Chapter 2

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Dedicated to Scyrenne for the amazing cover she made :)

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The car ride to the train station is eerily surreal. This could be my last car ride with my parents. If I get matched then I will go and live in my match's dwelling. My stomach knots.

My eyes drift to my parents entwined hands over the gearstick of the car. Will I have that? What will my match look like? I sigh to myself and shove those thoughts to the back of my mind. I shoudn't even be considering it. I don't want a match.

"Once you've arrived in the city, you'll be directed to the summoning grounds." My father turns his head to face us while mum's eyes stay locked on the road in front. "From there you'll be segregated into your caste and you'll be called upon to take the final match test."

I relax slightly at the idea we'll be in our caste all day. At least Ana and I will stay together. We won't have to spend the day with unfamiliar people of a different caste. Not that we would speak to them in any case.

"And then what happens?" Ana asks.

"Sometime in the afternoon they'll round all of the castes up in a big square. Don't worry, they have desginated areas for each caste Elle." Dad adds, noticing my widened eyes. I sink back further into the plush leather. "President Mangold will then announce the matches."

"What is the city like dad?" Ana responds.

My dad frowns. "I didn't get to see very much of it when I was summoned. I only went the once."

The city is near the coast; near the 1s. It is only used for the Summonings and council meetings between the castes. Most people only visit it once.

Ana and my parents carry on the conversation but I can barely tolerate the mere thought of being so close to the dwellings of the 1s. My lip begins to tremble with terror as the car draws up to the station. This is where I leave my parents and my life behind. I can't do this.

"Can I reject my match?" My thoughts unconciously slip from my lips. Ana stares at me with horror. My parents expressions are akin to Ana's.

'Never ever reject your match - no matter who they are'

"Elle you can't." Ana gasps. "You'll be exiled."

I shrug. Perhaps being exiled would be better than being forced to spend the rest of my life with a person I have not chosen. My mother parks the car in one of the spaces before turning to me. Her eyes search my face frantically.

"Why would you say that Elle?" She asks.

I shake my head. She wouldn't understand anyway. Everything worked out for my parents like a fairytale. Who is to say I'll have that as well.

"I could end up with my own personal nightmare." I mutter under my breath. My parents don't hear but Ana does.

"You said it would be okay." She says.

"Enough." My father snaps. "Elle you will not reject your match. I will not have you exiled. Do you hear me?"

"Yes." I mutter. My fingers clench around the moon charm around my neck. A sudden desire to rip the horrendous necklace of my chest almost chokes me. A stern glare from my father causes me to release my hand from the charm.

Out of the window, I notice other children with their suitcases bidding goodbye to their parents. I recognise a few of the faces from school but I do not know their names. We were always discouraged from conversing with anyone other than family members. You are supposed to experience your first relationship aside from your family with your match.

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