Hogsmeade Dates pt.2

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Cedric continued to flirt with you while you drank the glasses of butterbeer, a pink tint never left your cheeks but deepened at every comment he made. Once the glasses were emptied the conversation came to a close.

"Where do you want to go next, Y/N" Cedric questioned you quietly from across the table. You took a few moments to think about your options.

"What about Honeydukes?" you questioned back. You always loved Honeydukes the most out of all the stores in Hogsmeade and your eyes lit up when Cedric agreed.

"Lets go then" Cedric said to you as you started digging through your bag to find your wallet  before he placed his hand over yours. His hands dug through his pockets until he pulled out enough money to pay for both his and your drinks before placing it on the table and leading you to the exit. Once outside the cozy walls of the pub the chill hit you and sent a shiver through your body, Ced seemed to notice the chill that you felt from the air seeing as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side despite the chill from the air and warm feeling filled your body and made your cheeks heat up to a deep red.

You trudged through the snowy ground and into the famous candy store in the center of town. The vibrant color of the store stood out against the pure white snow coating the floor, you took Cedric's arm from around you shoulder and instead interlocked his fingers with yours so you could lead him into the crowded store. The shelves were stocked with every candy you could imagine.  You and Cedric both wandered through the shelves grabbing any candy that you wanted. You had a collection of sugar quills, chocolate frogs, fizzing wizzbees and cauldron cakes while Ced had his arms full with fudge flies, sugar quills, chocolate frogs and Bertie Botts every flavor beans. You both made your way to the front of the store to pay. This time you beat him to it, you placed out several gold and silver coins on the counter before the worker placed everything into one big bag that Cedric grabbed. He held your hand with his free hand as you exited the store. Outside the store you spotted 2 heads of red hair standing in front of you with their backs turned, the chill hit you again so Ced wrapped his free arm around your shoulders and pulled you in again as the twins turned to face in your direction. The cold air hit your face and made your already pink cheeks turn a deeper shade. 

"Y/N, what are you two doing here?" George inquired with a flash of anger in his eyes. 

"Me and Cedric are on a date so if you don't mind we would like to resume it." You spoke without faltering once, you didn't know why he hated Ced this much but it made you extremely upset. 

George grabbed Fred by the arm and stormed away further into the village. You felt anger build up inside of you as you led Cedric into a spot in the woods that you came to when you needed to relax and clear your head, nobody knew about this spot but you. Cedric willingly followed you through the trees and into the clearing, the ground was almost clear of snow thanks to the trees that surrounded every edge of the area. There was a single bench sat in front of the trunk of the largest tree on the boundaries. You led him to the bench where you both sat. The bench was clean of snow and completely dry. Cedric's arm was still wrapped securely around your shoulders as you leaned into him and rested your head onto his shoulder. He placed the bag of sweets on the floor before straightening up to let you lay on his shoulder more comfortably. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Ced's soft tone cooed. You weren't sure how much there was to talk about but you needed it off your chest. 

"Yeah, I just don't understand why he isn't happy that I'm happy. I know he likes me and all but can't he see that I'm happy when I'm around you and that you make me a lot happier then some of my other friends ever could?" it felt like you had a slight weight lifted off your shoulders but you know you wouldn't get the satisfaction of being free from the issue until you consult George about it.

You lifted your head of Cedric's shoulder and placed it in your hands. You had so much on your mind and then this whole George situation ruined your date with Ced and you couldn't help but feel like it was partially your fault. 

You felt a strong pair of hands lift your face from your own hands , Ced turned your face so that you looked him in the eye and his hands rested on your cheeks. He softly placed his lips over yours, you felt a calm rush over your body. He pulled away and looked at you with a soft gaze.

"It's okay, Y/N. He will come around, you can't let it get to you." he spoke to you in a sincere and caring tone that made you smile. You leaned in and met his soft lips with your own, this kiss lasted long and was more loving then the other. you smiled into the kiss as you both pulled away.

(926 words)

Hello guys. Thank you all for 400+ reads that is absolutely crazy to me. I have absolutely no idea where this book is going, I have a vague idea of some events but honestly I have no clue. What did you guys think of this chapter? Also I apologize if anything doesn't make sense it is currently 2:15am and I felt the urge to write so I did. Thank you all again for the support on this book and thank you all just for reading it. 

I'll love you forever, Ced (Cedric Diggory X Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now