Chapter 20

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Fairly happy with this chapter although I do apologise for the combined effort of mine and google translate's spanish;)

CHAPTER 20 : PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT (i love all of your comments btw) IF YOU ENJOY IT!:)

Who are you?" I stutter out, trying to scramble as far away from the boy as possible. The thick blanket wound tightly around my legs, restricts my movement. He lowers his hand and places the necklace back in his pocket. The stinging of my shoulder stops.

"Drink." The boy says holding a cup towards me. Despite my pounding head and aching thirst, I shake my head in refusal. Who knows what he could have put in there. Never trust a stranger and especially not an Exhile.

I buried it deep within my pocket for a reason. Well two actually. One I wouldn't lose it. Secondly, smothering it with the material of my dress helps me to forget its there, it helps to block the pain it causes me.

I don't see his face when its hidden.

His tousled, ragged hair and beseeching eyes stare at me inquisitively as he cocks his head to the side. Perhaps he doesn't understand? Do the people in this dwelling not speak? The boy continues to stare at me dubiously. His naivety calms me for some reason; he seems too innocent and too young. I'd say about 13 years old at most.

"Can you speak?" I ask. The boy's intensive stare begins to worry me.

The large brown eyes are deceiving me. Who knows what dangers lie behind them. His body may appear to be thin, but I can see the lean muscle beneath his dirty shirt.

The boy sits back on his knees before pointing his finger to himself.

"Mikay." He says slowly. "M-I-K-A-Y."

I repeat his name slowly and the boy nods delightedly, an infectious smile spreading across his face. He then points to me, signalling for me to respond.

"Elle." I reply.

"Elle." The boy repeats, rolling the name around on his tongue. "L?" He asks, tracing the letter in the air with his finger.

"E-L-L-E." I spell it out for him.

The boy nods fervently and repeats the letters after me. Good grief - does he not go to school?

"Did you bring me here?"

"Yes - I drag you." He replies.

"What dwelling are we in?"

"Dwelling?" The boy repeats, perturbed by my question. Surely we must be in a dwelling. A horrible thought springs to my mind. I was wandering outside of the 1st dwelling within the forests, with no measurable way of knowing how far I had walked.

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