Chapter 27

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Helloooo, I'm back.

Happy with this chapter seeing as I had no idea where I was going with it. I now know where I am and what I'm doing.

Hope you enjoy it!

Thank you so much for all the inboxes, I really appreciate it and I've hopefully got back to all of you!

PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOY IT! (please comment - your suggestions and feedback really help)

For the first time in weeks, I'm left to fend off the nightmares again. Since being released from the cell, I thought I'd overcome the demons of my subconscious. However, they are back.

I sigh and roll off to the cool side of the pillow. Could it be Grayson's sudden departure? I roll my eyes. I reached this conclusion the day he left yet I'm still lying here.

Perhaps I should have stopped him? But once again I reach another conclusion. I would only distract him from the greater task. I cannot be the selfish little girl that destroys any chance of safety for both her sister and all the dwellings.

I hear the door creak open and I glance over my shoulder. Its Bree.

"Elle are you awake?" She whispers.

"Yeah." I reply groggily, rolling over to face Uncle Max's match.

"I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Is everything alright?" I ask, because judging by her tight and apprehensive expression, it is not. I switch on the light beside my bed and it reflects off the clear droplets rolling down her cheeks.

"Um..." She pauses. "This sounds so silly."

I pat the bed beside me and she smiles gratefully. She looks so tired. Her auburn hair is tied back in a messy style with a few strands clinging like wisps to her face. I haven't spent much time with my aunt but I know that her eyes should not normally be full of this much misery.

It seems eyes are always the true indicators of our feelings. With Gray, Ana, Ollie - anyone I have ever hurt has always shown me through their eyes.

Bree sighs heavily as she sits down next to me. I pull my knees up to my chest, waiting for her to make the first move. For a few moments, she stares numbly ahead.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to go to." She sighs heavily, wiping her thumb under the eye that has begun to leak.

"Is everything alright?"

", I don't even know anymore."

"Is it Max?"

Bree sniffs. "God no. It's me - I've done something awful."

I pause. "What did you do?" I ask tentatively. Bree bites her lip as further tears begin to splash over her lashes.

"I got pregnant."

"That's fantastic surely?" I reply.

"No but that's the problem."

I take her hand in mine, squeezing it reassuringly however it only makes her cry harder. I am silent for a few moments. "How is a baby a problem?" I ask softly.

"Because Max is going to leave me."

"What?" I cry.

Bree quickly plasters her hand across my mouth, her eyes widening as if to ask whether or not I am crazy. The answer is no. I think.

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