Chapter 10

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I decided to update because I felt inspired to write. I knew what I wanted to write and I also wanted to thank you guys for the unbelievable amount of support I've been receiving for Number 5. I think (despite my worry that it was not the best) that chapter 9 has been my most successful yet.

I am so happy that everyone has been enjoying it so much. I take special care and attention to read all the comments on each chapter (thank you everyone - I really appreciate every single one) because I love knowing what you guys are thinking, what you think is going to happen and what you actually want to happen. Thank you so much for every who has voted or commented on any of the chapters because although I do write for my own enjoyment, it gives me such pleasure to know that the feeling is shared with others.

If you read all the way through my little thank you rant there, you're one of my favourite people;)

So without further ado, here is chapter 10 - please vote and COMMENT if you like it:))

I sit at the kitchen counter toying with the idea of phoning Ana again. I would ask Grayson but he's gone again. Frankly, I feel quite relieved. Last night was obviously a mistake, a lapse in judgement on my part. I said I'd try, not go about staying the night with him.

But why does it hurt that he left without saying goodbye. I sigh to myself and blow gently on the warm mug of tea in my hands. Why must everything be so confusing? Rolling my crescent moon charm across my fingertips, I wonder where Grayson's is. I've never seen him wear his.

I'm suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of frustration. I have no outlet, no person to talk to. Ana is hiding from me and Carson and the rest of my family both have their own lives to live. I only saw them yesterday in any case - I cannot expect them to uproot their lives for me.

Picking the phone of the wall, I dial Ana's number. I need to find out what is going on. I cannot bear the suppressed feelings of anxiety that only threaten to cascade over my barriers at any second. I breathe with the relief when I hear the line connect; at least shes not ignoring me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Elle." Ollie's voice replies coolly. Damn.

"Hi, may I speak to Ana please?"

"Ana is otherwise engaged." He replies smoothly.

"Could you tell her its me?"

"She does not want to speak to you Elle." Ollie says.

"What are you talking about? I'm her sister." I exclaim, outraged by the suggestion.

"I am aware of that."

"Just please let me speak to her." I say. "I know she'll want to talk to me."

"How can you be so sure?" Ollie replies. I scowl at the mocking tone of his voice.

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