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  The next day, I awoke and started to do something...new. Dressing up. As I looked at the outfits on my bed, I sighed and decided that fashion makes no sense at all. Why was I even doing this again? Oh yeah, to attract more attention...Or a certain person's attention?  The evil and absolutely dumb voice in my head asked coyly. Shut up. I told it firmly. Oh great, now I am talking to myself. Jesus, fashion drives me crazy.

  I looked down at the outfits I bought online and scratched my head in puzzlement. The outfits were so,,,weird. A very tight piece of white clothing that had no straps, was it a shirt or a skirt?! A skirt that is waaay too small. A pair of jeans with rips. Wait, they do that on purpose??? And a shirt that is tiny. Ugh...I have no idea what I am supposed to wear. 

  Shaking my head in defeat, I randomly pulled on the tiny red shirt and the ripped jeans. Woah, why are there holes in the shirt's sleeves? Damn, it is cold. Too much exposed skin! I quickly tugged a white jacket around me and proceeded to the bathroom. Taking out my phone, I pulled up the tutorial and started doing the make up.

  I gingerly smeared bright red lipstick on my lips and darkened my eyebrows carefully. Ew, I hate the feeling of make up on my skin. So...artificial and heavy. I added some oil onto my hair, smoothing it down. Tentatively, I looked up into the mirror and looked again curiously. My cheekbones looked sharper, my jaw more angular and sleek, I guess. 

  The lipstick brought out my hair and shirt and my eyes looked...sparkly. My hair came down in cascading waves, sleek and shiny and,,,not me.  This was not me. Then, I caught a glimpse of the clock and swore colourfully under my breath. I was running late! "How do girls do this all the time? Seriously, do they have too much time on their hands? First and last time! First. And. Last. Time." I muttered darkly under my breath as I grabbed my bag and books and sprinted for the door.

  Besides, it is not as if this look will work and affect anything. 

  Bang! I crashed into a guy and my books and bag went flying. "¡Mierda!" I swore in Spanish before muttering an apology to the blonde and hurriedly picking up my stuff. "Here, miss." A familiar voice said as he handed me my Chemistry book. I whipped around quickly. "James?"

  James looked at me up and down, eyes wide, mouth open, something sparkling in his eyes. "...Lorna?"  I smiled shyly in response. "You...You look nice." He stammered and heat rose to m cheeks as I hooked my hair behind my ear and adverted my gaze, my head screaming something along the lines of "Arslosch! Saumensch! Saukerl!"German and you don't want to know. "Where are you rushing off to?" 

  I broke out of my trance. "School! I'm running late!" I exclaimed.

  He gave me a flat look. "You're usually 40 minutes early. Now you're 20 minutes early. Chill."

  I gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged. 

  As we walked to school, I started up a conversation. "Sooo...every school has a bully. What's our school's?" I asked casually. This is what I had wanted to know since forever. Since I'm no longer trying to keep a low profile, might as well kick some butts, right? 

  "Well, we have three groups of bullies actually. First, there's 5 muscular boys led by Brandon. Then, there's Josh's group of 5. Finally, there are those gangsters from the upper levels." He gave me a suspicious look. "Look, I suggest you steer clear of them. Even though you seem to be a good enough of a fighter, but you don't want to anger all three groups of bullies. That would probably end up in chaos and disaster. Especially the gangsters led by Jeremiah." 

  I gave him a smile but that seemed to make him even more worried. Hmm, I wonder why. 

  Well, let's just say I am not exactly the best listener in the world. In the middle of Chemistry lesson, I went to the toilet and stumbled upon a group of 5 boys. My guess is that it was Brandon's group. All brawn no brains. Let's just say that I put them out of business. Same goes for Josh's group. Public humiliation during lunch. Priceless!

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