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xi. todd father!

wendy carmichael's joy and relief didn't last for long as the group began to direct their attention to eleven, who was in a great deal of pain. the group peered at her leg, curious of what was causing her pain.

wendy kept one hand on steve's arm, scared of whatever could possibly jump out at them and her other hand rested on eleven's shoulder to give her comfort in a time of pain.
"what is that?" erica sinclair leaned in slightly to look at the movement that was occurring under eleven's leg.

eleven let out wails of terror and sobs as she gripped wendy's hand that was on her shoulder.
"something's in there." mike wheeler concluded.

before the group knew it, jonathan byers was sporting a knife that had been heated, and wendy carmichael's eyes widened in shock.
"el? this is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" jonathan prompted, and el agreed. "need you to stay real still. here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" will's older brother commented as he handed eleven a wooden spoon.

jonathan brought the knife towards eleven's leg and wendy felt herself gag ever so slightly.
"oh dear god." wendy muttered and turned her head away.

steve harrington's hand caressed wendy's arm to comfort her, and he felt the gauze wrap that was on her arm. he made a mental note to ask her about that later.

wendy tried to drown out the sounds of eleven's screaming and sobbing, she heard the group gasp as she kept her head away from them. suddenly, wendy heard eleven whimper out a weak "i can do it."

looking back towards the group, wendy watched as eleven held her hand out towards her leg and attempted to remove the thing that was causing her pain. eleven wailed and screamed out in pain, continuing to remove the unknown source. glass around the group shattered from the frequencies of eleven's powers.

the group gasped and moved away from the broken glass, trying to not get hurt. wendy watched as eleven extracted a piece of the creature that they had encountered before from her leg. the tiny creature screamed as eleven flung it away from the group. a shoe stepped on the creature, and everyone looked up to see chief hopper, joyce byers, and a random man.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

the plan was simple—steve, robin, erica, and dustin were going to help chief hopper and make sure that the frequencies of the walkies reached down into the russian base.
"i'm switching teams." wendy spoke up, and everyone looked at her.

"what?" chief hopper questioned. steve harrington slung his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders, nodding at jim hopper.

"we don't wanna be apart anymore, so, wendy's switching teams." steve stated. this resulted in an eyeroll from the chief, but he agreed.

"okay, wendy is with harrington. robin, you're with them." he announced the change of plans.

as wendy carmichael sat in the passenger seat of the "todd father" car that hopper had given them the keys to, she grew curious as to where they were going. she looked over towards steve and a small smile worked its way onto her face. steve could feel that someone was staring at him, and once he glanced over, he saw his girlfriend smiling at him.

"what's on your mind?" steve asked as he continued to drive to weathertop, he extended his right hand out for wendy to grab. she accepted his hand and shrugged.
"i don't know, i'm just happy that you're alive. you fell off the face of the earth and then everything started happening with eleven and the mindflayer and all i wanted was you by my side." wendy confessed, leading to a smile on steve's face.

from the back seat, dustin henderson let out a groan and wendy turned back to look at him.
"why do i always get stuck with you two?" the teenaged boy sighed.

steve continued to drive on what seemed like a never ending roadtrip.
"jesus, how far is this place, man?" steve was starting to get impatient.
"relax, we're almost there." dustin reassured.

"suzie must be pretty special, hm? if you built this thing and carried it all the way to the middle of nowhere just to talk to her? not to mention, you replaced my little sister with suzie from camp." wendy continued to look at dustin with a raised brow.

"you what?! henderson, you dumped susie for....suzie?" steve glanced at dustin in the rearview mirror.

dustin felt his face grow hot as he was placed under the spotlight.
"that was a dick move, dustin. she was really hurt about it. you could've at least found a girl with another name." wendy added.

"i liked susie carmichael, yes, but then i met suzie and no one's scientifically perfect but suzie's about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be. and you're one to talk, steve, you were in love with wendy while dating nancy." dustin defended himself.

"hey!" steve warned at the same time that erica sinclair said "she sounds made-up to me."

"left. turn left." dustin instructed.
"there's not a road here." steve disagreed.
"turn left now!" dustin exclaimed.

steve swerved and turned left, leading the car up a hill as everyone gripped onto their seats.
"oh god, we're not gonna make it, steve." wendy looked over at steve.

steve harrington tried to coach the car into continuing up the hill but the engine started to strain. he soon realized that the car couldn't go any future, so he killed the ignition and everyone filed out of the car.

dustin and erica rushed to set up the radio tower, in attempts of getting it started so that they could communicate with hopper, joyce, and murray.

steve and wendy stayed back away from the two kids, steve thought that it was a good time to ask wendy about what she had been through.
"what's the bandage for?" steve motioned towards wendy's arm.

the girl looked down at her arm, she had completely forgotten about the bandage wrap around her arm, it had seemed so long ago.
"billy." she said nonchalantly.
"what?" steve scoffed, a frown settling onto his face.

wendy saw that this upset her boyfriend and she shook her head.
"no no, it wasn't actually billy. the, the mindflayer was controlling him and we were trying to get it out of him. but he grabbed me a-and he grabbed a piece of something and dragged it from my bicep to like the middle of my arm. doesn't hurt much anymore though, max patched me up." wendy grabbed her arm with her hand.

she watched as steve stared at the bandage, and she placed her hand against his swollen cheek.
"steve, i'm okay. i promise." she whispered and pressed a soft kiss to his other cheek.

"i just don't want anything like this to happen anymore. i shouldn't have lied to you about the russians, but i just....ugh! i'm sorry." steve felt guilty about dragging wendy's into his world. he felt that this was all his fault.

"it's not your fault. i would take demogorgans and you over anything." wendy reassured.

steve's brown eyes looked down at his girlfriend, her brunette roots were starting to peek through the blonde dye. her hazel eyes looked tired and she looked like a mess, but he still thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. he knew that all of this would be some adventure story that they could tell their kids some day.

"i love you." was all he could respond with as he brushed her hair out of her face with his finger tips. wendy smiled and opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by dustin henderson.

"hey love birds, we got it to work! now get over here!" dustin called out.

it never ends, wendy thought.

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