chapter is a bit longer then the others but I wanted to have a longer one because my last few haven't been as long. I'm happy with how this book is going, I have a few ideas for events like the yule ball but I don't know what I want to happen yet. You guys have all been really supportive, I am so grateful for this it makes me so happy that you guys are enjoying this book. I am so surprised by the amount of people reading this book, I didn't expect any reads in this book and the support that I have received is truly amazing. Thank you all again for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

I'll love you forever, Ced (Cedric Diggory X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now