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  The source of the voice was a pale boy with jet black hair and matching eyes. He was graceful and cool but he seemed to radiate a certain type of power and authority. But when you look into his eyes, eyes are the windows to your soul after all, you could see a certain darkness and coldness in them. Like he hated life or like he was simply lifeless. Emotionless. Whilst most mundanes would simply back away slowly, we magical creatures would simply turn and run like our lives depended on it---because it does.

  See, does eyes are simply not natural. It has shadows creeping about, suppressing the host. Yes, host. This poor boy, whoever he is, is no longer himself. He is being Puppeted, meaning vampires are controlling him through Shadow Magic. No choice, I would have to fight now. I studied the boy with more and more fear.

  This Puppeteer is clearly a professional. To hold for a full five minutes is a sensational wonder, to hold more than that is simply a miracle. Shadow Magic is very draining and if one is not careful, he may die together with the host. Puppetting is strictly against the law which means that I have some really powerful vampire criminals on my tail. Judging from the way the boy moves, I would have to say that it is a league of assassins after me.

  I saw the a smile slide across the boy's face as he saw realisation dawn on my face. He dealt with a few swift blows, breaking a few ribs and my wrist with professional precision. My eyes watered as a yelp escaped my lips. "This girl is trying to manipulate you. She'd just try to make a run for it." He said tonelessly, his eyes sneering at me. Ooh, busted. Ah well, time to make my move. 

  I used the same trick as before and dislocated my arm. I saw the Puppet's eyes widen as he realised what I was doing but too late, I had slipped form the boys' grasps and slammed the two into a wall. I hit another boy gently in the solar plexus, just enough to get him hacking before I slammed an elbow onto another's head.

  I turned around just in time to block the Puppet's blow from above. We were evenly matched. His blows were quick and swift, his defence simple yet effective. I was the wild one, flexible and unpredictable, with no apparent pattern. But I was injured and he caught me unawares. He quickly swiped my feet from under me and pinned me to the ground, hard. I tasted blood in my mouth as I gasped for air.

  "You're getting slow...fairy."

  I opened my mouth to retort when I heard a door being slammed open and the Puppet was thrown off me in a blur. Aching, I slowly got up just in time to see the Puppet run off and the last boy being rendered unconscious. The boy turned around and...it was James. 

  "Are you...?" He asked concernedly, helping me up. 

  "I'm not dead if that's what you're asking." I breezed. He wheezed out a laugh, letting his worries loose. "...Thanks." I muttered. James smiled silently as he swung my arm to drape over his broad shoulders. 

  "Let's get out of here." 

  I limped beside him, the silence in the air not awkward but comfortable. Like we understood each other and there was simply no need for words between us. I thought about the Puppet. I have to up my game if I wanted to survive. Maybe the attention seeking idea was not the best after all. No matter. Now, I just have to increase my training. It would not do well for me to be unprepared now that I have been warned.

  Just then, something caught my eye. "Oh come on!" I snarled under my breath as I hurriedly pulled James into an alley. James gave me a questioning look, but at least he had the sense to keep his mouth shut. I peered out. It was those men who had rudely stolen my bag last time. Honestly, you'd think that bad a beating would keep them away but noooo....Mundanes are all like that, they simply cannot bear the thought of losing and would die for their pride. 

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