Chapter 17

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Sorry that its so short but I thought I couldn't leave it at that.

This is a brief, filler chapter so expect more for the next chapter. Please vote and comment:))

All I can register is the droning drum within my head. I groan in pain, breathing heavily to try and ventilate my sense. The feel of soft, thick carpet tickles my nose. I ball in fingers into the plush fabric trying to collect myself.

Where am I? Where is Gray?

I'm up on my feet almost immediately, my eyes searching around the room I am in. I repeatedly pray over and over again that President Mangold has not given that vile letter to Grayson. Perhaps if I can find him then I can prevent my horrendous fear.

I stagger blindly to the door, finding it hard to control my feet as the wooziness of my head blurs my vision. I shake desperately on the door knob, panicking when I find it is locked. My fists beat against the wood as I yell though I know my attempts will be in vain. My screech of exasperation echoes around the room as I turn around and sink down against the door.

The room I am in has no defining features. It is merely an empty, carpeted room with a door and an enormous pane window that looks over into an elegantly furnished room. Couches, papered walls, flower vases and china set adorn it; A complete contrast to the barren room I am in. I frown with confusion. What the hell is this room for?

The door of the other room opens and President Mangold walks in, closely followed by Grayson. I lose my breath as my heart begins to hammer within my chest. Octavia sidles in after Gray and shuts the door. She resumes her controlled demeanor by folding her arms and leaning against the wall as if she is trying full well to blend into the paper.

I scramble to my feet, and sprint over to the window. I bang on the window desperately, yelling his name. But neither of them react.

"I'm sure that Oliver will be very grateful to have his real match with him again." The President says, striding into the middle of the room.

"I hope so." Grayson replies tightly. "Where is Elle?"

He looks...terrible to put it bluntly. For someone so enticing, he has vivid dark circles under his eyes. His tanned skin has lost its vigour but his eyes, his eyes are the most haunting feature. The stone grey colour no longers sparks with the promise of passion nor excitement. My Grayson has succumbed to the detached, impassive persona I thought I did not need to associate him with anymore.

I attempt at yelling his name again but my efforts are in vain. A one way looking glass; the kind they use to torture information out of criminals. I can hear and see them yet they are oblivious to my prescence. At least Grayson is.

The President casts an all-knowing glance in my direction before clearing his throat.

"I thought we should retire into this room so that I could deliver this news to you in private." The President begins.

Please, please, please no! I beat my fists tirelessly against the glass, praying that by some miracle, it will shatter and reveal me to Grayson.

"What news?" Grayson asks coldly. Everything about him seems to be completely insenstive.

"As you know, we made our agreement for the return of both Ana and Elle to their rightful dwellings. However, a few hours ago, Elle managed to escape out of the manor after rewiring our security network."

Gray's eyebrows raise. "You're telling me that the security system of the president's home is able to be hacked by a teenage girl?" His voice has a poignant edge to it, haughty and disdainful.

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