Chapter 3

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We file off the train in awed silence. I feel as though my eyes are bulging. Nothing in the third dwelling looks anything like this. The grandeur of even the outskirts is overwhelming.

The colossal slabs greet the clouds. With every step I take, my reflection, Ana's, Harriet's and the rest of the 3's in the glass windows are mirrored. They're everywhere and it seems that so are we. The 200 or so 3's are reflected off every surface. As we troop along, my eyes are everywhere. The windows, the sky, the buildings...I try and retain everything I am seeing; this is not something I want to forget.

"Boys and girls, please follow the green arrows on the floor to the Summoning Grounds. From there, you will be instructed of your schedules before you are led to your retiring rooms where you shall be stationed for the day. President Mangold's speech will commence at 2.40pm and then the Sorting will begin. If you are absent, you shall be punished." A voice announces from a speakerphone on the surface of the glassed building.

My stomach flips again. The foreboding feeling returns as I realise that there is no escaping now. I'm trapped in a city of glass.

We move in a body down the straight street in front. We are walking in the veins of the city to return to its heart; the Summoning grounds. The monotonous thud of footsteps echoes off the walls and vibrates down the street. Its like our own personal warning that the 3's approaching. I scoff at myself. I make it sound like we're an army marching into battle when we are anything but united.

"Its huge." Harriet exhales.

Up ahead, my eyes focus on the advancing square area. The most pronounced feature of it is the grand pillared building constructed out of stone of the purest white that borders the far end of the square. An broad alabaster staircase leads up to the pillars that guard the entrance to the hall. My eyes flicker from the engravements to the carved pillars and then back to the engravements. Dancing figures decorate the building in rows. We're so close that my eyes can focus on every minute detail. Its breathtaking.

In front of the hall is a scene that is instantly recognised by every 3. The sorting stage causes a simultaneous gasp to be released from each mouth. It looks exactly the same as it has in the pictures we've been shown. Images of President Mangold speaking on the stage enter my mind. That must mean he resides in the hall.

A brazen idea suddenly crosses my mind. I'm shocked at it even myself. Am I that desperate? Could I really do that? I push the thought to the back of my mind. I might as well sign my own death warrant if I decided to act on that idea.

"Earth to Elle." I hear Ana say, snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.


"I've been calling your name for the past two minutes." She says worriedly.

"Sorry, I was just looking at the hall." I respond. Ana glances at the hall and nods. I breathe out heavily. My sister would not want to hear my rebellious thoughts; I don't want to ruin our last day together.

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