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ii. speaking the truth!

lori carmichael enjoyed being a housewife. being able to take care of her home and her family was one of her favorite things in the world. however, days like these tested her patience. lori sighed as she set down the shirt that she had been folding. 'physical' by olivia newton-john was blasting from down the hallway, though it was slightly muffled by wendy's closed door.

whenever steve harrington came over and wendy closed her door, lori knew that it was best for her to leave the house. she trusted her daughter to make wise decisions when it came to having a boyfriend—but lori still hated to be in the house with two hormonal teenagers.

"just don't mess up the hair, i have to go to work soon." steve spoke in between kisses, laying back on wendy's bed. the seventeen year old snickered at her boyfriend's comment.
"you're so superficial," she teased, resulting in a scoff from steve. "kidding." wendy pressed a kiss to his lips.

the two teenagers heard the sound of the garage door go up, and they looked at each other. steve reached for wendy's shirt, pulling it over her head as she sang along to the song.

"let's get physical, physical." wendy sang along, dancing to the music.

a couple of days had passed since the 'billy incident' and wendy was starting to feel better. she still thought about him, but she was more focused on dedicating time to steve.

steve harrington smiled up at his girlfriend as she danced to the song.
"you're beautiful, you know that?" he rested his hands on either side of her face. wendy stopped singing, her heart swelling from his comment. she began to think about how she was moving away for college. her and steve would have to start a long distance relationship—she would be over seven hundred miles away.

"i don't wanna leave you." she whispered, leaning her forehead against his. the two were inches apart. he leaned up slightly, kissing her swiftly.
"don't worry about that right now. we said that we wouldn't talk about college." he reminded her.

the day that wendy received her acceptance letter from new york university was a rough one. steve found out that she was going and the two had their first real argument, resulting in them not talking for two days. after realizing that both of them were wrong in their argument, the couple made the agreement to not talk about college during their summer vacation.

"i-i know, but i don't want to go steve. i'm going to miss you," she placed her hand against his face. "i love you and i can't be eleven hours from you." she rushed through her sentence.

steve's eyes widened at her statement—she loves him. he opened his mouth to speak, but his eyes glanced over towards the clock in wendy's room. he had ten minutes to get to work.

"oh shit!" he moved from under wendy, causing her to gently flop back down on her bed. she looked at him in disbelief, she had finally told him the words that she had been wanting to say to him.
"excuse me?" she raised an eyebrow.

"i ha-i have to go! i'm going to be late for work." steve pulled his shirt back onto his body and fixed his hair. he leaned back on the bed to press a kiss to wendy's lips and then he rushed out of the room without another word.

his brain hadn't fully processed what she had said to him. wendy's mouth was opened ajar and she couldn't believe what had just happened.
"unbelievable. men are unbelievable." she grumbled as she put her shirt back on.

it wasn't until steve harrington was sitting in his car that he realized what wendy had said.
"she loves me," he laughed lightly. "oh my god she loves me," his eyes widened. he processed that he had left her without saying it back. "ah shit! she loves me and i left her." he killed the engine and leaned back in his seat.

he thought about how he could make it up to her. steve glanced down at his watch—five minutes. he had five minutes to get to work. could robin handle scoops ahoy alone? she owed him one. he did cover for her that one day that she had a cold.

steve got out of his car and closed the door. he had to make it up to wendy. going back up to the doorstep carmichael house, steve opened the door. he probably should've locked the door on his way out.

"mom?" wendy called out as she walked down the stairs. steve closed the door behind him and locked it. wendy reached the bottom step, realizing that it was steve.

"oh. did you leave something?" she frowned, embarrassed from him not saying 'i love you' back to her. steve harrington shook his head as he walked over to her, pressing his lips to hers. his hands rested on her face. wendy carmichael kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.

steve pulled away slowly and looked down at her. he had been waiting to say these words for a long time.
"i love you too, wendy." he whispered.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"what part of i can't go to the mall don't you understand, wen?" steve groaned from the passenger seat of wendy carmichael's 1983 audi quattro.
"i doubt your boss is going to care!" wendy sighed as she drove along the streets of hawkins.

"it's not my boss that i'm worried about, it's robin. she'll kill me if she sees that i'm not actually sick." steve responded.

susan carmichael sat in the backseat, listening to her sister argue with steve harrington. the fourteen year old sighed and leaned her head against the window, staring out of it. she was just ready to get to their destination.

it wasn't until ten minutes later that she felt the car come to a stop. wendy turned the car off and turned around to face her sister in the backseat.
"go get her, me and steve'll wait." wendy nodded towards the house that they had stopped at.

susie did as told, rushing to get out of the car. once she closed the door, wendy looked back at steve.
"so we'll stay away from scoops ahoy. i promise." wendy rested her hand on top of his.

"where are we? whose house is this?" steve raised an eyebrow, looking at the house. susie carmichael walked back down the driveway, max mayfield following behind her, skateboard in hand. steve turned back to his girlfriend, shooting wendy a look of disbelief.

"billy's house. we're at billy's house." he scoffed, and wendy rolled her eyes.
"steve, stop it! you know that max is like a little sister to me. and besides, her and susie are becoming close friends." wendy leaned over, pressing a swift kiss to his cheek.

the two young teenagers got into the car and max placed her skateboard on the floor in front of her. wendy turned around to see the girls and she grinned widely.
"max! i missed you!" wendy smiled and steve watched as the girls talked about their summers and how much they missed each other. both wendy and steve could tell that susie carmichael's mood instantly improved now that she had her friend by her side.

wendy turned back around to face the steering wheel, a smile on her face.
"to starcourt we go!"
"this is going to end badly."

happy birthday wendy carmichael!
it's her 52nd birthday today :o!

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